خواهشمندیم “نمونه سئوالات Speaking آزمون اصلی IELTS” خود را با درج آن در بخش دیدگاه های این صفحه با دیگر دوستانتان به اشتراک بگذارید:
خواهشمندیم “نمونه سئوالات Speaking آزمون اصلی IELTS” خود را با درج آن در بخش دیدگاه های این صفحه با دیگر دوستانتان به اشتراک بگذارید:
مهرنگار نیکزاد
سلام وقت بخیر من پارسال ازمون تافل دادم امسالم مجدد نمره ام تکراری شد و نمره مدنظر باید برای فاند رو نتونستم اخذ کنم فارغ التحصیل مهندسی دانشگاه خوب تهران . میخوام تغییر مسیر بدم برای ایلتس لطفا راهنمایی بفرمایین تشکر
Exam date: 1/1/2019
Part 1: job or student? What are you doing at job? Did you enjoy first day of your job? Why you choose this job?
Do you like experiance day out? Why? With family or friends?
Part2: explain a sport you watch on TV and tou would like to try?
Part 3: which sports are popular in your country and why?
How we can attract amateur prople to benefit from sport?
How extereme loyalty can befefit sport to become popular?
محمد حسين
پارت اول: کمى راجع به محل سکونتت بگو و اینکه اونجا کجای شهره؟
آیا توى آینده ام می خواى اونجا باشى؟
پارت دوم: یک موقعیتی که منتظرش بودی و اتفاق افتاده رو تعریف کن و بگو چه کارهایی کردی توى اون زمانى که منتظر بودى و اینکه آیا تلاش کردى براى اینکه اتفاق بیفته؟
کلا سؤالا آروم آروم سخت میشدن
۲۱ سپتامبر ۲۰۱۷
بخش اول:اسمت چیه؟آیا دارای شغل هستی؟از چه مدت قبل این شغل رو داری؟کاری که به عنوان شغل انجام میدی رو از کجا و چطوری یاد گرفتی؟فکرمیکنی هنوز چیزایی هست که لازمه یاد بگیری؟
نظرت درباره قایق سواری چیه؟مردم توی شهر و کشورت از قایق استفاده میکنن؟دوست داری یه روز یه قایق واسه خودت داشته باشی؟
کیو کارد:یکی از سفرهایی که رفتی رو دربارش صحبت کن
با کی رفتی؟
کجا رفتی؟
چه چیز خاصی باعث شد اون سفر یادت بمونه؟
بخش سوم:حمل و نقل عمومی تو شهرت چطوره؟اهمیت حمل و نقل عمومی درچیه؟بعضی مردم معتقدن دبیرستانها باید به دانش آموزا گواهینامه رانندگی بدن موافقی؟دولت چطوری میتونه مردم رو به استفاده از حمل و نقل عمومی تشویق کنه؟
آزمون کتبی آیلتس- ۳۱/۰۱/۱۳۹۶ ایرسافام
بسته شدن درب ها و شروع آزمون ۹:۰۰
قسمت اول در مورد تفرجگاه بود که به صورت مکالمه تلفی بین مسئول (خانم) و تماس گیرنده (آقا) پخش شد. بیشتر در مورد حیوانات و تفریح بچه ها بود و همچنین تاریخ و ساعت بسته شدن در فصول مختلف. این قسمت کلا جای خالی بود.
قسمت دوم در مورد یک ورزشگاه که شامل تاریخ تاسیس، تعداد کارمندان، مزیت ها و امکانات و همچنین امتیازاتی که به مشتری ها (مثل تخفیف در روز تولد) میده بود.
قسمت سوم کلا به صورت گزینه بود با سوال ها و گزینه های طولانی. در خصوص یک پروژه و اینکه چه کسی در پروژه و طی نوشتن گزارش آن باید مسئولیت چه کاری رو بر عهده بگیره. بیشتر با رد گزینه تونستم بزنم.
قسمت چهارم به صورت جای خالی بود و موضوع بحث در مورد یک کتابخانه بود که چه قسمت هایی داره و در هر قسمت چه کتاب ها و مدارکی ارائه می شه. زیاد سخت نبود و چیزی از دست ندادم.
ریدینگ ها :
قسمت اول در خصوص تاریخ سرامیک در نیوزیلند بود. اینکه اروپایی ها وارد نیوزیلند میشن، خاک مناسبی برای این کار داره، اول شروع به ساخت مصالح ساختمانی می کنند و بعد دکورهای منزل رو میسازن. صنعت سرامیک رشد میکنه تا اینکه دیگه محصولات اروپایی نمیتنن با این نوع سرامیک ها رقابت کنند. شرکت های تولید کننده سرامیک در نیوزیلند رشد میکنند. شحصی به عنوان پروژه ارشد شروع به مطالعه میکنه. بعد قطعات سرامیکی نیوزیلندی رو جمع میکنه و به موزه و کلکسیونر ها میده. بعد شروع به جمع آوری مدارک و نوشته های مربوطه میکنه که البته به دلیل آتش سوزی در این کارگاه های تولید سرامیک مدارک سوخته بودند. پس به دنبال مصاحبه با کارمندان میره و نتیجه مصاحبه ها بک نوشته ای میشه که بعدها به صورت کتاب چاپ میشه.
سوالات: غلط ، درست و همچنین روند کار محقق از نوشتن تز ارشد تا نوشتن کتاب به صورت نمودار و جای خالی
متن ساده و سوالات ساده بودند. کلا ۱۰ دقیقه وقت گرفت
قسمت دوم در خصوص فضا نوردها بود: اینکه فضانوردها در شرایط بی وزنی دچار چه مشکلات بدنی و حرکتی میشن مثل سردرد، هضم غذا، گردش خون و… . چه راه حل ها و تجهیزاتی برای تمرین فضا نورد ها در زمین قبل از مسافرت فضایی و همچنین ایجاد شرایط مشابه زمین در فضا بعد از مسافرت فضایی (مثلا با نیروی گریز از مرکز و …) پیشنهاد شده توسط ناسا و محققین دیگر. در مورد نحوه محافظت آنها از تشعشعات فرا بنفش صحبت میشه و اینکه نتونستن به جرم بدنه فضا پیما اضافه کنند و بجاش از میدان مغناطیسی مشابه چیزی که زمین داره استفاده کردند. در مورد طول عمر ( که در فضا بدلیل فشار وارد بر قلب برای گردش خون) کمتر میشه صحبت شد. همچنین پیشنهاد یک محقق برای ساخت یک رباط قابل کنترل از زمین مطرح شده بود که ناسا این رو به یک رباط هوشمند خودکار ( بدلیل عدم امکان کنترل از زمین و مسافت دور) تغییر میده.
سوالات: جای خالی، عنوان دادن به پاراگراف ها، انتخاب اینکه کدام پیشنهاد را کی داده برای حل مشکل و کدام نظریه مربوط به کی بوده.
متن ساده ولی سوالات گمراه کننده بود
این قسمت ۲۰ دقیقه زمان ازم گرفت
قسمت سوم در مورد تاریخ و فلسفه نقاشی پورتره بود. اینکه آیا نقاشی پورتره یا چهره بازگو کننده شخصیت و حالات اون فرد هست یا نه. در مورد نمایشگاهی در لوگزانبرگ توسط نقاش های معروف مانند پیکاسو صحبت کرد که با کشیدن پورتره های عجیب و غیر معمول سعی کردن شخصیت افراد و ارتباط آنها با جامعه رو بیان کنند. در یک نمایشگاه دیگری هم هنرمندی با مقایسه تصاویر عکاسی شده و نقاشی شده نشان میدهد که نقاشی بیشتر از تصاویر قابلیت به تصویر کشدن شخصیت رو داره. بعد نظریه های مختلف مطرح شده بود که آیا واقعا میشود شخصیت ها را با تصاویر پورتره تحلیل کرد یا نه. بعد نظریه ای مطرح شده بود که می گفت گشیدن یک پورتره خوب مثل نشان دادن شخصیت اون فرد با بازی کردن در فیلم است( یعنی نقاش پورتره خوب قابل مقایسه به یک بازی گر سینما است).
متن بسیار ثقیل و فلسفی و سوالات هم ثقیل و طولانی بودند.
۸۰ درصد سوالات گزینه ای با سوال و گزینه های خیلی طولانی و مفهومی
فقط چون ۳۰ دقیقه وقت برای این متن داشتم تونستم جمعش کنم. با ۲۰ دقیقه نمیشد .
بخش رایتینگ
موضوع قسمت اول: سه عدد pie chart در مورد اولین مشاغل و حرفه هایی (مانند حسابرسی، فنی، مدیریتی و غیره) که فارغ التحصیلان کشور انگلیس در سه سال مختلف داشتند بود.
موضوع قیمت دوم: یکی از راه حل های کاهش ترافیک شهری مهاجرت مردم از اطراف شهر به داخل شهر است. تا چه حد با موافقید؟
سوالات درست و غلط در قسمت ریدینگ اول:
اروپاییها اولین کسانی بودند که در نیوزیلند سرامیک ساختند.
اولین قطعاتی که ساخته شدند برای دکوراسیون بوده.
خاک نیوزیلند بهتر از خاک اروپا است.
برخی محصولات سرامیکی اروپایی از رقابت در بازار نیوزیلند باز ماندند.
مردم نیوزیلند بخاطر محصولات سرامیکی خود افتخار میکردند.
سوالات درست یا غلط قسمت سوم:
شخصیت انسان قبل از تولد شکل می گیرد. ( در متن نوشته بود شخصیت انسان در سال های اول زندگی early ages شکل می گیرد)
نقاش پورتره قابل مقایسه با بازیگر است.
کاربر مهمان
بخش اول:
کجا زندگی میکنی و خونت کجا قرار داره.
قصد داری تو آینده خونت رو عوض کنی یا نه.
از کدوم ویژگی خونت بیشتر خوشت میاد.
ربات ها رو دوست داری یا نه و چرا؟
دوست داری تو خونت روبات داشته باشی یا نه؟
دوست داری یه روبات ماشینت رو برونه؟
تو بچگی از ربات ها خوشت میومد یا نه و چرا؟
کیو کارت:
آخرین باری که واسه یه موضوعی باید صبر می کردی صحبت کن.
اون موضوع چی بوده و کی بوده و کجا؟
چرا باید صبر می کردی؟
حین صبر کردن چی کار می کردی؟ (یه جورایی چی کار میکردی تا صبر کردن برات راحتتر باشه)
بخش سوم:
به نظرت مردم بطور روزمره واسه چه کارهایی باید صبر کنن؟
به نظرت مردها صبورتر هستن یا زنا؟
جوامعی که مردمشون تغییرات سریع میخوان سرانجام خوبی دارن یا نه؟
دوست داری تو جامعه ای زندگی کنی که تغییرات توش سریع انجام میشه؟
کاربر مهمان
در مورد محل زندگی – آیا همیشه میخواهید در این محل زندگی کنید یا نه؟ – کار میکنی یا درس میخونی- وقتی از سرکار برمیگردی چه حسی داری و دوست داری چی کار کنی؟ توضیح بده -دوستیٍ – خرید- نوع کفشی که میپوشید و اینکه کفش گران میخرید یا نه؟ – آیا موسیقی مینوازید یا نه؟- چرا در مدارس باید موسیقی آموزش داد؟هر روز از چه نوع کیفی استفاده میکنید؟
۱. در مورد شخصی که به تازگی باهاش آشنا شدید توضیح بدید.
۲ . در مورد یک شخص مودب که میشناسید توضیح بدید.
۳. شغلی رو که فکر میکنید در اون خوب هستید و درآمد بالایی هم داره رو توصیف کنید.
پارت ۳( بسته به پارت ۲)
۱. آیا مردم کشورت مودب هستن- در قدیم مودب تر بودند یا الان- مردم روستا از شهری ها مودب ترند یا نه؟
۲. در کشورت چه شغل هایی درامد بیشتری دارند؟ آیا میزان درآمد تنها شرط یک کار خوبه؟کارفرما ها چه کارهایی میتوانند انجام بدهند تا انگیزه کارمندان رو برای کار بالا ببرند؟
کاربر مهمان
قسمت اول: کار میکی یا درس میخونی؟ بعد از سرکار چی کار میکنی؟ آیا خواب میبینی و یادت میمونه؟در مورد ربات ها و تاثیر تنها در زندگی؟ آیا فکر میکینی خوابها پیغامی دارن و میشه تفسیرشون کرد؟ هرچند وقت خواب میبینی؟ از کجا خرید میکنی؟
قسمت دوم: یک فروشگاه که به تازگی باز شده رو توصیف کن
قسمت سوم: فروشگاه های کوچک و زنجیره ای چه فرقی دارن و مردم ترجیح میدن کجا خرید کنن؟ چرا خرید کردن محبوبه؟و کلا در مورد خرید بود
کاربر مهمان
قسمت اول: معرفی- درس می خونی یا کار؟ رشته ات چیه؟ چرا این رشته رو انتخاب کردی؟ از چیه شهرت خوشت میاد؟ در آینده هم در همین شهر می مونی؟چقدر مهمون براتون میاد؟ دوست داری مهمون داشته باشی؟ دوست داری بری مهمونی یا مهمون برات بیاد؟ با مهمون ها چیکار می کنید در مهمونی؟ دوستات رو کجا می بینی ، بیرون یا خونه؟
قسمت دوم: اگه قرار باشه با موتورسیکلت یا دوچرخه یا ماشین بری یه سفر کجا میری؟ با کی میری؟ آیا سخته یا آسون؟ چرا با موتور یا دوچرخه یا ماشین میری؟ آیا به نظرت در عمرت چنین سفری میری؟
قسمت سوم: در مورد حمل و نقل عمومی در شهرت؟ در شهرای بزرگ؟ رواج موتور و دوچرخه در کشورت؟ مردم کشورت چرا ماشین می خرند؟ در مورد رسیدگی مسئولان به پیاده روها!!
کاربر مهمان
قسمت اول از شهر محل زندگی- علاقه به ربات و نقش اونها در زندگیت- ترجیح میدی خودت رانندگی کنی یا ربات- شهرت برای زندگی خوبه؟ – کفش و پول زیاد دادن برای کفش-
قسمت دوم: یک swimming pool رو در شهرت معرفی کن و بگو چرا مردم میرن اونجا
قسمت سوم: در مورد مراکز تفریحی و فرهنگی و چه کسایی از این امکانات استفاده میکنن.
کاربر مهمان
پارت ۱
سوالات کلی بود . خونه ات کجاست چه شکلیه کجا واقع شده و از بیرونش چی دیده میشه
در مورد معلمی و اینکه دوس داری معلم بشی و کدوم معلمت رو دوست داشتی و چه معلمی محبوب میشه ( ویژگی های معلم محبوب)
پارت ۲
در مورد یک واقعه خوشحال کننده صحبت کن
پارت ۳
در مورد نظم بود و سوالات پراکنده ی دیگه
کاربر مهمان
پارت اول:
کار میکنی یا درس میخونی
کارت چیه؟
وقتی میری بیرون چیا رو با خودت میبری؟
همیشه همین وسایل باهاته؟ وسایلی که با خودت میبری صبح یا بعد از ظهر فرق داره؟
تاحالا شده چیزی رو جا بذاری که مشکلی پیش بیاد واست؟
و در مورد پابلیک ترنسپورت: از وسایل عمومی استفاده میکنی؟ چه مزیت هایی داره؟ کدومش بهتره؟ مردم دوست دارن از کدوم استفاده کنن؟ دولت چطور میتونه کمک کنه به وضعیتش
پارت ۲: تا حالا شده که با تصمیم کسی مخالفت کنی
کی بوده؟
چه تصمیمی گرفتی؟
قبول کرد؟
پارت ۳:
کلا در مورد تصمیمگیری بود ،
چطور تصمیم درست بگیریم؟ با کیا مشورت کنیم؟ چقدر مشورت کردن میتونه مهم باشه و کمک کنه، در زمینه های عمومی چطور باید تصمیم گرفت(منظورش مدیران)
کاربر مهمان
پارت ١:کجای زندگی میکنی؟
جایی که زندگی میکنی کجای شهره؟
تو آینده ام اینجا زندگی می کنی؟
نظرت در مورد اینکه پول به کفش گرون بدی چیه؟
چرا بعضیا زیاد کفش دارن؟
یک موقعیتی که منتظرش بودی و بگو
چه کارهایی می کردی تو زمان انتظار
کاربر مهمان
کجا زندگی میکنید؟
معمولا تو کیفتون چه وسایلی میگذارید؟
وسایلی که تو کیفتون میذارید در صبح و عصر چه تفاوتی دارند؟
اگر وسیله ای را فراموش کنید چکار میکنید؟ تا حالا پیش اومده؟
ترجیح میدید یک دوست صمیمی یا تعداد زیادی دوست داشته باشید؟
پدر مادرها باید چطور برای فرزندان برنامه بریزند؟
کیو کارد
یک swimming pool معروف رو نام ببرید
توصیفش کن چه امکاناتی داره و چه افرادی می روند
بخش ۳
کیا میتونند ورزش رو تعلیم بدن؟
چرا پدر مادرها نمیتونن ورزش رو تعلیم بدن
دولت باید برای ورزش چکارهایی انجام بده؟
لازم دولت مطمئن باشه که وسایل ورزشی در محل های عمومی باید باشند؟
چرا وسایل ورزشی مثل ترید میل هواداران بیشتری داره؟
آیا ورزش باید رایگان باشه یا نه؟
تفاوت ورزش در مکانهای عمومی با خصوصی چیه؟
کاربر مهمان
سکشن ۱:
کارمیکنی یا درس میخونی؟
شغلت چیه؟
چطوری این شغل رو انتخاب کردی؟
نظرت درمورد سلبریتی ها چیه؟ دوست داری درمورد زندگیشون مطالعه کنی؟
ازکدوم سلبریتی ایرانی خوشت میاد؟
تاالان سلبریتی از نزدیک دیدی؟
دوست داشتی سلبریتی باشی؟
اگر میتونستی شغلت رو عوض کنی چیکاره می شدی؟
وقتی میری بیرون از کیف استفاده میکنی؟
آیااستفاده از کیف لازمه؟
موقع خریدن کیف به چه چیزهایی بیشتر دقت میکنی؟
هرچند وقت یکبار کیف میخری؟
سکشن ۲:
یه خاطره خنده دار که برات اتفاق افتاده چی بوده؟
کجا و باکی؟
برای چی اون اتفاق تورو به خنده میاره؟
بعدشم سئوال کرد که آیا خودت آدم خندانی هستی؟به راحتی به خنده میایی؟
آیالازمه که درجمع های فامیلی خندان باشیم؟چرا؟
درمورد کمدی در کشورت صحبت کن
چقدر برنامه ی کمدی برای مردم کشورت اهمیت داره؟
آیا زنها به اتفاقات خنده دار بیشتر میخنددند یا مردها؟ چرا؟
بنظرشمادرتبلیغات تلویزیونی بهتره از موضوعات خنده دار استفاده بشه؟چرا؟
دوستداری یه برنامه ی کمدی رو بصورت زنده ببینی یاازطریق تلویزیون؟چرا؟
کاربر مهمان
بخش اول:
تو خونه زندگی میکنید یا آپارتمان؟
لطفا توضیح بده آپارتمانتون چه شکلیه؟
چه منظره ای رو میتونید تماشا کنید؟؟
چند وقت یکبار با اعضای خانواده دور هم جمع میشین؟؟ و چه کارهایی انجام میدین؟؟
بیشتر کوله پشتی استفاده میکنی یا کیف معمولی؟؟
آیا همراه داشتن کیف لازمه؟؟
برای خرید کیف به چه چیزهایی توجه میکنید؟؟
پارت دوم:
جایی که برای ریلکس کردن میرین کجاست؟؟ کی رفتین؟؟ چرا اونجا احساس ریلکس بودن دارین؟؟و چه کارهایی انجام میدین؟؟
پارت ۳:
مردم کشور شما برای ریلکس کردن کجا میرن؟؟
آیا یکم استرس برای محیط کار یا تحصیل میتونه کمک کننده باشه؟؟
یک مدیر خووب چه کار میتونه بکنه که کارمنداش کمتر استرس داشته باشن؟؟
کاربر مهمان
– اهل کجایی؟
– تو خونه زندگی میکنی یا آپارتمان؟
– خونت (آپارتمان) چه شکلی هست؟
– از پنجره خونتون چه چیزی میبینید؟
– دوست داری برای تعطیلات جایی بری که نزدیک به آب باشه؟ (سوال جالبی بود! منظورش رودخونه و دریا و … بوده)
– تجربه سفر با کشتی یا قایق و از طریق دریا و رودخونه رو داشتی؟
– team project (work, leisure, study)
Follow-up question: دوست داری این نوع پروژه رو مجددا انجام بدی؟
– معتقدی که بعضی از افراد خلاق تنهایی کار بکنن بهتره؟
– آیا برای انجام یک پروژه training لازم هست؟
– اگر گروه leader داشته باشه خوبه؟
– چه qualities برای teamwork لازم هست؟
– کتاب میخونی؟
– کتاب الکترونیکی (E-book) میخونی؟ چرا؟
– تکنولوژی بر زندگی و روابط ما تاثیر گذاشته؟ چطوری؟
کاربر مهمان
تسک ۱
در مورد شهری که زندگی میکنم و استفاده از ساعت مچی بود.
