BBC 6 minute English-Homesickness

BBC 6 minute English-Homesickness

BBC 6 minute English-Homesickness


Transcript of the podcast

NB: This is not a word for word transcript

Jennifer: Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. I’m Jennifer and I’m joined by Finn

Finn: Hello Jen. In this programme, we’re going to talk about homesickness. That’s the feeling that you get when you’re away from home and miss it – feel sad because you would like to be there. Do you ever get homesick, Jen

Jennifer: Oh yes. I live in London now, but I was born in the north-east of England, which is a three-hour train journey away. Sometimes I wish I could go back home and see my family. How about you

Finn: I’ve felt homesick when I’ve spent time in other countries. It’s very common and a lot of people suffer from it

Jennifer: We’ll talk soon about some tips that you can use to combat, or overcome, homesickness, but first, a quiz question

Finn: Ok, I’m ready

Jennifer: What percentage of students experience homesickness in their early days at university

a) 50%

b) 60%

c) 70%

Finn: I’m going to say b) 60%

Jennifer: We’ll find out if you’re right at the end of the programme. So, if you are homesick, how does it feel

Finn: Well, I think you can often feel very lonely, especially if you’ve moved to a foreign country where the language is different to yours. You can feel quite isolated – feeling that you’re on your own with no one to help

Jennifer: That’s true. It’s often very difficult when you don’t know many people. It’s stressful. It can be hard to make friends, and you will often think about your friends and family back at home

Finn: You could say that you pine for your home. That means that you really want to go back and see some familiar faces, or people you know

Jennifer: I miss my friends and family lots. But when I’m feeling homesick, I also miss places, sounds and smells

Finn: You might see a picture of your hometown, which can make you feel a bit sad, because you’re not there

Jennifer: Food is something else that I long for – I want it very much – when I’m away from home. There are lots of regional foods which you can’t get in London, but the thing I miss the most is my mum’s home cooking. If I smell something that reminds me of home, I feel extremely homesick

Finn: You’re starting to make me feel homesick now! Nowadays lots of people live, work or study away from home. People travel all over the world, and homesickness is a growing problem

Jennifer: Lots of people will experience mild homesickness – so they feel a little sad, but they can deal with it. Other people have more extreme homesickness

Finn: They might experience panic attacks or nightmares

Jennifer: … and some people withdraw from society altogether. That means they don’t go out or interact with anyone

Finn: Some people think that if you feel that homesick, you should just go home! But often it’s not as easy as that, especially if you are studying or working somewhere

Jennifer: There are ways to make it better, though. Modern technology has helped a lot of people to stay in touch with their families by using video-calling software, such as Skype or FaceTime

Finn: That’s a good idea, because actually seeing someone talk to you is much better than just hearing them on the phone. Social media also helps people to communicate with the people they left behind

Jennifer: Another good idea is to meet up with expat communities. That way, you can make new friends who speak your language – that can take the pressure off a little bit

Finn: It can… But it’s also good to mix with locals in a new town or city. In my opinion, that’s the best way to stop feeling so isolated when you’re in a different place

Jennifer: If you’re really struggling or having a hard time, you could try talking to a doctor or professional to get some advice, or even a good friend. Sometimes, even acknowledging, or realising, that you’re homesick can be the first step to feeling better

Finn: Well, I hope that our listeners aren’t suffering from homesickness – but we need to find out the answer to the quiz question that Jennifer set earlier

Jennifer: I asked what percentage of students typically suffer from homesickness when they start university. Was it

a) 50%

b) 60%

c) 70%

Finn: And I said b) 60%

Jennifer: And you were wrong! Seventy per cent of all students feel homesick when they begin university

Finn: So it’s very common and completely normal to feel a little bit sad when you are in a new situation

Jennifer: Now, Finn, we’re almost out of time, so could you remind us of the words we’ve heard today

Finn: They were

homesickness lonely isolated stressful to pine for something familiar faces panic attacks to withdraw from something to stay in touch expat communities

Jennifer: Join us again for another edition of 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. Bye for now

Finn: Goodbye

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