تسک ۲
در مورد the best costumer service you received ?where? when ?who did that
تسک ۳
هم همش راجع به costumer service و چه شغلایی باید داشته باشن و خوب و بدش چه تاثیراتی داره و ….
کاربر مهمان
۱٫ در مورد شهری که زندگی میکنی و استفاده از ساعت مچی بود
۲٫ Describe something that you are planning to do in future- Not be about work or study
۳٫ در مورد برنامه ریزی و برنامه ریزی روزانه و اینکه مردم کشورت چقدر برنامه ریزی روزانه دارند و اهمیتش چقدره.
کاربر مهمان
قسمت اول :
۱.راجع به موضوغ تحصیل و اینکه چرا انتخاب کردی.
۲. رابطه ات با خانوادت چه جوریه. کلا تو کشورت رابطه مردم با خانواده شون چه جوریه و تو به کی از همه نزدیکتری تو خانوادت
قسمت دوم:
describe a sport facility in your city and say what it offers, who goes there
قسمت سوم :
راجع به ورزش بود و اینکه مسابقات ورزشی می تونه باعث ایجاد رقابت یا حسادت بین ورزشکارهای کشورهای مختلف بشه یا نه.
کاربر مهمان
۱٫ Do you remember your last night dreams? Why?
۲٫ Do you talk about your dreams to someone? Why?
۳٫ Does a certain dream have a special meaning for you? Why? Why not?
۴٫ Do you read books about interpretation of dreams?
کاربر مهمان
پارت ۱٫ به جز شغل واینا فقط این یادم مونده که چی رو در مورد دبیرستان ت دوست داشتی؟
پارت ۲٫ یه جای ساکت که معمولا دوست داری بری کجاست؟ چه موقع هایی میری؟ چی کار میکنی؟
پارت ۳٫ کلا در مورد نویز بود چی ایجادش میکنه تو شهر. مردم برای فرار ازش کجا میرن. بعضی ها دوست دارن با کار یا درسشون موسیقی گوش بدن نظرت چیه. بعضی ها عقیده دارن از بس به دنیای پر از نویز و صدا عادت کردیم امکان نداره تو دنیای ساکت و بدون نویز زندگی کرد نظرت چیه
کاربر مهمان
پارت اول: راجع به خودم و درس می خونم یا کار میکنم.کارهای خونه و بهتره به بچه ها کمک بشه در کارهاشون یانه
پارت دوم: یه شرایطی که به یه مرکز خدماتی رفتین و مشکلی داشتین و رفع کردن براتون
پارت سوم: سوالای راجع به پارت دو مثل استراتژی بهتر خدمت دادن به مشتریان و مردم راحت ترن که اونها با هاشون صمیمی باشن یا نه،آیا توصیه دیگران در انتخاب یه مرکز خدماتی موثر است.
کاربر مهمان
پارت اول: سوالای شخصی، چرا این شغل رو انتخاب کردی؟ کار گروهی دوست داری یا انفرادی؟ چرا؟ و… در خردسالی تو کوچه بازی میکردی؟ خوبه برای بچه ها برن بیرون بازی کنند و …
پارت دوم: یه جای که معمولا تو شهر میری؟ با کی میری؟ و …
پارت سوم: تفاوت زندگی در شهرهای بزرگ و کوچک- چرا مردم به شهرهای بزرگ مهاجرت میکنند و چه به چه مشکلاتی بر میخوردند
کاربر مهمان
۱٫ شغلت . چرا انتخاب کردی؟ مردم کیا هدیه میدن ؟ ایا آسونه برات برای دوستات هدیه بگیری؟ هدیه برای دوستات درست کردی؟؟
۲٫ یه جای جالب را که رفتی توضیح بده ؟؟
مردم چرا اونجا میرن؟
۳٫راجع به مکان های عمومی! مردم چرا اونجا میرن؟؟ جوونا ببشتر چه مکانهای عمومی میرن ؟ چه فوایدی دارن؟؟ ایا دولت به اندازه کافی جا داره public facility بسازه؟ آیا مردم اجازه دارن تو مکان های عمومی سروصدا کنن؟؟
کاربر مهمان
پارت۱ : شغل فعلی ؟ چرا انتخابش کردی ؟ چه اینده کاری میخوای؟ درباره شکلات و اینکه هدیه میدی مردم تو کشورت استفاده میکنن ؟ چند وقت یکبار استفاده میکنی؟ تو دنیا کِی شکلات استفاده میشه؟
درباره سلبریتی ایرانی؟ میخوای سلبریتی باشی؟ آیا سلبریتی از نزدیک دیدی؟
پارت۲ : راجع به garden که رفتی؟ کیا میرن و اونجا چی داره و چیکار میکنن؟
پارت۳ : راجع به همون گاردن و بازی کودکان در اون و دولت ها باید public garden بسازن ؟ ترجیح میدی باغهای گل رو یا باغ های میوه را؟؟
کاربر مهمان
در مورد تحصیل و کار. پرسیدن چرا این رشته رو انتخاب کردی؟
چه هوایی رو دوست داری و چرا؟
کلا در مورد اب و هوا بود
کارت: یه کاری که تاثیر مثبتی تو زندگیت داشته و یه تصمیم بزرگ بوده رو بگو و کی اتفاق افتاده؟
و بعدش هم در مود ایمنی کارخونه ها پرسیدن و در مورد شرایط اقتصادی
کاربر مهمان
پارت اول: سوالات شخصی خانوادگی، وضعیت ترسپورتشن تو شهرتون- به کسی کاردستی خودتو هدیه دادی،
پارت دوم: سوال کارت، روشت برای پس انداز پول چیه
پارت سوم: سوالات مرتبط به همین پس انداز پول+ سوالاتی درمورد مصرف سوخت های فسیلی
کاربر مهمان
قسمت اول راجب خودم بود و اینکه خونه ات رو توصیف کن. چه چیزی رو توی شهرت دوست داری و آیا در آینده میخوای توی شهرت زندگی کنی یا نه.
قسمت دوم زمانی رو توصیف کن که داشتی برای یه happy event آماده میشدی.
قسمت سوم راجب نوع آمادگی مردم و شیوه لباس پوشیدنشون توی جامعه بود.
کاربر مهمان
پارت اول:
۱- کجا زندگی میکنی؟
۲- حمل و نقل عمومی نزدیک محل زندگیت چطوره؟
۳- آیا روزنامه یا مجله میخونی؟
۴- اولین مجله ای که خریدی چی بود؟
۵- آیا روزنامه چاپ شده تا ۵۰ سال دیگه وجود خواهد داشت؟
پارت دوم:
اگر وقت داشته باشی تو چه دوره ای شرکت میکنی؟
چه دوره ای؟
آیا یادگیریش سخته یا راحت؟
پارت سوم:
۱- تو کشورت مردم به چه رشته ای تو دانشگاه خیلی علاقه دارن؟
۲- آیا دوره های عملی کاربردی تره یا دوره های آکادمیک؟
۳- آیا کارفرما ها باید کسانی که سابقه کاری دارند بیشتر استخدام کنند یا آنهایی که از نظر علمی قوی تر هستند؟
۴- مشخصات یک معلم خوب رو بگو؟
کاربر مهمان
پارت اول:
۱- معرفی (نام و نام خانوادگی و …)
۲- شهرتون بزرگه یا کوچک؟ مشکلاتتون چیه؟
۳- چطوری میری سرکار؟ با تاکسی یا وسایل عمومی؟
پارت دوم:
اگر وقت داشتی دوست داشتی تو چه دوره ای شرکت کنی؟
چرا باید اون دوره رو بری؟
آیا نسل های مختلف سلیقه شون تو انتخاب دوره فرق داره؟
توی کشورت مردم بیشتر چه کارایی دوست دارن؟
پارت سوم:
آخرین باری که گل خریدی کی بوده؟
کسی برات گل میخره یا خودت میخری؟
چرا گل میخری؟
چه احساسی داری؟
کاربر مهمان
۱ – نام و نام خانوادگیت رو بگو
۲ – مردم چرا بیرون میرن ؟
۳ – مردم کشور شما بیرون میرن ؟
۴ – چه جاهایی میرن؟
۵ – سرو صدا ایجاد می کنن ؟ چرا ؟
۶ – یه جای جالب رو که خودت رفتی نام ببر و بگو چرا رفتی اونجا ، از چیش خوشت اومد ؟
۷ – بقیه هم میرن اونجا ؟
۸ – معمولا چه ساختمونهای عمومی در شهر شما وجود داره؟
۹ – مردم چرا میرن تو ساختمون های عمومی؟
۱۰ – چه ساختمونهای عمومی ای وجود داره که جوانها میرن و چرا میرن ؟
۱۱ – مردم کشورت روزنامه می خونن ؟
۱۲ – فکر می کنی در ۵۰ سال آینده مردم روزنامه بخونن؟
۱۳ – فکر می کنی چرا مردم روزنامه نمی خونن ؟
۱۴ – مردم اطلاعاتشون رو از کجا میارن ؟
۱۵ – مردم کشورت به کتابخونه میرن ؟ چرا؟
کاربر مهمان
پارت اول: رشته ات رو چرا دوست داری؟
معلم بچگیت چه جوریا بود
دوست داری سلبیریتی باشی
سلبریتی میشناسی
پارت دوم
زمانی رو توصیف کن که خیلی بیزی بودی
پارت سوم
چرا مردم تحت فشارن این روزا چیکار کنن تو محیط کار زیاد بهشون فشار نیاد
مدیرا چطوری میتونن کارمندا رو تشویق کنن بیشتر کار کنن
کاربر مهمان
بخش اول:
۲٫یه چندتا سوال مختصر در مورد کار و شهر بعدش رفت سراغ مسافرت که کجاها میری چرا میری با کیا رفتی اخرین مسافرتتو بگو
کیو کارد:
۱٫ یه وب سایتی رو که همیشه میری بگو
۲٫کی بهت معرفیش کرده
۳٫ چیا داره
۴٫ چند وقته استفاده اش می کنی
بخش سوم
۱٫در مورد اثرات اینترنت و تکنولوژی بر روی زندگی مردم
. ایا افراد پیر میتونن با تکنولوژی منطبق بشن
۳٫ تکنولوژی چه تاثیراتی روی سیستم اموزش میذاره
۴٫ از اینترنت چه استفاده ای میکنی
۵٫چطوری از اصالت اطلاعاتی که از نت به دست میاری مطمین میشی
کاربر مهمان
بخش اول:
۱٫ معرفی و ..
۲٫ چه نوع کیفی استفاده میکنید و ..
بخش دوم:
۱٫ اگه بخواین یه بیزینس شروع کنید چکار میکنید
۲٫ به چه چیزهایی احتیاج دارین
۳٫ چه موقع شروع میکنید
بخش سوم
۱٫ چه بیزینس هایی توی محلتون هست؟
۲٫ ایا دوره ای هم لازم هست؟ این دوره ها باید کار عملی هم داشته باشه؟
کاربر مهمان
بخش اول:
کجا زندگی میکنی؟
خونه تو توصیف کن.
خیلی مهمون میاد خونت؟
وقتی مهمون دارین بیشتر چکارهایی انجام میدین؟ چرا؟
بیشتر دوست داری بری خونه دیگران یا دیگران بیان پیشت؟ چرا؟
بخش دوم:
یه حیوان وحشی رو که از نزدیک دیدی توصیف کن
کجا و با کی بودی؟
چجوری دیدیش؟
وقتی تو رو دید چیکار کرد؟
توضیح بده که چه احساسی داشتی؟
بخش سوم:
چرا ملت حیوون نگه میدارن تو خونشون؟
کیا حیوون نگه میدارن؟
آیا افزایش جمعیت تاثیر داشت بر حیات وحش؟ چطور؟
تورهای سافاری توی حیات وحش برای انسانها بیشتر مفید یا حیوانات؟
کاربر مهمان
سوالات بخش اول در مورد اطلاعات شخصی و کاری که در همه مصاحبه ها مشترکه
کیو کارت در مورد زمانی بود که یک حیوان وحشی رو از نزدیک دیدی و اتفاقاتی که افتاده کی و کجا بوده
سوالات بعدی در مورد باغ وحش بود در کل که باغ وحش نظرتون چیه روش و باغ وحش شهر شما خوبه یا نه؟ اگر بده چه راهکارهایی برای بهتر کردنش هست ؟ آیا خوبه بچه ها رو به باغ وحش برد؟ افزایش جمعیت چه تاثیری روی حیات وحش داره و اینکه دولت ها چه کاری میتونن بکنن برا حفظ حیات وحش و چند سوال دیگه همگی در مورد حیات وحش
کاربر مهمان
قسمت اول راجع به شکلات و اینکه ایا دوست داری و در گذشته دوست داشتی
کارت راجع به اخرین فیلمی که دیدی؟کجا و کی؟چجور فیلمی بود؟
قسمت سوم راجع به فیلمای سیاه و سفید و تغییراتی که فیلم به مرور زمان داشته
کاربر مهمان
بخش ۱:
درمورد کار و موقعیت فعلی
دلیل انتخاب محل کار و میزان رضایتمندی
اهداف شغلی در آینده
بخش ۲:
ساختمان بلند مورد علاقه شما و خصوصیاتش و دلایل علاقه مندی شما
بخش ۳:
محل زندگی مردم در آینده
شما چه جایی رو برای زندگی ترجیح میدی
اثر آب و هوا بر طراحی خانه ها
کاربر مهمان
part 1
۱- do you work or study?
۲- do you like sunny weather?
۳- what would you like to do in sunny days?
۴- where do you go with your friends in sunny days?
Cue Card
tell me about the experience which made you angry a little bit
what was it
who was with you
when it happen
express you feeling that it
part 3
۱- Is it good people express their feelings or not?
۲- Is it true that woman can express their feeling better than man?
۳- do you know somebody who can guess other feelings really good?
۴- how we can teach to our child to distinguish other people feelings?
کاربر مهمان
What types of bags do you like
Do you usually carry a bag (when you go out)
What types of bags do you use (in your everyday life)
What sorts of bags do you choose when you want to buy
Who was your favorite teacher when you were young
Would you want to be a teacher in the future
part 2 :
Describe a person who you have met and want to know more about
You should say
Who this person is
When and where you met
What you did or talked about
part 3
what changes do you think will happen for friendship
کاربر مهمان
do you work or are you a student?
did you choose your major by yourself?
when do you usually give gift to others in your culture?
have you ever gifted something you made to anyone?
describe a personality you have
tell if you think it is good
in which ways it helped you
does the people of your country has a specific personality?
what personality should people have in future in modern life?
do you think people’s personality will be changed in future?why?
کاربر مهمان
What is your full name?
Where are you from?
Do you work or are you student?
Why do you choose this job?
Do you prefer work alone or with group?
Do you like singing?
Do people in your country often sing?
who is you favorite singer?
Do you like advertisement?
In your opinion is it good to advertise on social networks?
Describe the activities that you would like to spend time with
Who is he/she
What kind of activities do you do
where do you do
and explain your feeling about spending time with him/her
Do people spend time to talk to each other nowadays?
What are the effects of the computer and the Internet on spending time to each other?
Do you prefer work/study alone with others ?or not?why?
What are the advantages of working/studying with others?
What are the disadvantages of studying/working with others?
کاربر مهمان
پارت اول:
در مورد ساختمونی که توش زندگی میکنی ؟اطرافش چیا هست؟
توصیفش کن
پارت ۲:
یک ساختمون رو توصیف کن؟
کجاست؟چه شکلیه؟
چرا تو دوستش داری؟
پارت ۳:
رابطه ی آب و هوا با نوع طراحی خونه ها
کاربر مهمان
بخش ۱:
آیا کار می کنید؟
چقدر با خانواده وقت می گذرانید؟
عکس گرفتن رو دوست دارید؟
از بچگیتان عکس زیاد دارید؟
با عکس هایی که گرفتید چه کار می کنید؟
عکس رو بیشتر دوست دارید یا فیلم؟
عکس زیاد می گیرید؟
بخش ۲:
اگر قرار باشه در یک کشور خارجی به صورت موقت کار کنید:
چرا ؟
چه مزایایی دارد؟
بخش ۳:
– چه کاری مناسب شماست در اون کشور؟
-آیا تفاوت فرهنگ ها روی محیط کاری تاثیر گذار است؟
– چرا بعضی افراد ترجیج می دهند در کشور خودشان بمانند علی رغم شرایط کاری بهتر؟
کاربر مهمان
part 1
۱- tell me about where you live
۲- the transportation system is good there?
۳- do want to live longer at where you live?
۴- when you were a child, did you play out doors games?
۵- If you had a child, do you allow them to play outdoor games?
۳- parks are good for children or not?
Cue Card
tell me about the experience which made you angry
what was it
who was with you
when it happen
express you feeling that it
part 3
۱- Is it good people express their feelings or not?
۲- Is it true that woman can express their feeling better than man?
۳- do you know somebody who can guess other feelings really good?
۴- how we can teach to our child to distinguish other people feelings?
کاربر مهمان
سوال با کجا کار می کنی و چی کاره هستی و غیره شروع شد.
بعد سوال در مورد کیف بود. چه کیف هایی داری و چه جوری و کجا استفاده اش می کنی؟ میخوای تفریح کنی چه کیفی استفاده می کنی؟ سر کار میری چه کیفی استفاده می کنی. اسم چند جور کیف رو باید بلد باشید.
کیو کارد این بود که یه روز سختی که توش مجبور شدی برنامه ریزی کنی و برنامه ات بهم خورد و چجوری سامان دهیش کردی بود یا یه چیزی خیلی نزدیک
کاربر مهمان
بخش یکم:
۱- خودتون رو معرفی بفرمایید.
۲- می توانم مدرک شناسایی شما را ببینم؟
۳- کار می کنید یا دانشجو هستید؟
۴- درباره خانه ای که در آن زندگی می کنید توضیح دهید.
۵- آیا خانه ای که در آن زندگی می کنید را دوست دارید؟
۶- آیا کارهای خانه را انجام می دهید؟ کدام را بیشتر دوست دارید؟
بخش دوم: (Cue Card)
۱- درباره فیلمی که به تازگی دیده اید توضیح دهید.
– کجا آن را دید؟
– به همراه چه کسی دید؟
– آیا از دیدن آن لذت بردید؟
– و چرا این فیلم برای شما جذاب بود؟
بخش سوم:
۱- چرا دیدن فیلم مهم است؟
۲- آیا فیلم ها همیشه برپایه ی واقعیت ساخته می شوند؟
۳- چرا با گذشت زمان سلیقه ما در دیدن فیلم ها عوض می شود؟
۴- یک فیلم خوب چه ویژگیهایی باید داشته باشد؟
۵- آیا دیدن فیلم برای کودکان سودمند است؟
کاربر مهمان
قسمت اول:
سوالای همیشگی مثل اهل کجایی، خونه ات رو توصیف کن ، وسایل حمل و نقل چطوره تو محله تون …
قسمت دوم:
در مورد اشتباهی که در گذشته کردی توضیح بده. کی بوده چطور بوده و چه نتیجه ای روت داشته
قسمت سوم:
بچه ها عموما چه اشتباهاتی در مدرسه میکنن
والدین چه مسئولیتی در قبال اشتباهات بچه ها دارن
چه اشتباهات بچه ها خوبه
آیا خوبه بچه ها تو پارک ها بازی کنن
کاربر مهمان
do you study or work
what is your work
do employers should use educated people
کلا راجع به تحصیلات و اینکه بیشتر افراد چه major واسه دانشگاه انتخاب میکنن تو کشور ما
ایا اکادمیک فقط واسه دروس پرکتیکال باید باشه یا تیوری هم باید در دانشگاه خونده شه
یکم راجع بهteaching و تفاوت معلم ورزش و ریاضی!!!
دوست داری مطالب عمومی مطالعه کنی
مردم تو کشورت چه رشته هایی انتخاب میکنن
شغلتو دوست ذاری یا نه
راجع به گیفت و به کی چه گیفتی بدی هست و ارزون یا گرون
کیو کارد هم: اگه وقت داشته باشی چه کورسی دوست داری بگذرونی و چرا و به چه دردت میخوره!
کاربر مهمان
پارت اول:
what do you usually do in your spare time?
Do you prefer to stay home or go out with your friends?
what are you planning to do in 5 years?
پارت دوم:
describe a happy event in your life
when was it
where was it
why it was a happy memory
پارت سوم:
What it means to be happy in life?
what are the most common ways for people in your country to be happy?
how happiness affects one’s daily life
کاربر مهمان
پارت اول:
– استفاده از دوچرخه تو شهر شما
– کی دوچرخه سواری یاد گرفتی
– چرا بچه ها از دوچرخه سواری لذت میبرن
پارت دو :
– یه خانواده غیر از خانواده خودتون که دوستشون داری رو معرفی کن
پارت سه :
فکر کنم راجع به الگوهای بچه ها تو دوران مدرن بود نسبت به گذشته
کاربر مهمان
معرفی..اپارتمان زندگی میکنی یا خونه؟اتاق مورد علاقت .دوست داری چی رو تو خونه تغییر بدی و چرا؟
پارت دوم
از کامپیوتر استفاده میکنی؟چرا؟
دوست داری چه برنامه ای رو یادبگیری ؟و دلیلش چیه؟
فکر میکنی ای ضروریه که مردم ازش استفاده کنند؟
پارت سوم:
جالبترین حیوونی که میشناسی چیه؟
چرا فکر میکنی جالبه؟
حیوانات چه نقشی در پیشرفت علم داشتن؟فکرمیکنی ۱۰۰ سال اینده حیوانات چه خدماتی رو برای انسان ها انجام میدن؟
کاربر مهمان
پارت اول:
آهنگ گوش میدی؟
خواننده مورد علاقه؟
آهنگ میخونی؟
تنهایی آهنگ خوندن دوس داری؟
گل هارو دوست داری؟
خودت گل پرورش میدی؟
چرا برخی گل هدیه میدن؟
به آخرین کسی که گل هدیه دادی کی بوده؟
پارت دوم: یه عروسی که رفتی توضیح بده.
پارت سوم :
سن خاصی برای ازدواج هست؟
عروسی بزرگ دوس داری یا کوچک؟
هدیه ارزون میخری یا گرون؟
کاربر مهمان
پارت ۱:
کجا زندگی میکنی؟
از چه چیز خونت خوشت میاد؟
اگه بتونی چی رو تغییر میدی تو خونت؟
بچه بودی کجا مدرسه میرفتی؟ چه شکلی بود؟ چه جوری از خونتون می رفتی مدرسه؟
پارت ۲:
راجع به یه حیوونی که دوست داری
چیه حیوونی؟
چرا دوست داری؟
مزیتش چیه؟(فک کنم این بود)
پارت ۳
راجع به حیوانات بود کلا
مزایای نگهداری
معایب و مشکلات نگهداریشون چیه
حتما باید جای خاصی نگهداری بشن
کاربر مهمان
پارت اول: اسمت؟ درس می خونی یا کار می کنی؟ دوست داری تنها کار کنی یا با گروه؟ چه سرگرمی هایی در کشور شما وجود داره؟ امکانات ورزشی چطوره؟ می تونی موقع کار نویز تحمل کنی؟ چه نویز هایی اطراف ما هست؟ چه نویزی ممکنه دوست داشته باشی ؟
کارت: یک جایی که توی شهرتون دوست داری بری؟ کی های می ری؟ با کی میری؟ چرا می ری؟ چیکار می کنی؟
سوم: اخرین باری که اونجا رفتی کی بود؟ مشکلات شهرتون چیه؟ کدوم مهم تره؟ برای حلش باید چیکار کرد؟
کاربر مهمان
پارت اول: درس می خونی یا کار می کنی؟ رشته ات رو دوست داری؟متفاوت بود ازون چیزی که فکر می کردی؟ با کامپیوتر کار می کنی؟ یکی از چیزایی که درمورد کامپیوتر دوست نداری چیه؟ چه اسکیل کامپیوتری می خوای در آینده یاد بگیری؟ ترجیح می دی صبح درس بخونی یا عصر؟چرا؟ عصرا چیکار می کنی؟ بچه بودی چیکار می کردی عصرا؟ همون کارایی که عصر روز عادی می کنی عصر ویکند ها هم می کنی؟ به نظرت سفر با دوستا بهتر یا خانواده؟
پارت دوم: در مورد یک سفر کوتاهی که رفتم.کجا با کی؟ چرا برام خاص؟
پارت سوم: سفر کوتاه دوست داری؟ایرانی ها کجاها می رن واسه سفر؟ وقتی ساحل می رند چیکارا می کنن؟ به نظرت اون محیط واسه بچه ها امن؟ می گن توریستا باید کم بشن بخاطر مسایٖل زیست محیطی به نظرت درست؟چجوری می تونیم جلوگیری کنیم که توریست ها آسیب نزنند به محیط زیست؟وظیفه کیه؟سفرای فضایی به نظرت به حفظ محیط زیست کمک می کنه؟
کاربر مهمان
part 1
hometown, leisure time,
part 2
your favorite place you like to go
part 3
advantage and disadvantage of movement from countryside to city
کاربر مهمان
پارت اول: در مورد کارت چیه؟ چه تغییری کرده از اول تا حالا؟ چه چیزی از کارت را دوست داری؟ بعد رفت سراغ کامپیوتر و این چیزا
پارت دوم: در مورد عکس بود که گرفتی یه زمانی چی بوده و …
پارت سوم: عکس ها در تحصیل چه فایده ای دارند؟ فرق عکاس آماتور و حرفه ای چیه؟ مردم تو کشورتون از چیا عکس میگیرند؟ و عکس آگهی باید چه ویژگی هایی داشته باشه؟
کاربر مهمان
۱-چه کاری/ کجا متولد شدی/ اوقات فراغت چه میکنی/ مشکلات شهرت چیه/ ورزش می کنی چرا/ معمولا مردم چه ورزش هایی بیرون انجام میدند و چرا این ورزش را انتخاب میکنند/
۲- یکجایی که معمولا میریی توی شهرت کجاست کیها میری با کی میری حست چیه
۳- زندگی در ییلاق چجوریه/ مردم چرا دوست دارند برند ییلاق/ مشکلاتش چیه/ مهاجرت خوبه/ مهاجرت از روستا به شهر چه مشکلاتی برای خانواده داره/ نظرت در مورد دیکتاتورها چیه/چرا مردم دوستشون دارند/
کاربر مهمان
اسم و فامیلتو بگو. بگو از کجایی
کار؟ درس؟ رشته ات چیه؟ دوست داری رشته ات رو؟چرا؟
دوس داری غروب درس بخونی یا صبح چرا؟
بچه بودی می رقصیدی؟
مردم شما چه مواقعی بیشتر می رقصن؟
دوچرخه سواری دوس داری؟ مردم شهرتون دوچرخه سوار میشن؟ خودت کی یاد گرفتی؟
کارت: یک کار پرفکت از نظر تو چه کاریه؟ چرا؟
مردم ایران بیشتر چه نوع کاری رو می پسندن؟ چرا؟
بچه ها تو ایران معمولا دوس دارن چی کاره بشن؟ چرا؟
ساعات کاری منعطف خوبه به نظرت؟
کاربر مهمان
پارت ۱:
کجا زندگی میکنی؟
از چه چیز خونت خوشت میاد؟
اگه بتونی چی رو تغییر میدی تو خونت؟
پارت ۲:
در مورد یک دوست صمیمی که داری.کیه؟کجا آشنا شدید؟چرا باهاش دوست شدی؟
پارت ۳:
دوستی خانوما با آقایون چه فرقی میکنه؟
آیا میشه آدم با رییسشم دوست باشه؟
کلا در مورد دوست بود سوالاش
کاربر مهمان
اول که اسم بعد کار میکنی یا دانش اموزی؟بعد چه تایمی کار می کنی ساعت کارت نسبت به بچگیت عوض شد. اینکه چقدر کار میکنی. بعد دوچرخه سواری بلدی. تو ایران وضعیت امنیت واسه دوچرخه سواری چطور؟ یکم از دوچرخه و اینا کی یاد گرفتی
پارت ۲: در مورد یک چیز ی که خریدی. دوستش داریو کی خریدی و از کجا بود.
پارت ۳:روشها خرید و مردم کجا ها میرن خرید و اینا چرا میرن اینجا ها خرید میکنن.در کل خوب بود اما اگه ادم هل نشه و مسلط بگه خوبه. من ۵ تا گپ فیلر استفاد
کردم. در حالی که بیشتر اماد کرده بودم. بعد پارت ۲ یکی از بچه ها هم در مورد ی عروسک مورد علاقش بود کی خرید و اینکه در مورد هدیه دادن بود
کاربر مهمان
قسمت اول در مورد شغلم و تغییراتی که کرده و اینکه چه قسمتیش رو بیشتر دوست دارم. بعد در مورد رقص, اینکه دوست دارم برقصم یا دیگران رو تماشا کنم و اینکه مردم در کشور من بیشتر در چه موقعیتهایی میرقصند. چند تا سوال هم در مورد اولین مدرسه ام, چجوری میرفتم مدرسه, آیا مدرسه خوبی بود یا نه و این چیزا.
قسمت دوم تاپیک در مورد یک حیوان جالب که دیدم, چی بوده, کی, کجا, چرا جالب بوده برام, چه اتفاقی افتاد, چه احساسی در موردش داشتم؟
قسمت سوم هم باز در مورد حیوانات, مشکلات نگه داری pet برای مردم, آیا شهرهای بزرگ مناسب هستن برای نگهداری pet, حیوانات در شهرها بیشتر مشکل ایجاد میکنند یا در فضای باز, چرا بعضی مردم گیاهخوار میشن, آیا موافقم که از حیوانات در آزمایشات پزشکی استفاده بشه؟
کاربر مهمان
پارت اول: سوالای معمول درمورد کار/محل زندگی/ نکات مثبت و منفی شهرت و…. چیزای معمول
پارت دوم: درمورد یکی از دوستای نزدیکت؟ توصیفش کن (اخلاقشو)از کجا میشناسیش چرا تا حالا دوست موندید
پارت سوم: فرق دوستی زنها باهم با دوستی مردها با هم چیه و کدوم دسته (مردها یا زنها) توی دوستی موفق ترن؟ویژگیهای یه دوست خوب و همیشگی و با دوستات چکارا میکنید ….همش در مورد دوستی بود
کاربر مهمان
قسمت اول:
تو کدوم شهر بزرگ شدی؟ آیا فکر میکنی این شهر جای مناسبی برای بزرگ شدنه؟ چرا؟
دوست داری در سابرب زندگی کنی؟ چرا آره یا نه؟
آیا در دوران مدرسه کار گروهی با شاگردان دیگه انجام میدادی؟
آیا انجام دادن کار گروهی خوبه؟ چرا؟
آیا الان هم دوست داری بصورت گروهی درس بخونی؟
آیا اسنک میخوری؟ در انتخاب اسنک چه مواردی رو در نظر میگیری؟
آیا در مواقع مختلف روز اسنک های متفاوتی میخوری؟
قسمت دوم، کارت:
یک قانونی رو بگو که دوست داری در کشورت وضع بشه برای بهبود محیط زیست/ چه قانونی؟/چطور وضع بشه؟/ آیا مردم به راحتی میپذیرندش؟/چطور میتونه به محیط زیست کمک کنه؟/ آیا کشورای دیگه این قانون رو دارند؟
قسمت سوم:
در چه شغلهایی وجود قانون و مقررات بیشتر اهمیت داره؟
آیا باید قوانین سختی برای نحوه پوشش افراد در محل کار وجود داشته باشه؟
آیا کارکنان باید در وضع قوانین برای محیط کار دخالت داشته باشند؟
آیا خوبه که همه قوانین بصورت بین المللی برای همه جای دنیا یکسان باشند؟
کاربر مهمان
از کجایی(کجا متولد شدی)
الان درس میخونی یا کار میکنی؟
کارت را دوست داری؟ ارضا شغلی داری؟ چرا؟
آیا میخای شغلت را عوض کنی؟ چرا؟ کجا بری؟
اهل بیرون رفتن هستی؟ کی؟ با کی ها؟ کجا؟
دوست داری با جمع دوستهای ۲ یا ۳ نفره باشی یا چند نفره؟ چرا؟
پارت ۲
کسی که مسافرت هوایی زیاد میره و میشناسید را معرفی کنید؟ از کجا میشناسید؟ چه ویژگیهایی داره؟ کجاها میره و چه زبونهایی بلده؟
در نهایت توضیح بدید که این کار خوبی هست یا نه؟
پارت ۳
در مورد سفرهای هوایی و اینکه خوبه یا بده
چه اثراتی داره؟
اثرش روی محیط زیست چیه؟
کشور ما برای پروازهای داخلی مناسب هست یا نه؟
آیا پروازهای داخلی بیشتر خواهد شد یا نه؟
و تاثیر اقتصاد و این چیزها در مورد همین موضوع….
کاربر مهمان
سوالات اسپیکینگ
کجا زندگی می کنی؟
آیا دوست داشتی بچه که بودی کلاس رقص میرفتی؟
اگر آره چرا نفرستادنت
به کارهای دستی علاقه داری
بچگی چه کار دستی درست کردی که لذت بردی ؟ فکر میکنی چه تاثیری تو آیندت داشته؟
تسک ۲
مردم شهرت بیشتر دوست دارن چه خبرهایی بخونن ملی یا بین المللی یا محلی خود شهر ؟ و چرا و کچا این مطالب رو میخونن
تسک ۳
به نظرت مردم بیشتر اخبار محلی رو دنبال کنند بهتره یا بین المللی و چرا
همه سوالا راجع به اخبار و اهمیتش و تفاوت بین محلی و بین المللی بود
کاربر مهمان
تسک ۱
hometown and its problems
your home and your favorite room and which room do you like to change?
تسک ۲:
a memory about helping someone
all about helping others such as charity institutes and why people help each others
کاربر مهمان
تسک ۱
countryside or large city
reading books
تسک ۲
foreign country you like to travel
تسک ۳
travelling abroad
study abroad
کاربر مهمان
Section 1 was all about regular questions regarding hometown and if I prefer to live somewhere else at some point in my life
. Section 2 however, was rather a new topic; I had to talk about a person that I know and has to travel a lot by plane for his job.
Section 3 had some follow up questions regarding traveling by plane and living close to the airport and advantages and disadvantages of that.
کاربر مهمان
Tell me about your house
What do you want change in ur House
Ur favorite room
Tell me about ur city?which part of your city you live?
Why do u love this part of city?
Does Making things with hand is popular in ur country?why is it good for children to make sth with their hands?
What did you make with hand when were a child?
What you want to make with ur hand in future?
Cue card:
A activity that changed because of weather condition
Did you talk about that event with somebody?
How is weather condition most of the time in ur country?
which weather condition people in ur country love most?
Which season do you love?
In different season what people do ?
Is there anybody who do different thing in season?
Climate change :
The role of government
The role of individual
Can children do anything for climate change?
کاربر مهمان
پارت ١ کار میکنی یا درس می خونی؟
کارت چیه ؟ چه چیزی را راجع به کارت دوست داری؟ چه زمانی کار می کنی؟
اهل کجایی؟
پارت ٢ یک تصمیم مهم تو زندگیت چی بود ؟ کی بود؟ چرا مهم بود؟ پشیمون شدی بعدش یا نه؟
پارت ٣
تو زندگی روزانه مردم چه انتخاب هایی می کننن؟
انتخاب بچه ها نسبت به بزرگ ها در زندگی روزانه چیه؟
آیا بچه ها تو مدرسه کار دستی درست می کنند؟
آیا درست کردن کاردستی براشون لازمه؟
چه کار دستی دوست داری درست کنی؟
زندگی در گذشته ساده تر بود ولی می گن مردم خوشحال تر بودن نظر تو چیه؟
کاربر مهمان
کارت در مورد فراموشی بود
مهمترین چیزی که تا حالا فراموش کردی
چی بوده
چرا فراموش کردی
بعدش که فهمیدی چکار کردی
دلایل فراموشی چیاست؟
کاربر مهمان
Where are you from?
Your home town is a good place for living?
Do you like to live in countryside? why?
Do you eat snack? What? When?
When do you sea you friend?
Where you go with your friend?
Part 2
Part 3
Do film play a role in education?
What kind of move is more popular in your country?
Do you like watch movie with subtitle or not?
With English or persian ?
Par2 other friends: last article you read, a nice clothes you receive ,where you live(a bout fashion),
Whats your plan for future….
کاربر مهمان
پارت ۱ : راجع به آموزش دادن ریاضی و اینکه خوبه یا نه.
آخرین کنسرتی که رفتی یا از تو تلویزیون نگاه کردی.
و بقیه سوال های معمول مثل کار میکنی یا نه و این جور چیزا
پارت ۲: یه مکانی به غیر از خونت که توش احساس آرامش میکنی.
کجاست. آخرین بار کی اونجا بودی. چرا این حس رو به تو میده.
پارت ۳: محبوب ترین مکان تو کشورت که مردم ریلکس میکنن چیه و چرا.
چرا بچه ها ریلکس تر هستن نسبت به بزرگسالان.
کاربر مهمان
دانشجویی یا سره کار میری؟
تاثیر معلم بیشتر یا همکلاسیا؟
فیلم می بینی؟ کجا فیلم می بینی؟
دوست داری فیلم بسازی؟
دوست صمیمی داری؟
چه مواقعی دوستاتو میبینی؟
پارت دوم:
یه مکان رو توضیح بده به غیراز خونت
چند وقت یکبار میری ؟
چرا میری؟
به دوستات پیشنهادش میکنی؟
پارت سوم:
بچه ها تو چه سنی خواندن و نوشتن یاد میگیرن؟
بین یادگیری خواندن و نوشتن بچه ها و یادگیری بزرگسال ها فرقی وجود داره؟
ایا یاد دادن خواندن و نوشتن به عهده مدرسه است یا پدرها و مادرها؟
writer or reader کاره سخت تریه؟
کاربر مهمان
قسمت ۱
کتاب تاریخی خوندی
فیلم تاریخی دیدی
موزه می ری
قسمت ۲
یک مکالمه مهمی که داشتی
قسمت ۳
مردم راجع به چی حرف می زنن
مرد ها و زن ها مو ضوع صحبت شون فرق می کنه
تاثیر تکنولوژی در مکالمات مردم
کاربر مهمان
پارت ۱:
اهل کجایی؟چیکار میکنی؟دوست داری کارتو ادامه بدی در آینده؟موزه رفتی؟نظرت راجع به شبکه های اجتماعی چیه؟
پارت ۲:
چیزی تا حالا قرض گرفتی؟کی؟چه مدت؟
پارت ۳:
مردم بیشتر چی قرض میگیرن؟آیا همیشه خوبه قرض گرفتن؟
به اشتراک گذاشتن نظرات در زمینه بیزنس و … خوبه آیا؟
کاربر مهمان
پارت ۱:
اهل کجایی؟چه خانه ای رو دوست داری داشته باشی؟
نظرت در مورد ریاضی چیه؟نظرت در مورد ماشین حساب چیه؟
پارت ۲:
چه ورزشی باعث میشه که اندمت متناسب باشه؟چی هسش کی به کی انجامش میدی؟چجوری باعث میشه که اندامت متناسب باشه؟
پارت ۳:
آیا پیرترها هم می تونن با این روش متناسب بشن؟به نظرت خانم ها چی کار می کنن که اندامشون مناسب باشه؟نظرت در مورد ورزش کردن بچه ها چیه آیا آنها باید هر روز ورزش کنن؟ نقش دولت در ورزش کردن شهروندهاش چیه؟ نظرت در مورد توسعه و پیشرفت سازندگان تجهیزات ورزشی چی هستش؟
کاربر مهمان
۱- What city r u from?2- do you study or u have a job?
۳- do you love your job?
۴- do u think ur job will change a lot in future?
Talking about the sky
۱- Do u look at the sky?
۲- Is it better to look at the sky during the day or at night?
۳- where is good to look at the sky in ur city?
Talking about sleep
۱-how much sleep do u get?
۲-did u get more sleep when u were younger?
۳-do u think reading before going to sleep is good?
Describe an exciting sport
-where u know it from
-is it popoular in your country
-is it difficult to do?
-explain why u think its exciting
-does any of your friends do this sport?
Talking about sports
۱-what is the difference between doing professional sports and unprofessional sport?
۲- why do some people pursuit violent sports?
۳- should the government support violent sports?
۴- why do professional sports people have high status in society?
کاربر مهمان
بخش اول کار می کنی یا درس می خونی؟ چه چیزیو توی کارت بیشتر از همه دوست داری؟ شغل مهمتره یا آدمایی که همکارتن؟ راجع به تنها بودن پرسید که خوبه بده و چرا؟
کیو کارد راجع به هدیه بود:
می خواست که یک هدیه خیلی خاصی رو که به کسی دادیم راجع بهش صحبت کنیم و بگیم هدیه چی بود طرف کی بود چقدر طول کشید و چطور هدیه رو خریدی و اینکه طرف چه احساسی داشت وقتی هدیه رو دید
سوالات بخش سه هم راجع به این بود که هدیه دادن چرا مهمه؟ معمولاً در چه شرایطی مردم به هم هدیه میدن و چه اثراتی داره؟ چه فرقی بین زنا و مردا در انتخاب هدیه هست معمولاً؟
کاربر مهمان
قسمت اول:
در مورد خونه ای که توش بزرگ شدم و اینکه چه ویژگی رو ازش دوست داشتم، خونه الان و خونه ای که دوست دارم تو آینده داشته باشم
میوه و سبزیجات میخوری؟ برای چی؟
قسمت دوم:
در مورد یه نفری که یه زبان خارجی بلده ، چه زبانی ؟ چطوری یاد گرفته ؟ کجا استفاده میکنه؟
قسمت سوم:
بچه ها بهتر زبان یاد میگیرن یا بزرگترا؟
یه ویژگی که به نظرت به بزرگترا کمک میکنه بهتر یاد بگیرن؟
نظرت در مورد یادگیری زبان انگلیسی به عنوان زبان بین المللی؟ آیا توی کار بدرد میخوره؟
الان بهتر میشه یاد گرفت یا توی گذشته؟
کاربر مهمان
قسمت اول :
کار می کنی یا محصلی ؟
کجا کار می کنی ؟
کاری که انجام می دی مهمتره یا کسایی که اطرافت کار می کنن ؟
تا حالا به کسی کمک کردی؟
کمک کردن چه حسی بهت میده ؟
آخرین باری که کسی بهت کمک کرد کی بوده و چه جوری بود ؟
پدر و مادرت چه نقشی در مورد کمک کردن تو به بقیه داشتن ؟
قسمت دوم:
در مورد یه مکان تاریخی که دیدی توضیح بده ؟ چرا برات جذاب بوده ؟ با کی رفتی .
قسمت سوم:
آموزش تاریخ به بچه ها چه فایده ای داره ؟
با چه روشهایی میشه آموزش تاریخ رو بهبود داد ؟
آیا دولت باید بر سر ترمیم مکانهای تاریخی هزینه کنه یا مردم ؟؟
بعضیا میگن دولت نباید این کار رو بکنه درست میگن ؟
کاربر مهمان
پارت ۱ : در مورد کار . چی محل کارت رو دوست داری؟ نوع کار مهمتره یا ادم هایی که باهاشون کار می کنی ؟ بعد ریاضی . از کی شروع کردی ؟ ریاضی دوست داری یا نه ؟ چرا ؟
پارت ۲ : یه بازی داخل خانه که در بچگیت داشتی . بازی رو تعریف کن . چرا دوست داشتی ؟ کجا بازی می کردی؟ با کی بازی می کردی؟
پارت ۳: بازی چه اثراتی داره؟ الان بچه ها چه جور بازی هایی انجام میدهند ؟ رقابت خوبه یانه؟ در محیط کار چطور؟ ایرانی ها رقابت می کنند یا نه؟ در ورزش مثل المپیک رقابت چه اثری داره؟
کاربر مهمان
شغلت چیه؟
تاحالا به کسی کمک کردی؟
کمک کردن چه حسی بهت میده؟
اخرین باری که کسی کمکت کرد چه زمانی بوده؟
پارت۲: پروژه ای که خودت یا دوستت انجام دادی یا داده و ازش لذت بردی… کی؟چجوری؟چرا؟
پارت ۳: تاثیر کار روی اقتصاد کشورت؟
وضعیت کار در ۳۰ سال پیش چه تغییری کرده؟
اهمیت کار در زندگی خانم های خونه دار چیه؟
تاثیر کار در روحیه عمومی مردم چجوریه؟
آیا کار در ایران با پارتی هست یا به تخصصت برمیگرده ؟
کاربر مهمان
کجا زندگی میکنی کارت چیه کارت رو دوست داری یا نه قوت و ضعفش چیه در آینده چه شکلیه، آسمون شب چطوریه. خونتون چه شکلیه
کارت : نصیحتی که شنیدی و خیلی تو زندگی به کارت اومده از کی شنیدی کی شنیدی نتیجه اش چی بوده
در ادامه، آدما دوست دارن نصیحت بشن یا نه، نصیحت بد هم داریم و اثراتش چیه، اگر نصحیت کننده خودش داغون باشه چی میشه، آیا نیازه نصیحت کننده خودش هم ترین بشه در این مورد، مسنها بهترن برای نصیحت یا نه جوونترها، چرا بعضی جوونا نصیحت تو مخشون نمیره ..
کاربر مهمان
بخش اول:
محل زندگیت چه شکلیه
با اطرافیانت تو همسایگیت ارتباط داشته باشی خوبه یا نه
واسه ارتباط با بقیه زنگ می زنی یا مسیج میدی معمولا
ترجیح میدی خبر خوب رو با اس ام اس بدن بهت یا تماس
تا حالا تو مسیج دادن با مشکل مواجه شدی؟
بخش دوم:
یه تغییر که می تونه باعث پیشرفت اطراف محل زندگیت بشه بگو
چی هست؟ چطور باید انجام شه؟ چرا فک می کنی می تونه باعث پیشرفت شه؟
بخش سوم:
ارتباطات چه نقشی دارن در زندگی امروز
نسبت به گذشته ارتباطات بیشتره امروزه یا نه
آیا برقراری ارتباط با دیگران مهمه یا نه
کاربر مهمان
کل سوالها در مورد کار بود
-کجا کار می کنی
-با چه کسایی کار می کنی
-افرادی که باهاشون کار میکنی مهمترن یا کار؟
قسمت ۳
– کاری که انجام دادی و حقوق گرفتی چی بوده؟
-با چه کسایی دوست داری کار کنی؟
-باید از کودکی بچه ها رو به سمت کار خاصی هدایت کرد؟ چرا؟
کاربر مهمان
پارت ۱
کار یا درس
پارت ۲
راجع به چیزی که سوپرایزت کرده بگو, چی بوده, کی و کجا, توضیح بده چرا سوپرایز شدی
بعدش پرسید ایا دیگران هم سوپرایز شدن با اون
پارت ۳ happiness
کلا همش راجع به همین بود ایا پول خوشحالی میاره و ازین صحبتا
کاربر مهمان
پارت ۱: نام کامل،
کار میکنی یا درس میخونی؟
وظیفه ت در کارت چیه؟و آیا دوس داری کارت رو یا نه؟
چه چیزی رو در مورد کارت دوس داری؟
چقد خواب برای انسان ها لازمه؟ خودت چقد میخوابی؟آیا کتاب خوندن قبل خواب خوبه؟
چه نوع آب و هوایی رو دوس داری؟آیا پیش بینی هوارو دنبال می کنی؟ آیا هوا روی انسان ها تاثیر داره؟
موضوع Cue Card : یک فیلمی رو که قبلا دیدی و دوس داری دوباره ببینی.
چه فیلمی بوده؟ کی و کجا و با چه کسی دیدیش؟ در مورد چی بود؟ و توضیح بده چرا دوس داری باز ببینیش؟
پارت ۳: چه راه هایی برای دیدن فیلم وجود داره؟آیا مردم در آینده کمتر فیلم می بینن؟ آیا بازیگری که در فیلم بازی می کنه روی فروش فیلم تاثیر میذاره؟ آیا پیشرفت تکنولوژی بر کیفیت فیلم تاثیر داره؟
کاربر مهمان
نام کامل؟
یه توضیحی در مورد آپارتمانی که توش زندگی می کنی بده.
موزه دوست داری؟
دوست داری توی چه موزه هایی کار کنی؟
پارت ۲: درمورد یه آشپز خوب صحبت کنید. چطور این آشپز رو میشناسید. چطوری آشپزی یاد گرفته و بگید چرا شما از این آشپز خوشتون میاد.
پارت ۳:
آیا باید یه درس توی مدرسه برای بچه ها گذاشته بشه که یاد بگیرن آشپزی کنند
آیا شما هم آشپزیتون خوبه
به نظر شما کارخونه های غذایی سالم هستند و محصولات غذایی سالمی به بازار ارایه می دن
آیا باید پشت محصولات غذایی نوشته بشه چی داخلش به کار رفته. چرا باید مردم بدونن چی توی اون محصول غذایی به کار رفته؟
آیا باید بچه ها بدونن توی غذایی که می خورن چه مواد غذایی به کار رفته؟
دولت چه کاری می تونه انجام بده برای بهترکردن محصولات غذایی جامعه؟
کاربر مهمان
سلام و احوال پرسى
پرسیدن اسم کامل
پرسیدن شغل
چه چیزى در مورد کارت دوست دارى؟
در مورد میوه و سبزى صحبت شد. آیا مى خورى؟ چرا مى خورى؟ از کجا میارى؟
در مورد تجارت کوچک موفق دو دقیقه صحبت کنید.
نظرتون در مورد تجارت آى تى چیه؟
چجورى یه تجارت موفق مى شه؟
کاربر مهمان
پارت یک: توصیف خونه و مرکز خرید نزدیک خونه
آسمون شب رو بیشتر دوست دارى یا روز؟ از کجا بهتر مى شه ستاره ها رو دید؟
پارت دو: یه کسى که دوسش نداشتى ولى مجبور شدى باهاش دوستانه رفتار کنى؟
پارت سه؟ آیا مردم مجبورن با بعضیا دوستانه برخورد کنن؟ چرا؟
مهمه که مردم رک باشن؟ تفاوت فرهنگ ها در میزان رک بودن؟ نقش بادى لنگواج در ارتباطات؟
آیا مردم بدون اینکه زبان مشترک بلد باشند مى تونن ارتباط برقرار کنن؟
کاربر مهمان
در مورد آخر هفته و اینکه دوست داری یا نه، آخر هفته درس می خونی؟
دوست داری به آسمان نگاه کنی، آسمون شب را بیشتر دوست داری یا روز؛ ستاره ها را کجا میشه بهتر دید، تو مدرسه در مورد ستاره ها درس دادن بهتون …
یک چیزی که تو مدرسه دوست نداشتی ولی بعداً دوستش داشتی و چرا
نقش معلم و دانش آموز و اینکه بهتر یه مسئله را عمیق بخونی یا چند تا مسئله سطحی و اینکه پیرها میتونن دانش خودشون را به بقیه منتقل کنن و …
کاربر مهمان
پارت اول:
– اسم کامل شما چیه؟
– درس میخونی یا کار میکنی؟
– دوست داری در آینده کجا کار کنی؟
– دوست داری در آینده چیکار کنی؟
پارت دوم
کیو کارت:
یه ایونتی که چیزه غیر منتظره در اون اتاف افتاده رو بگو. کی؟ کجا؟ چرا غیر منتظره بود؟
پارت سوم:
– چرا امروزه مردم خرید زیاد میرند؟
– طرز تفکر مثبت چه ارتباطی با زندگی بهتر داره؟
– فکر میکنی نگرش افراد بر زندگی شون تاثیر گذاره؟
کاربر مهمان
Part 1
where are you from?
do you work or study?
do you live in a house or apartment?
do you like trees?
is it many trees near where you live?
have ever plant a tree?
what do you do in your free time?
if you get more free time?
Part 2
Describe a vehicle you would like to own
what kind is it?
what does it look like?
why do you want to have it?
describe the car a little more
do you think you will ever buy the car?
Part 3:
talk about reasons of traffic jams?
talk about the solutions?
problems caused by traffic congestion?
how long do people usually stuck in traffic jam in your hometown?
do you think vehicle owners should pay for roads maintenance?
do you think government should spend money on roads or railway?
which one is more convenient?
how can government encourage people to use trains instead of vehicles?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you live in a house or an apartment?
– Do you like living there? Why?
– Do you like to watch the sky? Why?
– When do you do it?
– Do you prefer to watch the day or the night sky? Why?
– Did you learn anything about the planets in our solar system at school?
Cue Card
Talk about a place near water that you visited recently. Please say
– What and where is this place?
– When and with whom did you go there?
– What did you do there?
– Did you take a lot of photos there?
– Do you have a photo of that place at home?
– Do you think clean water is important for people? Why?
– What is the reason for shortage of clean water in the world?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What kind of films do you like?
– Did you like different films as a child?
– If you had a chance to make a movie, would you do it?
Cue Card
Describe any paid work that you did and enjoyed the experience. Please say
– What was the work?
– With whom did you work?
– Why did you enjoy it?
– How does work affect our daily lives?
– How is work related to the identity of a person?
– What kind of work is suitable for youngsters and the elderly?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– How often do have guests at your home?
– What do you do during this time?
– How can you communicate with your family members? Why?
– Why do people prefer emails instead of letters to contact others?
Cue Card
Talk about something you would like to buy in the future. Please say
– What is it?
– How long do you have this idea for?
– Why do you want to buy it
کاربر مهمان
What’s your full name?
Where are you from?
Can I see your ID?
Describe the place where you live
Do you like living there?
Are there any shops near your home?
What’ the weather like in your hometown? Do you like it? why?
Do you follow weather forecast?
why is it important for people to check how the weather is?
Do you like to write emails?
To whom do you write mostly?
Do you prefer to receive a phone call or an email?
What type of emails do you receive usually?
What type of email is hard to write for you? Why?
Cue Card
Describe a person from your family who you would like to work with him/her. Explain what his/her profession is and why you want to accompany with him
What are the advantages and disadvantages of running a business with family members?
Have you ever thought about working for a big international company?
Some people believe working for a company for a long time isn’t so good. What’s your opinion?
to answer this question I cited one of my former colleges who advised me not to work for a company for more than two years! and following this, the examiner asked me :
Why did he say that?
کاربر مهمان
قسمت اول که شامل معرفی و اینکه الان چه کار می کنم و اینا بود
قسمت دوم کتابچه گذاشت جلوم که توش نوشته بود در مورد یه شرکت کوچک موفق صحبت کنم چطوریه که می شناسمش کی بهم معرفی کرده و چرا فکر می کنم موفقه
قسمت سوم هم یه کم وارد جزئیات شد که فکر می کنی چرا بعضیا دوست دارن جاهای کوچکتر کار کنند و بعضیا جاهای بزرگتر؟ یه مدیر که می خواد جایی رو راه بندازه باید چه ویژگی هایی داشته باشه؟ فکر می کنی شرکت هایی که فامیلی هستن چه ویژگی هایی دارن چه بدی هایی دارن؟
کاربر مهمان
در مورد خانه محل زندگیتان صحبت کنید.
موزه را دوست دارید؟
با دوستانتان موزه میروید یا تنها؟کدوم بهتره
یک سابجکتی که در مدرسه دوست نداشتید و الان میبینید که به دردتون میخوره
چرا دوستش نداشتید
الان چه تاثیری رو زندگیتون داره
معلمها چگونه میتوانند بچه ها را به درس خواندن جذب کنن؟
آیا میتونن با گمک خنده این کار رو بکنن؟
نقش ریسرچ در زندگی چیست؟
روی چه قسمتهای باید تمرکز شود و چرا؟
کاربر مهمان
خانه ای که در آن در حال حاظر زندگی می کنید دوست دارید ؟
چه ویژگی هایی داره ؟
سپس چندین سئوال متفرقه سخت که نسبت به دو سئوال اول کلی فرق داشت.
کارت :
مهمترین ایونتی که تو ذهن شما مونده از خانواده تان بگید
چرا مهم هست
چه ویژگی هایی داشت
چه شخصی و غیره
سئوالات مرتبط با کیو کارت :
به غیر از شما چه کسای دیگه ای در ذهنشون مونده ؟ چرا ؟
کلی سئوال هدف دار دیگه.
به سن بلوغ رسیدن ؟ سئوال در این ارتباط ! علائم ذهنی و سن مخصوص و ویژگی ها و …
تقریبا باقی سئوال در ارتباط با این موضوع بود.
کاربر مهمان
سوالات امروز ایرسافام
Task one
Where did u live when you were a child?
How is your current house look like?
What is the most interesting thing about the house you are living now?
What kind of house do you prefer to live in?
Which public holiday do you love the most?
Do you love public holidays?
Do you think that there must be more public holidays?
Task two
Describe a gift you bought for someone that was important and took you a lot of time to get it.
What it was
Who you bought it for
What was the feeling of that guy about the gift
Why did that take time to buy…
Would u like receiving gifts
Task three
Questions about gifts
Is there any traditional event in your country that people buy gift for each other?
Is the money we spend on gift important or not?
Do you like to buy a gift for other people?
Do you think women buy more gifts than men? Why?
Why is it difficult to buy a gift for someone?
Is it important to buy something useful for others?
کاربر مهمان
Irsafam institute:
What is your name?
Can I see your ID?
What kind of clothes do you like to wear?
What kind of clothes do you wear at the weekend?
What is your favorite color?
What color do you want to wear when you become old?
do you wear colorful clothes when you are old?
can you organize your time?
How do you organize your time?
How did you learn to organize your time?
do you use the Internet?
Which websites do you search very much?
Cue card:
What are the most important things in the internet that you learn from it a lot
How did you learn it?
What did you learn from it?
How much does it influence in your life?
Can we rely on the information in the internet?(Why?)
Which are the best ways to search in the internet for students?
do the advantages of the internet are more than it’s drawbacks?
Can people use the internet to buy something?(How?)
کاربر مهمان
آزاد ۲۸ اپریل
کیو کارد – مهمترین conversation شما چه بوده است ؟ کی و کجا انجام شده و چرا برای شما مهم بوده است ؟
فرق مکالمه تلفنی با مکالمه face to face در چیست
کاربر مهمان
ایرسافام، ۱۴ مارس
کیو کارد: یک آشپز رو معرفی کنید و بگید چرا اون رو انتخاب کردید و چه اهمیتی داره این آدم و چه تاثیری رو شما داشته.
قسمت سه: مردم تو کشور شما چقدر به آشپزی اهمیت میدن؟ کجا غذا می خورن؟ چه جور غذاهایی می خورن؟
کاربر مهمان
دانشگاه آزاد تهران
کیو کارد:
اگر قرار باشد زبانی غیر از انگلیسی یاد بگیرید چه زبانی را انتخاب خواهید کرد؟ ( فرانسه را انتخاب کردم )
بخش سوم:
یادگیری زبان چه تاثیری بر زندگی روزمره و فرهنگ افراد جامعه دارد؟
منظور از global village چیست و چه ارتباطی با زبان دارد؟
اگر معتقدید که زبان جدید فرهنگ جدید وارد می کند چه اشکالی دارد که عادات غلط جامعه را با آن اصلاح کنیم؟
چگونه ممکنه که فرهنگ جدید وارد کشوری شود بدون نگرانی از تهاجم فرهنگی؟
اگر قرار باشد در آینده تمام مردم زمین به یک زبان واحد صحبت کنند چه زبانی خواهد بود؟
بطور کلی ممتحن از من در بخش سوم خیلی سوال پرسید و اکثر سوالها رو از روی برگه نمونه سوال نپرسید و کاملا در جواب پاسخ من به سوال قبلی منو به چالش کشید.
کاربر مهمان
موسسه ایرسافام. ۲۸ فوریه:
– سلام.
– روز خوبی داشته اید؟
– می توانیم شروع کنیم؟
شروع به ضبط صدا:
– خودتان را معرفی کنید.
– می توانم کارت شناسایی شما را ببینم؟
– منزلی که در آن زندگی می کنید را توصیف کنید.
– آیا در نزدیکی منزل شما فروشگاه هایی قرار دارند؟
– آیا شما وقتتان را تنظیم (organize) می کنید؟
– چگونه؟
– چه رنگ هایی را برای لباس هایتان می پسندید؟
– دکوراسیون خانه تان چه رنگی است؟
– چرا کسی رنگ مشکی را برای دکور خانه انتخاب نمی کند؟
کیو کارت:
– در مورد محلی که بازدید کرده اید صحبت کنید که پر از رنگ بوده است.
بخش سوم:
– آیا دختر ها و پسرها یک نوع رنگ را می پسندند؟
– آیا انتخاب رنگ برای فروشگاه ها مهم است؟
– چرا مدیران کت و شلوارهای تیره می پوشند؟
کاربر مهمان
سلام. موسسه ایرسافام.
کیوکارد: یه موقعیتی رو بگو که به یک غریبه کمک کردی: کی،چه وقت، چه اتفاقی افتاده بود، بعدش چه احساسی داشتی.
پارت ۳: از بازدید موزه خوشت میاد؟ آیا جوان ها باید در تصمیم گیری های جامعه حضور داشته باشند؟ بعضی شغل هایی که باعث کمک به مردم می شوند آیا باید حقوق خوبی بگیرند؟ در مورد کارهای داوطلبانه توضیح بده که نظرت چیه؟ و چرا یه عده میرن سراغ اینجور کارا؟
سوال کیو کارد دو نفر دیگه که با من امتحان داشتن: مکانی که به تازگی ویزیت کردی.
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What subjects did you study at school?
– What is your future dream job?
– Do you like reading?
– What is the perfect reading place for you?
– Do you like to read alone or with friends?
Cue Card
Talk about an interesting place that you have visited recently. Please say
– What and where is it?
– With whom did you go there?
– What did you like there?
– Did you see tourists coming back to your town?
– Do you think you will come back? Why?
– Why do you think people visit the same place again and again?
– Is there a difference between your first visit to a place and your later visits there?
– Do you think it is important for tourists to respect and follow the culture of places they visit?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What subject did you study?
– Do you like to write emails?
– Do you prefer to receive a phone call or an email?
– What type of emails do you receive mostly?
– What type of email is hard to write for you? Why?
Cue Card
Talk about news that you saw on TV or the Internet recently. Please say
– When and where was it?
– What was the news?
– How did you feel after that?
– What news would you like to see on TV?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you study or work?
– Do you think your study subject is easy? Why?
– Do like weekends?
– What did you do last weekend?
– Have you ever worked on the weekend?
Cue Card
Talk about a movie you recently saw, please say
– Where did you see it?
– With whom did you see it?
– Did you enjoy it?
– Why do you think movies are important?
– How often do you like to see a movie?
– Are movies always based on facts?
– Why do our preferences in movies change with our age?
– Do you like writing emails or letters more?
– What types of letter are difficult to write?
– Who usually sends you emails?
– Why is email considered a standard medium of communication?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Describe your accommodation please.
– Is there any market or shop nearby?
– What kind of sky do you like? Why?
– Do you see the sky from your home?
– Which season do you like? Why?
– Do you think the weather has any effect on traveling?
– Do you check the weather forecast daily?
– Do you use the Internet to check it, or watch it on TV?
Cue Card
Describe a toy from your childhood that you liked a lot. Please say
– What was it?
– When and how did you get it?
– Why was it so important to you?
– Do you still have that toy?
– What type of toys do children like today?
– Do you think toys have an influence on the mental development of children?
– How do toys help children to develop physically?
– Do you think nowadays children get too many toys? Why?
– What toy would you give to your child?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you like cold weather? Why?
– Are there different seasons in your country?
– What are they?
– Are advertisements important?
– Do they help people buy products?
– Do you watch advertisements on TV or the internet?
Cue Card
Talk about your favourite application (app) on a mobile device. Please say
– What app is it?
– How is it useful to you?
– Will you use it in the future? Why?
– How long have you been using it for?
– Why is technology so useful today?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Why did you choose this profession?
– What position did you get when you first started working?
– Do you organise your time?
– With whom do you usually spend it?
– Do you usually plan your weekends?
– What do you do in your free time?
– Do you like to write letters or emails?
– To whom do you write?
Cue Card
Describe a place that you visited for a short time. Please say
– Where did you go to?
– Why did you choose that place?
– With whom did you go there?
– Why do people visit the same places over and over again?
– What are popular short journey destinations in your country?
– Would you like to go there for a short visit?
کاربر مهمان
پارت اول:
اسم و فامیلت؟
چه آب و هوایی رو دوست داری؟چرا؟
Weather forecast رو پیگیری میکنی؟
قبل رفتن به مسافرت اب و هوای مقصد رو چک میکنی؟چرا؟
موزه زیاد میری؟
چه جور موزه ای رو دوست داری بری؟
دوست داشتی توی موزه کار میکردی؟
(اصلا راجع به تحصیلاتم و کارم نپرسید)
خونه تون چه جوریه؟دوسش داری؟
محله تون خوبه؟مرکز خرید و امکاناتش خوبه؟چیشو دوس داری؟
پارت دوم:
یه جایی رو توصیف کن که برای یه مسافرت کوتاه رفته بودی و حالا میخوای بازم بری؟
کجا بوده؟ چرا میخوای بازم بری؟ چه چیزی اونجا منحصر بفرد بود؟
پارت سه:
چرا بعضیها یه جای خاص رو چند بار میرن مسافرت؟
بنظرت برای بار دوم یه جا رفتن خسته کننده و تکراری نیست؟
چرا بعضیها هر تعطیلات که میشه، یه جای تکراری میرن؟
شما ترجیح میدی در طول سال چند مسافرت کوتاه بری یا یه مسافرت طولانی؟
کاربر مهمان
من ۷ فوریه ایرسافام امتحان دادم با آقای ایمان مافی
سوالات پارت اول تا جایی که یادم میاد:
چی کار می کنی؟
رشتت چیه؟
بعد از تحصیلت میخوای چی کار کنی؟
معلمی که به یادت مونده؟
پارت دوم: آخرین باری که با دوستات یه پارتی گرفتین تو یه رستوران و توصیف کن.
پارت سوم: در مورد گرفتن پارتی تو خونه یا تو رستوران. فرق غذاهاشون و اینا پرسید.
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you live in a house or an apartment?
– Is there any shopping center near your place?
– Have you ever been to a museum?
– What do you like about museums?
– Do you prefer to go to a museum alone or with friends?
– Would you like to work in a museum?
– Do you like to write letters or emails?
– To whom do you usually write?
– On what occasions do you do it?
– Do you prefer to receive a phone call or a letter? Why?
– What type of letter is the most difficult for you?
Cue Card
Describe a type of vehicle that you would like to have in the future. Please say
– What vehicle is it?
– Why do you like it?
– What is so special about it?
– Have you ever driven such a car?
– What are the types of passenger cars?
– What are the differences between transportation today and in the past?
– What will the transportation look like in the future?
– What are the main reasons for traffic jams in your opinion?
– What is the main problem related to traffic jams
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– Do you find your work interesting? Why?
– Let’s talk about sleep.
– How many hours of sleep do you need?
– Did you sleep more or less hours when you were young?
– Is it necessary to have a nap after lunch? Why?
– Is reading books important before going to sleep?
– What is the best time for reading? Why?
– What is the best place for reading?
– What do you like to read? Why?
Cue Card
Describe a famous person whom you like. Please say
– Who is this person?
– What is he/she famous for?
– Why do you like this person?
– Would you like to be famous? Why?
– What kinds of people become famous in your country?
– What are the good things about being famous?
– What are the disadvantages?
– Why do you think people are interested in lives of celebrities?
– Do you think that the children of famous people have an easy life?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Tell me about your house.
– Which room is your favorite?
– How long have you been living in this house?
– Do you prefer to have many friends or one very good friend? Why?
– What do you do on weekends?
Cue Card
Describe an interesting conversation between you and your friend that you had in the recent weeks. Please say
– Who is this person?
– What was your conversation about?
– Where did you meet him/her for this conversation?
– Why do you think it was an interesting conversation?
– What are the differences between topics that women and men usually discuss?
– What is the difference between opinions of women and men?
– Do you prefer wearing fashionable shoes or regular shoes? Why?
– Why are some people afraid of public speaking?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Do you study or work?
– How do you spend your weekends?
– Are your weekends different to your weekdays and why?
– How did you spend your last weekend and why?
Cue Card
Describe a vehicle that you want to own in the future, please say
– What is it?
– Why do you want to buy it?
– How would you use it?
– Do you think the traffic has increased rapidly in big cities like Sydney? Why?
– What do you think about traffic causing air pollution?
– How can we overcome this problem of pollution?
– Are there any other problems that traffic causes?
– Do you think the government should spend money on building more roads by wiping out parks in the cities? Why?
– What are some of the ways the government can fund the roadworks?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Describe the place where you live.
– Do you live in a flat or a house?
– Do you like living there?
– Are there any shops close to you place?
– What do you do on weekends?
– Do you usually plan your weekends?
– What kinds of things are collected by people in your country?
– What is the reason for collecting such items?
Cue Card
Describe a famous person. Please say
– Who is this person?
– What is he/she famous for?
– How did you know about him/her?
– What are the advantages of being famous?
– What are the disadvantages of this in your opinion?
– Do famous people have something to be afraid of?
– What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a child of a famous person?
کاربر مهمان
من ۲۹ ژانویه ایرسافام امتحان دادم با آقای بابک برقچی
سوالات پارت اول تا جایی که یادم میاد:
در چه نوع خانه ای زندگی می کنید؟
رنگ مورد علاقه؟
آیا معلم شدن رو دوست داری؟
آیا با معلمات هنوز در ارتباطی؟
پارت دوم: یه تایمی رو که منتظر کسی بودی توصیف کن و بگو منتظر کی بودی، کجا بودی، تو اون فاصله چیکار کردی و چه احساسی داشتی! (کمی سوالش برام جدید و البته سخت بود!)
پارت سوم: کلا در مورد زمان و مدیریت زمان بود، مثلا نقش محیط کار در منظم کردن افراد و پای بند نمودنشون به زمان چیه؟
در چه موقعیت هایی مجبوریم که منتظر بمونیم؟
افراد صبور چه برتری نسبت به سایر افراد دارند؟
آیا میشه صبور بودن رو به افراد آموزش داد؟
کاربر مهمان
سلام من امروز اسپیکینگ داشتم در “آیلتس تهران” و سوالهایی که ازم پرسید اگزمینر اینا بود.
پارت ۱
۱٫در آپارتمان زندگی میکنید یا خونه ویلایی؟مختصر توصیف کنید.
۲٫کدوم اتاق رو بیشتر دوست داری و چرا؟
۳٫تو کشور شما چقدر تعطیلات عمومی هست و کدومش رو بیشتر دوست داری؟
۴٫آیا باید تعطیلات بیشتر بشه؟ معمولا تو تعطیلات عمومی چیکار میکنی؟
۵٫چقدر کار خونه انجام میدی و کدوم رو بشتر دوست داری؟
۶٫زمان کودکی کار خونه انجام میدادی؟ برای لذت بخش کردن کارهای خونه چه روشی داری؟
پارت ۲
موضوع اصلی: یه مهمونی که دوستات رو بهش دعوت کردی(ناهار یا شام) رو توصیف کن.علت دعوت کردن/مکان برگزاری/زمانش و اینکه چطور براش تدارک دیدی؟
سوال پایانی: آیا دوستات تورو برای غذا دعوت میکنن؟
پارت ۳
۱٫به نظرت مردم این روزا بیشتر به رستوران میرن نسبت به قبل؟چرا؟
۲٫رستوران غذا خوردن چه مزایا و معایبی داره؟
۳٫آیا موافقی یک زمان همه کارهای آدما مکانیزه بشه؟
۴٫چرا بعضی غذاهارو فقط تو تعطیلات میخورن؟
کاربر مهمان
واسه آزمون ۱۰ ژانویه ایرسافام ثبتنام کردم(آکادمیک). دیروز اسپیکینگم بود با خانم تینا صمدی. برخوردشون عالی بود و کاملا استرس رو از من برداشتن. شرایط آزمون هم عالی. البته خودم فکر میکنم که قسمت دوم چندتا غلط در زمان فعلا داشتم. فکر میکنم بین ۶ تا ۶.۵ بگیرم. و اما سوالات:
قسمت ۱:
۱) اسمت چیه؟
۲)از کجا اومدی؟
۳) کار میکنی یا درس میخونی؟
۴) نظرت در مورد کارت چیه؟
۵) از کارت خسته نمیشی؟
۶) معمولا نامه و ایمیل مینویسی؟ به کی یا چه موسسهای؟
۷) معمولا از کی نامه یا میل دریافت میکنی؟
۸) با نامه و میل راحتتری یا با تلفن؟چرا؟
قسمت ۲:
یک اتفاق خانوادگی که در کودکی در آن شرکت کردی رو توصیف کن!
۱) اون اتفاق چی بود؟
۲)چند ساله بودی؟
۳) چه کسایی اونجا بودن؟
۴) چرا واست جالب بود؟
قسمت ۳:
۱) ساختار خانواده در کشورت رو توصیف کن
۲)روابط بین اعضای خانواده در ایران
۳) نقش پدر و مادر در خانواده ایرانی
۴)تفاوت نقش پدر و مادر در خانواده ایرانی
۵) آیا تربیت پسر و دختر متفاوت است؟ چگونه؟
۶) به نظر شما از چندسالگی میشه یه نفر رو بزرگسال به حساب آورد؟
۷)چرا اینجوری فکر میکنی؟
۸)به نظرت بچهها نسبت به گذشته زودتر بزرگ نمیشن؟ توضیح بده
کاربر مهمان
اکادمیک ایرسافام ۲۰ دسامبر – نمره من ۷ شد
پارت اول :
توصیف خانه خود – اتاق خود …
تبلیغات – تبلیغات تلویزیونی – تبلیغات خیابونی …
کارهای خونه انجام میدی – بچگی انجام میدادی ….
پارت دوم:
توصیف یک مکان تاریخی ، کی بهت پیشنهاد داد ببینی ، چرا خوشت اومد …
پارت سوم : تاریخ
مطالعه تاریخ مهمه ؟
ایا باید اموزشش بدیم ؟ به بچه ها چی ؟
چطوری اموزش تاریخ رو جذاب کنیم ؟
ایا خوبه که بعضی فیلم ها تاریخ رو تحریف میکنن ؟
و ….
سوالا خیلی یادم نمونده ولی بطور کلی سوالا اینا بود
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you live in a house or an apartment?
– What room do you like the most?
– How long will you stay in this house?
– Do you like the nature? Why?
– Do you think living in the countryside is good? Why?
Cue Card
Describe an occasion when you received a good service from a company or office. Please say
– What and when was it?
– How did it happen?
– Do you remember the person who helped you?
– Do you think that company should continue providing good service?
– What factors are important to provide good service?
– What kind of company provides better service than others?
– What government organization can provide service to public?
– Do companies need training for their staff to improve service quality?
– What kind of training would be useful?
– What companies can avoid providing service to public?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What subject are you studying?
– Why do you think people choose such a subject in your country?
– Do you like reading books?
– What type of books do you read?
– Are you reading a book presently?
– Would you like to write a book in the future?
Cue Card
Talk about a situation where you have got an advice from somebody. Please say
– Who gave it to you?
– What was the advice?
– What impact did it leave on you or your life?
– Was it a good or bad advice overall?
– What do you think about giving or receiving advice now?
– Would you rather take advice from parents or friends?
– Do you drive a car?
– What is the importance of having good driving skills?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What did you do after finishing your studies?
– Do you like your work or study?
– Tell me about a teacher that you liked.
– Are you still in contact with him/her?
– Do you want to become a teacher? Why?
Cue Card
Talk about an instance when you had to wait for someone. Please say
– When and where was it?
– How long were you waiting for him/her?
– What did you do during that time?
– When do you think people wait?
– What is the difference between waiting for a person and waiting in a restaurant for your order, for example?
– Why do you think some people are patient and others aren’t?
– Why do you think businesses try to use time effectively?
– Do you think being short-tempered can cause problems at work?
– How can you make people use their time effectively at work?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Where do you live now?
– Do you know any of your neighbours?
– What does your house look like?
– Can you read maps?
– How frequently do you use them?
– Is there any difference between paper and electronic maps?
– What kind of maps do you use?
Cue Card
Talk about a holiday destination that you have visited, please say
– When was it?
– What was the place?
– With whom did you go?
– Did you bring any souvenirs from that trip?
– Why do you think people bring gifts or souvenirs from their holidays?
– What kind of things do you prefer to bring?
– Do you realise that local people earn money selling them?
– Nowadays everyone is carrying a camera, is it an advantage or a disadvantage?
– What kind of photographs do you take?
– Why do we need these photos?
کاربر مهمان
آزمون ایرسافام
سوال های من : (دقیق همه سوالها یادم نیست، چون دو هفته قبل آزمون دادم — نمره speaking من هشت شد.)
part 1:
-talk about your home and where you live
-do you like camping?
-is holiday important for you and why?
-how often do you buy shoes?
-do you have a favorite shoe?
part 2:
describe someone you find beautiful or handsome
who is she/he?
how long have you known him/her?
why you think he/she is beautiful or handsome?
why do people care about their clothes?
is beauty important for men?
do you think modeling is a good job?
کاربر مهمان
من ۲۲ نوامبر با آقای ایمان معافی امتحان داشتم…
قسمت اول: معرفی خود/کار می کنی یا درس می خونی/کجا بهتر می تونی تمرکز کنی/قبلا بهتر تمرکز می کردی یا الان/…..
قسمت دوم: وسیله ای که باهاش مشکل داشتی چی بوده/باهاش چه مشکلی داشتی و چطور این مشکلو حل کردی
قسمت سوم: به نظر شما هوش طبیعی بهتر است یا تکنیکی که فرا گرفته می شود/چرا/چرا بعضی ها هوش طبیعی دارند/چه باید کرد تا این هوش را تقویت کرد
کاربر مهمان
موسسه عصردین و دانش : دکتر ایروانی ۲۹ November
پارت اول
در مورد محل زندگی و اینکه چجور جاییه ایا از محلتون خوشت میاد و چرا
و در ادامه در مورد آیا خرید کردن دوست داری و چی دوست داری بخری تا حالا آنلاین خرید کردی و چی بوده
پارت دوم
در مورد یک بازیگر کمدی و اینکه چرا معروفه و مردم چرا دوستش دارند
پارت سوم
چرا بازیگرها معروف میشند
آیا زیاد پول میگیرند
چرا بچه ها ازشون تقلید میکنند خوبه یا بده
نظرت در مورد سیرک چیه
چرا بچه ها دوست دارند برند سیرک
کاربر مهمان
من امروز صبح امتحان دادم (مرکز ایرسافام) آقای ناصری اگه اشتباه نکنم اگزماینر بودن:
۱- راجه به محلتون بگو
۲- آیا محل خوبیه برای کسایی که بچه دارن؟
۳-پارک رفتن رو دوست داری؟ چرا؟ آخرین باری که پارک رفتی کی بود؟
cue card:
راجه به یه شهری که رفتی بگو که کجا بوده؟ کی و با کی رفتی؟ چه کار کردی؟ چه جنبه های مثبت و منفی داشت؟
بخش دوم
۱- چه کسایی می تونن تو شهرها زندگی کنن؟
۲- مشکلات شهرها چیه؟
۳- شهره چه امکاناتی برای کسایی که بچه دارن ارائه می دن؟
۴- مشکلات شهرها آیا رو زندگی مردمشون تاثیر دارن؟ چه تاثیری؟
۵- آیا زندگی توی حومه شهرها بهتر از خود شهرهاست؟ چرا؟
کاربر مهمان
پارت اول :
سوال درباره کار می کنی یا درس می خونی ؟ کار دوس داری ؟ می خوای در اینده ادامه بدی چرا ؟
دوچرخه سواری توی کشورتون مرسومه ؟ خودت علاقه ایی داری ؟ در آینده چه تغییری می کنه ؟
اواز خوندنو دوس داری بچه که بودی ؟ الان چطور ؟ کجاها می خونی ؟
پارت دوم :
وب سایت مورد علاقه ات چیه ؟
اسمش چیه ؟
چه چیزی داره
چرا دوسش داری
پارت ۳ :
فواید خرید اینترنتی و ضرراشو بگو ؟
بازی های اینترنتی چه فوایدی داره ؟
در اینده استفاده از راه اینترنتی به چه صورته ؟
اینجا هم سایر سوالات مطرح شده رو می گم :
– تاریخ چه فایده ایی داره و در زمینه تاریخ
– بهترین قانون کشورت و چرا تعبیت می کنن و چرا یه عده پلیس می شن و یه عده وکیل
– اخرین بازی که دیدید ؟ نظر درباره اسپورت ؟
– درباره دراز کشیدن کنار ساحل و تفریحاتش
– اپلیکیشن های روزمره و استفاده از اون مثل موبایل
کاربر مهمان
november 30
part 1:
what was the best gift that you received in your birthday?
what is the best gift for children ?
what do children usually do after school time?
part 2:
describe a city that you visited
.what was the name of the city?
when and why you visited that city?
what are the some positive and negative points about that city
part 3:
what are the main problems of cities today?
do people in rural areas live better than people in the cities?
what kinds of people usually prefer to live in cities?
do modern cities today differ from cities in the past? if yes in what ways
کاربر مهمان
امروز ۲۸ نوامبر- عصر دین و دانش- جناب آقای مجید فارابی گودرزی
کار می کنی یا درس می خونی؟
کارت رو دوست داری؟ چرا
چه زبان هایی بلدی؟
چه زبانی می خوایی یاد بگیری؟
چه حیوان وحشی دوست داری؟
تو خونتون حیوان نگه می دارید؟
پارت ۲: برای چیزی که پول ذخیره کردی رو بگو.
چرا مردم باید پول جمع کنند؟
مردها بهتر پول جمع می کنند با خانم ها؟
چرا توی خانه ها سر پول جمع کردن دعوا می شود؟
بچه ها باید از کجا یاد بگیرند پول جمع کنند؟
دو سه تا سوال ها رو هم یادم نمی آید.
کاربر مهمان
دانشگاه آزاد – ۲۲ نوامبر – متاسفانه اسم ممتحن رو درست متوجه نشدم.
قسمت اول :
معرفی خودت – محل زندگیت – خوبی های محل زندگیت – بدی هاش – دبیرستان محل تحصیلت – خوبی هاش – بدی هاش – چه درس هایی رو دوس داشتی – از چه درسی بدت میومد – چه درسهایی توی زندگیت به دردت خوردن – چه لباس هایی معمولا می پوشی و چرا – به نظرت مردم این روزا پول زیاد خرج لباس خریدن می کنن
قسمت دوم :
یک اتفاق که زندگیت رو به نحوه ی مثبتی تغییر داده
. چی بوده ؟
. کی اتفاق افتاده ؟
. چه حسی داشتی ؟
و چطور باعث تغییر زندگیت شده
قسمت سوم :
چرا مردم این روزا بیشتر خارج از کشور رو برای زندگی انتخاب می کنن – مشکلات و مزایای زندگی توی یه کشور خارجی چیه – بعضی ها میگن که پیر ها خیلی سخت تر از جوان ها کنار میان با زندگی توی خارج از کشور نظر شما چیه ؟
کاربر مهمان
دانشگاه آزاد سوالها اینا بودن
۱-معرفی خودت، شغلت، محل زندگی، دوستات
۲-یه نفر معروف رو بگو که چرا معروفه چرا دوست داری باهاش ارتباط داشته باشی
۳-معروف بودن خوبه یا بد و مشکلات و مزایای آن چیه
کاربر مهمان
اگزماینر: مرتضی….. ( فردی با لحجه عالی و ریز اندام)
سوال ها خیلی آسون بود
از کجا اومدی؟
درس میخونی یا کار میکنی؟
چرا این کارو انتخاب کردی؟
راضی ای؟
آخرین باری که رفتی بیرون کی بود؟
پارک کی رفتی؟ بیشتر دوست داری بری محیط های باز یا بسته؟
کیو کارت:
شهری که قبلا رفتی!!!
پارت ۳
مشکلات شهر ها چیه؟
چه چیز باعث میشه یه شهر کوچیک تبدیل به یه شهر بزرگ بشه؟
در آینده شهر ها چه جوری میشه؟
همین سه تا رو پرسید و هی با من بحث می کرد! مثلا هر چی میگفتم میگفت فقط همین؟ یعنی میگفت هی بیشتر بگو!
در کل خوب بود
کاربر مهمان
آزمون اول نوامبر، اگزماینر: خانم لیلا معتمد در مرکز ایرسافام:
خونتون و محلتون رو توصیف کن. همسایه هاتو میشناسی؟ چه موقعی از هفته رو دوست داری؟ اول یا آخرشو؟ چرا؟ بدترین روز هفته برات چه موقعیه؟ چرا؟
راجع به مشکل اشتغال که آیا تو شهر و استان شما وجود داره؟ چه ملاک ها و معیارهایی رو باید قبل انتخاب شغل در نظر گرفت؟
کلاً خیلی سؤال پرسید ولی همین اینقدر یادمه…
کاربر مهمان
تهران ایلتس
۷ نوامبر
۱٫ خونه تون چه جوریه؟
۲٫ کدوم اتاقشو بیشتر دوس داری و چرا؟
۳٫ تبلیغات تی وی و اینترنت رو می بینی؟
۴٫ آیا تبلیغی بوده که روت تاثیر گذاشته باشه و رفته باشی دنبالش؟
کیو کارت
یه بار که توی ترافیک گیر کرده بودی و یه کار مهم داشتی؟
قسمت سوم
هممممممممممه چی راجع به ترافیک
ایا بزرگراهها مشکل ترافیک رو حل می کنند
ایا وظیفه دولته
ایا حمل و نقل عمومی مشکلو حل می کنه
چه تاثیری روی هوا داره
ایا ماشی ها بزرگ درد سر رو بیشتر می کنن یا نه
ایا ماشین های شخصی بزرگ بده یا نه
کاربر مهمان
پارت اول:
– درس میخونی یا کار می کنی؟
– کارت چیه؟
– چرا این کار رو انتخاب کردی؟
– اگه بخوای یه چیز روتینی رو حذف کنی از برنامه روزانه ات، اون چیه؟
– شلوغ ترین روز هفته ات چه روزیه؟
– بقیه ش رو یادم نمیاد.
پارت دوم:
– یه سوغاتی رو که توی سفرت گرفتی، در موردش حرف بزن:
– سفرت کی و کجا بوده؟
– چرا این سوغاتی رو انتخاب کردی؟
– یادم نمیاد!!!!
پارت سوم:
– به نظرت آدم از مسافرت چی چیزی سوغاتی بیاره، بهتره؟ چرا؟
– آیا فکر خوبیه که مردم سوغاتی بفروشن و توریست ها بخرن؟!!!
– افراد وقتی پیرتر میشن، تمایل به نگهداری چه نوع خاطراتی دارن؟
– چه چیزائی میشه در نگهداری خاطرات بهشون کمک کنه؟ چه جوری؟
– یادم نمیاد بقیه ش رو… ساری
موفق باشین
کاربر مهمان
راستی سوالتم، part1:
کارت چیه؟
وظایفت چیه تو این کار؟
بنظرت اگه قرار باشه، یه عادتی رو تو بچه ها پرورش بدیم چی میتونه باشه؟
یکی از رفتارهایی که تو بچه ها خوب نیست امروزه چیه؟
یکی از عادت هایی که یکی از دوستانت دارن چیه که تو تحسینش میکنی؟
کی اون عادت رو داره؟
عادت چیه؟
چرا عادت خوبیه؟
چرا تو دوست داری این عادت رو داشته باشی؟
بچه ها عادت هاشون رو از کجا یاد میگیرن؟
رفتار بد رو از کجا میتونن یاد بگیرن؟ در این راستا نقش خانواده و مدرسه چیه ؟
(در کل جواب سؤالا تو پارت ٣ بنظرم خیلی شبیه بود!!!!)
کاربر مهمان
من ۲۰ اکتبر ایرسافام با آقای بابک براتچی امتحان speaking دادم خیلی خوش برخورد و خوب بودن امیدوارم که نمره دادنشونم همینجور باشه.. چیزی که از سوالام یادمه اینا بود:
قسمت اول:
۱٫درس می خونی یا کار می کنی؟
۲٫چرا این رشته و این دانشگاه رو انتخاب کردی؟
۳٫اولین روز دانشگاه یادت می یاد؟چه جوری بود؟
۴٫دوست داری تو روز تولدت چه کار کنی؟
۵٫چه رسم خاصی برای روز تولد تو کشور ما هست؟
۶٫تولد پارسالت جه جوری بود؟
۷٫معمولا تعطیلات آخر هفته رو چه جوری می گذرونی؟
۸٫تو طول هفته شلوغ ترین و خسته کننده ترین روز برات چه روزیه؟
قسمت دوم:
یک دفعه که از خانواده و شهرت دور بود رو تعریف کن:
-کی و کجا بود؟
-چرا رفته بودی؟
-چه حسی داشتی؟
قسمت سوم:
۱٫به نظرن هتل های گرون لزوما امکانات بهتری ارایه می دن؟
۲٫به نظرت برای مسافرا امکانات لوکس هتل مهمتره یا سادگی و راحتی اون؟
کاربر مهمان
– Lets talk about birthdays.
– What do you do on your birthday? Why?
– What did you do on your birthday when you were a child?
· Cue Card
· Talk about a good law in your country. Please say
· – What law is it?
– Why is it a good law?
– Who does the law affect?
– What would have happened without the law?
· Discussion
· – Talk about the role of a police officer in your country.
– What is the criteria to be a good police officer?
– How about a lawyer?
– What job is more popular in your country, a policeman or a lawyer? Why?
– Do most people in your country abide the law?
– Do you think the law should be broken sometimes? If so, under what circumstances?
کاربر مهمان
آزمون ۱۸ اکتبر ۲۰۱۴
چه رنگی رو دوس داری؟ اتاقت رو چه رنگی می زنی؟ ماشین چه رنگی می خری؟ چرا؟
پارت ۲: یه عادتی که دوستت داشته و شما اونو می پسندیدی.. چی بوده؟ کی بوده؟ چی کار کردی.. یا شاید برخوردت با اون چی بود..
پارت ۳: عادت توی کودکان.. چه جوری باهاشون رفتار کنیم.. که عادت های بد رو یاد نگیرن..
عادت در بزرگسالان..
گفته می شه که افرادی که زندگی روتین دارن.. خلاقیت ندارن.. نظرت؟ چرا؟..
چیز بیشتری یادم نمیاد! موفق باشین!
کاربر مهمان
سوالات من در موسسه ایرسافام در تاریخ ۱۱ اکتبر ( اگزمینر : خانم لیلا معتمد) :
بخش اول :
۱٫ کار میکنی یا درس میخونی؟
۲٫ رشته ت چیه و آیا دوستش داری؟
۳٫ در آینده میخوای چیکار کنی؟
۴٫ خوبه که آدم دوست های زیادی داشته باشه یا اینکه چند تا دوست محدود داشته باشه؟
۵٫ بهترین دوستت رو کِی و کجا دیدی؟
۶٫ معمولا کِیا دوستات رو میبینی و با هم کجا میرید؟
۷٫ طبیعت رو دوست داری یا نه؟ چرا؟
۸٫ آیا دوست داری اوقاتت رو در کنار دریا یا کوه بگذرونی؟
بحش دوم:
یک چیز که با دست ساختی ( کاردستی hand-made) که ساختی و به دوستت هدیه دادی رو توصیف کن
-چی بوده؟
-چطوری درست کردی و چقدر وقت گذاشتی برای درست کردنش؟
– عکس العمل دوستت بعد از گرفتن کادو چی بود؟
بخش سوم:
۱٫به نظرت کادو کاردستی خوبه برای کادو دادن؟ چرا؟
۲٫چه نوع کاردستی هایی میشه درست کرد؟
۳٫ آیا تا حالا دوستات بهت کادوی کاردستی دادن؟
۴٫ پسرها بیشتر در درست کردن کاردستی موفق هستند یا دخترها؟
۵٫ آیا در کودکی کاردستی درست کردی ؟ چی بوده؟
۶٫ برای کادو دادن کادویی که با دست درست شده مناسب تر هست یا کادویی که به صورت معمول از فروشگاه میخری؟
۷٫ آیا خوبه که خلاقیت ( Creativity) در مدارس آموزش داده بشه؟
۸٫ آیا در کشور شما دانش آموزان خلاق تربیت میشوند؟
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do for a living?
– What do you dislike about your house?
– Do you plan to live there in the future? Why?
– What is your favorite animal?
– Do you have pets?
– Do you like to cook?
– Who does the cooking in your house?
Cue Card 1
Talk about an important event that changed your life. Please say
– What and when did it happen?
– Why was it important for you?
– How do you feel about it now?
Discussion 1
– Why do you think young people move to other countries to study or work?
– What do you think the government should do to minimize this development?
– What do you think about new technological devices?
Cue Card 2
Describe your favorite sport. Please say
– What sport do you practice?
– What gear do you need to play it?
– Why do you like it?
– Explain the rules of this sport.
Discussion 2
– What do you think about people that succeed in sports?
– Why do you think people practice sports on that level?
– Do they set an example for young people?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Did you select this subject for study? Why?
– Do you think your hand writing is good or bad? Why?
– Can we really learn about someone’s personality by seeing his/her handwriting?
Cue Card
Talk about something you did for your good health. Please say
– What did you do?
– How did you do that?
– Did you enjoy doing that?
– What can people do for a healthier lifestyle?
– How can school help to promote healthy lifestyle to children?
– What do you think about advertisements on TV?
– Do you like them? Why?
– Do like to watch them on TV or through the Internet? Why?
– Do you think advertisements on TV can help to spread awareness of healthy lifestyle?
– Do you think newspapers are helpful too?
– Do you think street advertisements are helpful? Why?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Where is this place?
– Is it a place where your parents were born?
– Is it a good place to grow up in? Why?
– Do you like to write letters?
– Do you consider your handwriting to be clear?
– Do you like to receive letters?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you like your job? Why?
– Is it easy to find a job in your country?
– Do you think there is a difference between working conditions now and in the past?
Cue Card 1
Describe something you have worked on that was a total waste of time. Please say
– What was it?
– When and where did it take place?
– Why do you think it was a waste of time?
Cue Card 2
Describe a job that is very important in your country. Please say
– Why do you think it is important?
– What is needed to be able to do this job?
– Why do you think it is important to have such people in the country?
– What age is suitable for young people to start working a full time job?
– Are there many young people who decide not to study after they finish high school in your country?
– Why do you think it is happening?
– How can young people be motivated to do their job better?
– Do you think that money aspect is important when looking for a job?
کاربر مهمان
آیلتس دانشگاه آزاد-
Do you remember about your first day at university?
What kind of food do you like? why
Do you like cooking? Why or Why not?
Have your taste of food changed from your childhood?
When you travel, do you prefer to stay at your friends’ house or relatives? why?
cue card:
Describe a time you stayed at some place far from home:
-where was it?
-When was it?
What kind of feeling did you have?
What place do you prefer to stay when traveling?why?
What is the difference between luxury and simple hotels?
Why some people prefer to stay at luxury hotel?
کاربر مهمان
ایرسافام ۶ اکتبر :
اول در مورد اینکه آیا کار میکنی؟کارت چیه؟راضی هستی از کارت یا نه؟
کارتم : در مورد برنامه تلویزیونی که مورد علاقت هست و با دوستات در موردش بحث میکنی.
بخش سوم:
کلا این بخش در مورد رادیو و تلویزیون بود
اینکه آیا رادیو گوش میدی؟
بنظرت برنامه های تلویزیون میتونن آموزنده باشن؟
آیا برنامه های علمی تلویزیون میتونن تاثیر منفی داشته باشن؟
دولتت برای برنامه های تلویزیونی چکازی انجام میده؟
برنامه هاب تلوبزیونی از چه ظرقی منابع مالیشونو بدست میارن؟
کاربر مهمان
اگزمینر: لیلا معتمد
در قسمت اول حدود شش سوال و در قسمت سوم هم همین حدود سوال ازم پرسید.
قسمت اول: درباره شغلم پرسید. روز اول کارت رو دوست داشتی؟ چطور بود؟ و اینا بعدش رفت گفت چه غذایی دوست داری؟ و آشپزی بلدی یا نه؟ و اینا
قسمت دوم (کیو کارد): یه شخصی رو بگو که شغل جالبی داره. چرا شغلش جالبه؟ اون شخص کیه؟ کی باهاش آشنا شدی و اینا
قسمت سوم: چرا بعضی ها ترجیح میدن تو کارخونه بزرگ کار کنن و بعضیا تو کارخونه کوچیک؟ به نظر شما دانشجو فقط باید درس بخونه یا اینکه حین درس خوندن باید کار هم بکنه؟
کاربر مهمان
ایرسافام هفته پیش
examiner:لیلا معتمدی
بخش اول:
سوالات معمول اولیه که درس می خونی یاکارمی کنی
نظرتون درمورد Street shopping چیه ایا توکشورشما معمول هست یا نه
چه جذابیتی داره وبه نظرتون توکشورهای دیگه هم همینطوره یا کمتره اونجا
چه مواقعی مهمونی می گیرید
توی جشن تولدچیکار می کنیدوچرااین مهمه که برای همدیگه جشن بگیریم
CUE CARD: درباره موبایل ونقش اولین موبایلی که خریدی درزندگیت چی بود وچطوری زندگیت روعوض کرد
بخش سوم:
مزایاومضرات موبایل برای بزرگترها وکوچکترها چیه
چه سنی برای خریدموبایل برای بچه ها مناسبه وچرا
نقش اپلیکیشن های موبایل درزندگی امروزه چیه. مزایا ومعایبش
کاربر مهمان
سوال های من در ایرسافام:
درس می خونی یا کار می کنی؟
خونه ای که زندگی می کنید چه جوریه؟ کدوم اتاق رو دوس داری چرا؟
کفش باید فشنبل باشه یا راحت؟ چرا؟
تا حالا از اینترنت کفش خریدی؟ چرا؟
پارت ۲:
در مورد یه سفر بود
چه جوری رفتی
اونجا چی کار کردی
چرا اون سفر رو دوس داشتی
پارت ۳:
سفرهای طولانی چه معایبی دارن؟
چه جوری میشه این معایب رو برطرف کرد؟
قبل از سفر کردن به خارج چه چیزهایی لازمه که آماده کنیم؟
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Where do you live right now?
– What do you like about the place? Why?
– Lets talk about photography.
– Do you like to take pictures?
– What do you like to photograph the most?
– Do you think cellphones are better in taking pictures than digital cameras?
– Do you like giving gifts?
– Is it important to give presents to others?
Cue Card
Describe a friend that you remember from school. Please say
– What was she/he like?
– Where and when did you first meet?
– Why do you still remember him/her?
– Do you think parents should choose friends for their children?
– How do you make new friends?
– Is honesty important in friendship?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you like your job?
– Will you do it for a long time?
– Do you like shopping?
– What do you usually buy while shopping?
– Would you like to work in a shop?
Cue Card
Talk about a sport that you like to play or watch. Please say
– What sport is it?
– Can you explain the rules?
– Why do you like this particular sport?
– Do you know any famous sportsmen?
– Should they always have a good reputation? Why?
– Who do you think should support the national team: the government or a private institution?
– Do you think international sport competitions should be discontinued? Why?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Which city are you living in now?
– Do you work or study?
– What kind of job do you do?
– Do you enjoy doing your job?
– Which day of the week is the busiest at work?
– Which is the slowest? Why?
– Do you use taxis a lot?
– When did you last travel by taxi?
– Are there traffic concerns in your city?
Cue Card
Talk about the first school you went to. Please say
– Where and when was it?
– What is the most important thing you remember about that place?
– What were the surroundings like in the school?
– How good were the teachers in your school?
– Do you think young children have too much pressure in school today?
– Is it easy to make friends at school?
– Do teachers have a lot of influence on young kids?
– Have you had any negative experience in your school?
کاربر مهمان
من ۱۶ آگوست امتحانم بود که speaking م فکر کنم طرفای ۱۰ آگوست بود .
بخش ۱ :
دانش آموزی یا کار میکنی ؟ چی میخونی ؟
درس خوندن توی صبح راحت تره برا ت یا بعد از ظهر ؟ چرا ؟
درس خوندن توی مدرسه راحت تر بود یا دانشگاه . چرا ؟
بخش ۲ :
یه چیزی و که از یه هالیدی برداشتی آوردی توضیح بده .
چرا برداشتی ؟
کی برداشتی ؟
با کی بودی ؟
بخش ۳ :
چرا مردم سوغاتی میخرن و میدن ؟ معمولاً چه چیزایی به عنوان سوعاتی میخرن؟ و سوال های دیگه پیرامون این موضوع .
بعد رفت توی فاز تاریخ .
آیا مهمه دونستن تاریخ ؟ چه طوری میشه مطالعه کرد راجع بهشون ؟ نقش کامپیوتر و تکنولوژی توی این زمینه چیه ؟ بعدم رفت توی آینده . به نظرت توی آینده مهمه که بچه ها یاد بگیرن راجع به تاریخشون ؟ چرا ؟
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Tell me about the place you are living in now.
– Do you like it? Why?
– Is there something that you don’t like?
– Do you interact with your neighbours?
– Have you ever been on a train?
– When was your first time?
– How did you feel about it?
– Is there a train system in your country?
– What was your favourite subject in primary school? Why?
– What subject didn’t you like in secondary school?
Cue Card
Talk about money that you have saved for something special. Please say
– What was it?
– How long were you saving for it?
– How did you feel when you eventually bought it?
– Do you think advertisements make people spend more? Why?
– Do you buy products online?
– Who do you think spends more, women or men? Why?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Tell me about the place you are living in now.
– Is this a good place to stay with children?
– Lets talk about taxis.
– Do you travel by taxi often? Why?
– When did you travel last by taxi?
Cue Card
Talk about a city you have recently visited. Please say
– Which city was it?
– When did you visit it?
– What did you do there?
– What type of people live in big city?
– Are people migrating to big cities in your country? Why?
– Do you think there are more problems in a big city compared to a small town?
– What are these problems in your opinion?
– How can we overcome these problems?
– What can be done to solve them permanently?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you use public transport often?
– Do people use trains in your area? Why?
– Do you prefer to use a train and not your car? Why?
– Is it raining often where you live?
– Do you like rain? Why?
Cue Card 1
Describe a picture of you that you like, taken by somebody. Please say
– Who took the picture?
– Where and when was it?
– What is shown on it?
Discussion 1
– Do you think people are taking many photographs these days?
Cue Card 2
Talk about a beautiful place that you would like to live in. Please say
– Where is this place?
– How did you know about it?
– Why do you like it so much?
Discussion 2
– Why do some people prefer to live in a big city?
– What can be done to stop people from moving to cities from rural areas?
کاربر مهمان
سوالات من در مرکز ایرسافام
about cooking, how cook for me, children should help parents in cooking,
about my place of living, is it good, i have plan to change it or not,
about computer that i use in my work, it is useful or not,..
cue card: a popular comic actor in your country,
who, when and how you know him,
which sort of person
why he is popular
part 3:
about actors and actress, their income and their effect on children,
again about computer and why computer game is excited for children, and computer impact on our future life
کاربر مهمان
من تازه امتحان دادم – تهران ایلتس با یه خانوم استرالیایی – ۶٫۵ شدم – خیلی ازم سوال پرسید – از آب وهواسرد و گرم و بارون در شهر و توصیف شهر و علاقه مندی به کتاب و نحوه نوشتن دیکشنری و ………تا کیو کارت و بعدشم پارت سوم- من خیلی خوب حرف زدم – بدون استاپ- بدون درخواست تکرار- حداقل ۴ تا پراورب خیلی به جا و به موقع گفتم – ولی درکل ۶٫۵ شدم – نمیدونم معیار ۷ شدن چیه واسه همین میگم خیلی خوب دادم در حالی که ممکنه در واقعیت خراب کرده باشم!!!!! – در کل من از اسپیکینگ اینجایی که امتحان دادم راضی بودم و هستم- بازم دوستان سوال خاصی داشتن بتونم حتما جواب میدم – موفق باشید
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What kind of job do you do?
– How did you get this job?
– What are your responsibilities there?
– Do you find this job interesting? Why?
– Are you happy with your job?
– What is the value of time in your life?
– Do you wear a watch?
– When is the most productive time for you: morning or afternoon?
Cue Card
Talk about the most intelligent person that you know. Please say
– Who is this person?
– How did you meet him/her?
– Why do you think he/she is intelligent?
– Describe any incident showing his/her intelligence.
– Do you like to meet intelligent people? Why?
– What can you learn from them?
– Do you think intelligent people are the happiest people in the world?
– Let’s talk about computers. When did you see a computer for the first time?
– Do you have a computer at home?
– How is it important for you? Why?
– When do you use a computer and for what purpose?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do at work?
– How do you relax?
– Do you think it is easy to relax nowadays?
– Are street markets popular in your country?
– Do you like to do shopping there? Why?
– What do you usually buy there?
Cue Card
Describe a law in your country. Please say
– What law is it?
– How did you know about it?
– What effect does it have on the society?
– Was it important to introduce this law?
– Do you know any police officers personally?
– Is it a popular occupation in your country? Why?
– Why do people choose to become a lawyer more often than a police officer?
– What personality traits should a police officer have?
– Would you like to become a police officer?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you study?
– Why did you select this subject?
– What type of weather do you have in your country?
– Do you like rain?
– When does the rainy season come in your country?
– Is there too much or too little rain? Why?
Cue Card
Describe a work that you do at home with an elderly person. Please say
– What is it?
– When did you start doing it?
– How often do you do it?
– Are family gatherings important in your view?
– On what occasions do people gather in your country?
– What advantages do family gatherings have?
– How much is gathering outside of home important?
– What impact does it have on the family?
– How do working parents affect their children’s lives?
– What are the solutions for working parents to accommodate children in their absence?
– How does it affect children’s lives when both parents are working?
– Does it have any advantages?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Are you a morning or an afternoon person? Why?
– Did you enjoy your high school? Why?
– What was your favourite subject? Why?
– What subject learnt in school was helpful later in life? Why?
Cue Card
Talk about a historical building in your country or city that you know. Please say
– What and where is it?
– When was it built? Why?
– What is it known for?
Follow-up question: Do you like it? Why?
– Is it important to conserve old buildings? Why?
– Is the history useful for the coming generations? Why?
– What is the difference between houses built in the past and now?
– What are the differences in sizes of houses? Why?
– Do you prefer a big or a small house? Why?
کاربر مهمان
من چند روز پیش تو ایرسافام امتحان دادم.
سوالاتم خیلی آسون بود ولی اصلن تنونستم از این اصطلاخات دهن پر کن استفاده کنم متاسفانه.
ممتحن من یه خانم ایرانی به نام لیلا بود.
اول درباره ی دبیرستان ازم پرسید که آیا خوب بود یا نه (البته تو برگه ی آزمون جای خالی گذاشته بودن یعنی همین سوال رو میشد درباره مدرسه ابتدایی هم پرسید.)
کدوم درس ها رو دوس داشتم و چرا؟
کدوم درسا رو دوست نداشتم و چرا؟
بعد درباره لباس.
اینکه چجور لباسی دوس دارم؟
تو خونه و بیرون چجور لباسی می پوشم.
سوال آخرم اینکه به نظر شما آیا مردم این روزها بیشتر پول واسه لباس خرج می کنن یا نه؟ چرا؟
کارتم هم این بود:
درباره یک پیشامد که زندگی شما رو تغییر داده بگید
این پیشامد چی بود؟
کی و کجا اتفاق افتاد؟
و اینکه چجوری زندگی شما رو تحت تاثیر قرار داد.
پارت سوم هم درباره اینکه آیا از پیشامد های جدید استقبال می کنم یا نه؟ تغییر تو زندگی رو دوس دارم یا نه؟ چرا بعضیا از تغییر بدشون میاد؟
ازم درباره اینکه چرا بعضیا همش شغلشون رو عوض می کنند پرسید. (منم گفتم به نظر من اینا مریض روانی هستن و از mental disorder شدید رنج می برن و فک می کنن با تغییر دادن شغلشون زندگیشون بهتر میشه. خندید!)
آخرش هم درباره مهاجرت پرسید.
که چرا مردم مهاجرت می کنن (منم گفتم زندگی واسشون کسل کننده میشه و می خوان به تجربه ی challenging جدید رو آزمایش کنن)
اینکه من دوس دارم مهاجرت کنم یا نه؟ و چرا؟
کاربر مهمان
– Where are you from?
– Can I see you ID?
– Are you working or studying?
– Which day of the week do you like the best? Why?
– Which day of the week do you like the least? Why?
– Given a chance, what daily task would you like to avoid?
Cue Card
Talk about a good law in your country. Please say
– What law is it?
– Why is it a good law?
– Who does the law affect?
– What would have happened without the law?
– Talk about the role of a police officer in your country.
– What is the criteria to be a good police officer?
– How about a lawyer?
– What job is more popular in your country, a policeman or a lawyer? Why?
– Do most people in your country abide the law?
– Do you think the law should be broken sometimes? If so, under what circumstances?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What subject are you studying?
– Why did you choose this field for your study?
– Do you prefer to study in the morning or afternoon? Why?
– What TV program do you watch regularly? Why?
– How often did you watch TV as a child?
– Will you allow your children to watch TV?
– Do you like shopping?
– Did you buy some product online?
Cue Card
Describe an occasion when you met an old friend whom you didn’t see for a long time. Please say
– What did you feel when you met?
– What were you talking about?
– Did you enjoy meeting him/her? Why?
– Do you believe in friends’ reunions? Why?
– Would you like to reunite with your old friends?
– What will you talk about with them?
– Why do some people cut off old friendships?
– Do you think old friends are more long-lasting than new friends? Why?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Where are you living now?
– Do you like that place?
– Do you know any of your neighbours?
– Do you know them well?
– Is your neighbourhood suitable for children?
– Do you like street shopping?
– Why do you think people like street shopping?
– Is street shopping common in your country?
– Would you recommend that other countries develop street shopping?
Cue Card
Talk about a person who has a good job. Please say
– What does he/she do?
– Describe this person.
– How did he/she get this job?
– What jobs are considered desirable in your country? Why?
– Do you like your job? Why?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Why did you choose to study this subject?
– How did you celebrate your last birthday?
– Is it important to celebrate birthdays?
– Do children like birthday celebration more than adults? Why?
– Do you like to talk about the weather? Why?
– What sort of climate do you prefer?
– Do you like an extreme climate? Why?
– What season do you like the most? Why?
Cue Card
Talk about a school friend that you remember well. Please say
– Who was your friend?
– Describe your friendship with him/her.
– What did you two talk about?
– How long didn’t you see him/her for?
– What is the importance of having friends?
– Do you think today it is easier to make new friends than in the past? Why?
– How do social networks affect this process?
– Why is it so important to some people?
– If not through social networks, how can we make new friends then?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you use dictionary?
– How often do you use it?
– How would you feel receiving a dictionary as a gift?
– Where would you like to live?
– What don’t you like in the area where you live now?
– Will you stay in that area for a long time?
Cue Card
Talk about a book that you read recently and were impressed by. Please say
– What book was it?
– How did you feel about it?
– Why did it impress you?
– Do you think people nowadays read more or less compared to the past?
– What is more effective: reading or watching TV?
– Who is reading more in your opinion: young or old people?
– What factors do affect reading?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you like the place where you live?
– Do you know the neighbours there?
– Is this place suitable for children? Why?
– Are there any parks near your home?
– How often do you visit these parks?
– What do you usually do there?
– When was the last time you went there?
– Do you like open parks or parks with leisure facilities?
– What facilities would you like in the park near you?
– Do you like taking photos with your phone or camera?
– What photos do you like to take?
– What will you do with these photos? Why?
– Would you like to do a course in photography?
Cue Card
Talk about a person that you know, who has an interesting job. Please say
– Who is this person?
– Describe his/her job.
– Why do you think it’s interesting?
– What jobs do people prefer to do in your country?
– Do you think young people today find career choice confusing?
– Some companies allow their staff to study, what do you think about it?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What is your hometown?
– Tell me about your hometown.
– What kind of work do people do in your town?
– What do you usually do on weekends?
– What are your plans for the next weekend?
– Do you go to museums?
– Can you describe the museum in your city?
– Where is it?
– Do you have a hobby?
– What is it?
– Do you do it every day?
– Can you tell me about your family?
Cue Card
Describe your favourite animal. Please say
– What is it?
– Where does it live?
– What kind of food does it eat?
– Why do you like it so much?
– What do you think about animals killed by humans?
– What action should be taken by the government to prevent the killing?
– What can be done by people?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Tell me about your hometown.
– Do you like it?
– Do you wear a special kind of clothes to social gatherings?
– What kind of clothes do you like to wear?
– Do you value time? Why?
– Do you wear a watch? Why?
– How do you feel if others have to wait for you?
Cue Card
Talk about a subject that many people discuss with you. Please say
– What is it?
– Why do you think they discuss it with you?
– How do you feel talking about it?
– Why are quiz programs popular these days on TV?
– What is your opinion about TV as an educational tool?
– What are the advantages and disadvantages of it?
– Do you think academic research is important to today’s society? Why?
– Do you think the research findings should be accessible to all? Why?
کاربر مهمان
let’s talk about languages ( how many do u know,how did learn English, do u use dictionaries, do u think it’s a good job to write them,wild u be happy to get one as a gift )
Cue card:
Discribe an advertisement which u remember
More questions around advertising after
Let’s talk about consumer society and a few related questions
کاربر مهمان
Speaking test 28 June
What is your name?
Where are you from?
Are you working or study?
Why did you choose this job?
Have you ever kept a pet?
What is your favourit wild animal?
Do you like to see it in A zoo ?
Is it a good idea to take children to zoos?
Part 2:
Describe a restaurant that you like to eat there.
Where the restaurant is?
What kind of restaurant is it ?
How often do you go there?
And explain why you like this restaurant?
which is better, Local restaurants or multi-national restaurants?
Do you think that famous restaurant should be expensive?
What should be served in a restaurant apart from food and drink?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you like about your work?
– What do you dislike about it?
– Is your current job keeping you interested?
– Do you like challenges at work?
– How will you handle a task that is very lengthy and time consuming?
Cue Card
Talk about a place where you would like to build a house. Please say
– What place is it?
– When have you first visited it?
– Why did you like it so much?
– What is your preference, a small house or a big one?
– What do you think about building a house in the countryside?
– If you could only build your dream home in the countryside (not in the city), would you do it?
– How important to you is the locality and the surroundings of your house?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What time of the day do you prefer to study? Why?
– Do you prefer to work in a silent place or a noisy place? Why?
– What kind of food do you like? Why?
– What kind of food were you eating as a child? Why?
Cue Card
Describe your first mobile device and how it changed your life. Please say
– What device was it?
– When did you get it?
– How did you feel after using it?
– Who gave that mobile to you? Why?
– Are mobile phones popular in your country? Why?
– Do young children use mobiles more in your country?
– Why is sending text messages from mobile phones so popular?
– Do you think the use of mobile devices will increase in the future?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you like visiting museums and art galleries?
– Do you like street markets?
– Are street markets common in your country?
– What is usually sold there?
– Do you think people like street markets? Why?
Cue Card
Talk about an animal that you like. Please say
– What animal is it?
– Where does it live?
– When did you first hear about it?
– Why do you like it?
– Do you think endangered animals should be kept in zoos? Why?
– How can governments prevent their total extinction?
– Do you think people have a role in preventing their extinction?
– What can be done by people in that regard?
– Should animals be used for work?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Tell me about the place you live in.
– What do you dislike about this place?
– Will you stay in this place or do you plan to move away?
– Who does the cooking at home?
– Do you help with cooking?
– What do you think about involving children in cooking?
Cue Card
Describe a beautiful garden that you have visited. Please say
– What garden is it?
– When did you visit it?
– What did you do there?
– Do you think more places on earth should be green? Why?
– Do you think gardens are destroyed for the purpose of building new apartments?
– Do you go to nature parks a lot?
– Why do you do it?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you like the place where you live?
– Is that a good location to keep in touch with your friends?
– Do you remember a useful advice somebody gave you?
– Was it a family member or a friend?
– Who do you think is better at giving a person advice? Why?
– What personality does somebody need to help or give a good advice?
Cue Card
Talk about a friend that you had. Describe him/her and say
– How did you meet?
– What did you do together?
– What do you think about this friendship now?
– What do you think about the traffic in your city?
– Do you think exercising is healthy?
کاربر مهمان
سلام به همه
من امروز صبح اسپیکینگ داشتم در مرکز ایلتس تهران
بخش اول :
راجب شهرم ازم پرسید
و راجب حیوانات و این که چه حسی دارم وقتی میرم باغ وحش و اینکه بچه ها باید درباره حیوانات بدونن یا نه
بخش دوم :
اخرین چیزی که خوندم و لذت بردم چی بوده ؟
کی بوده ؟
چرا اون و انتخاب کردم؟
و چه چیزی راجب اون و دوست داشتم ؟
بخش سوم :
راجب همین بخش دومی و بود و پرسید جوون ها بیشتر چه کتابایی می خونن نسبت به افراد مسن
میزان مطالعه چقدر ه تو کشور مون و چی می خونن مردم بیشتر
ایا مردم مثل کشور های دیگه توی مترو و اوتوبوس مطالعه می کنند یا نه
کاربر مهمان
سلام به همه من ۶ژوئن امتحان دادم … چیزایی که یادم هست :
نام و این که چی کارم و چی خوندم ؟
احساسی که زیر بارون دارم !
موقعیت جغرافیایی کشورم چه جوریه …
برنامه های تلویزیونی که می بینم چیه و بچه بودم برنامه کودک می دیدم یا نه !!
در مورد یه شی قدیمی که تو خونواده شما از کسی به شما به ارث رسیده … اینکه از کی به شما رسیده ؟ چه شکلیه و …
این قسمتم فقط در مورد چیزای تاریخی پرسید
انواع موزه ها
نقش موزه ها
چرا مردم دوس دارن از گذشته بیشتر بدونن
بهترین راه برای کشف پیشینه فرهنگی چیه !!!
چی کار باید کرد مردم مشتاق شن برن در مورد گذشته خودشون بدونن
کاربر مهمان
سلام به همه
من دیروز ۳ June امتحان شفاهی دادم .
talk about where you live که منظورش neighborhood بوذ
there a park or garden in your neighborhood? When did you last go there?
Do you know your neighboure? Are there many families and children living in your neighborhood?
describe a city. When and why you went there?
What problem are there in cities?
are the problems general or just related to where you live?
How can they be solved?
How can citizens help solve the problems?
همینا یادم مونده.
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Where are you currently staying?
– What do you like about the place you live in?
– What don’t you like about your place?
– How long will you continue staying there?
Cue Card
Talk about a book that you purchased and read recently. Please say
– Where and when did you buy it?
– What is the book about?
– Did you like reading it?
– Do you use a train to travel?
– Are there trains in your country?
– Tell me about any unusual train journey that you had.
– Are there any underground trains in your country?
– How important is the time considered in your country?
– Do you like to be punctual?
– Why do you like to be on time?
– What kind of books are usually read in your country?
– Do only older people read books in your country?
– Why are certain books more suitable for elderly people?
– What kind of books do you like to read?
– Does younger generation in your country continue reading books?
– Do younger people read different books compared to older people?
– Do you think there are fewer people who read books?
– Why are books important in primary, secondary schools or in universities?
– What do you prefer, reading books or watching TV?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do for living?
– Describe your hometown.
– Did you have any pets in your life? Why?
– What wild animal do you like? Why?
– Do you think a teacher should encourage students to ask questions?
– Do you think the Internet is a good source of information?
Cue Card 1
Talk about a subject that people usually ask you about. Please say
– What is it?
– Why do you think they ask about it?
– How do you feel about these questions?
Cue Card 2
Talk about something you have read. Please say
– What is it?
– When did you read it?
– Who is the writer?
– Did it affect you in any way? How?
Discussion 2
– What do you think about reading in general?
– Did it change compared to the past?
– Do young people still like reading nowadays in your opinion? Why?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you work in the same field that you studied?
– Describe your high school.
– What was your favourite subject?
– Why did you like it?
– Were there lessons in your favourite subject that you disliked? Why?
Cue Card
Talk about an activity that you would like to do with older people. Please say
– What would you like to do?
– When and where would you do it?
– How often would you do it?
– When did you perform last time?
– What do older people do in your country?
– What do people do together?
– What other activity should families do together?
– Why is it beneficial for them?
– Do you think husbands and wives both should work? Why?
– What is your favourite animal or pet?
– Do you like pets? Why?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Where do you live now?
– Do you like living there? Why?
– Are there a lot of bicycle riders in your city?
– Is it popular to ride a bicycle in your country?
– Do you have a bicycle?
– How often do you go for a walk?
– Do you think people will walk more or less in the future?
Cue Card
Describe a statue or a work of art that you saw recently. Please say
– Where and when did you see it?
– What does it look like?
– How did you feel about it?
– How did other people feel about it?
– Do you think the government should pay for publicly displayed works of art?
– Do you think that artists are undervalued? Why?
– What makes a work of art valuable, in your opinion?
– What is the difference between a well made object and a work of art?
– Do you think an advertisement can be considered a piece of art?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
Cue Card
Talk about a situation when a stranger did something kind for you. Please say
– What did he/she do?
– When and where did it happen?
– How did that make you feel?
– How do people get involved in community services?
– Why do they do it, in your opinion?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– How many languages do you speak?
– How many years did you study English? Why?
– Where did you study it?
– Let’s talk about a place that you are living in now.
– What don’t you like about this place?
– Do you think that you will be living in this city for the next few years? Why?
– Did you have any pets in your life? Why?
– What wild animal do you like? Why?
Cue Card
Talk about a situation when you forgot to do something important. Please say
– What was it?
– When did it happen?
– Why did you forget to do it?
– How did you feel after that?
– Do you think that it’s important to remember all the things? Why?
– How can we remember better things that need to be done during the day?
– How can a good memory help people to do their work?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
Cue Card
Describe a situation when you were talking to complete strangers. Please say
– Where did you meet them?
– What were you talking about? Why?
– How did you feel after this?
– What could be the reason for people to start a conversation with a stranger?
– Do you like to start a conversation with strangers?
– How often do you do that?
– What is the advantage of network communication, for example through Facebook or Twitter?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you like the city you live in?
– What do you do for a job?
– Do you like it?
– Do you have plants at home?
Cue Card
Describe a tourist attraction that you have recently visited. Please say
– Where was it?
– Why did you go there?
– Whom did you go there with?
– Did you enjoy visiting it? Why?
– What are the tourist attractions in your country?
– Should they be free for everyone to visit?
– Do foreigners visit these attractions?
– What are the benefits of foreigners visiting tourist attractions in your country?
– What are the disadvantages of it?
– Do you know about any environmental issues associated with it?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Where do you live now?
– Do you like this place?
– What do you feel are the disadvantages of this place?
– Do you think about moving to a different place?
– Do you get a lot of rain in your country?
– What is more serious, too much rain or too little rain?
Cue Card
Describe an old object that your family has kept. Please say
– What is it?
– How long was it in your family?
– Explain why is it interesting to you.
– Why do you think people keep old objects?
– Why do people go to museums?
– What are the benefits of going to museums?
– Is it better to actually see things in a museum rather than just learn about them?
– Is it important to conserve old buildings?
– Do many people in your country live in old buildings?
– What do you prefer, an old or a modern building to live in?
کاربر مهمان
Do you like taking photos?
What type of camera do you use for it?
Where do you like to take photos?
Do you like to show your photos to your friends?
Describe a school you went when you were a young child?
You should say:
Where was it?
What did you enjoy it?
How were you teachers?
Which school types is better for education? big or small?
In which type finding friends is easier?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do for a job?
– Do you like your job? Why?
– Do you think being punctual is important? Why?
– Are you always punctual?
– What would you say or do to people who keep you waiting for an appointment?
Cue Card
Talk about an intelligent person that you know. Please say
– Where do you know him/her from?
– What does he/she do?
– Why do you think he/she is an intelligent person?
– What is the difference between a teacher’s and a parent’s role in educating children?
– What can you suggest to teachers to improve?
– What is the best way to educate children in your opinion?
– How can we help children realise their talents?
– Does the government provide enough support to education in you view?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What subject are you studying?
– Why did you choose to study IT?
– Lets talk about time management.
– Do you think it is important to manage your time?
– Do you like to wear a watch? Why?
– Do you use a train to travel in your country?
– Why are there no trains in your country?
Cue Card
Talk about a time when you were very busy. Please say
– When was it?
– What did you have to do?
– How did you manage to do it?
– Do you think you could have done it better?
– Is it hard to manage time to complete the tasks you are given in the IT industry?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What is interesting about your city?
– Let’s discuss politeness.
– Who taught you to be polite when you were a child?
– Do you need to show politeness and to whom?
– Why do you need to be polite with older people?
Cue Card
Talk about a subject that you didn’t like at school. Please say
– What subject was it?
– How long did you study it?
– Why didn’t you like it so much?
– Who helped you with the subject you didn’t like?
– Do you think subjects should be forced on students?
– What subjects are unnecessary in school in your opinion?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Describe the place where you lived in your country.
– Did you like it or not? Why?
– Do you watch news on TV? Why or why not?
– Why do you need to be updated with the news?.
Cue Card
Talk about a statue or a sculpture that you have seen. Please say
– What statue/sculpture is it?
– Where is it located?
– When did you see it for the first time?
– Why do people go to museums?
– Why do some people pay lots of money for paintings?
– Do you think artists are paid enough?
– Should governments pay the artists?
– What factor can make even a piece of paper valuable?
کاربر مهمان
موضوع اسپیکینگ امتحان ۲۴ آپریل خوارزمی:
پارت ۱:
اول خصوصیات محل زندگیم را پرسید.
بعد درباره واحد تاریخ که پاس کردم تا حالا پرسید.
میزان علاقه ام و اینکه آیا میشه از طریق اینترنت اطلاعاتی بدست آورد پرسید.
در باره کاری که برای تولدم می کنم پرسید.
اینکه کدوم رنج سنی بیشتر براشون تولد مهمتره پرسید.
پارت ۲:
بعد کارت بود:
یه فعالیت گروهی (ورزش یا club) که شرکت کردم را توضیح بدم…
پارت ۳:
درباره تفاوت مردها و زن ها در انتخاب نوع فعالیت اجتماعی پرسید.
اینکه چرا متفاوت هستند و…
کاربر مهمان
What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Where do you live now?
– What don’t you like about the city you live in?
– Will you continue living there? Why?
– What do you think about your job?
– Will you keep doing it in the future?
– Do you like to travel by trains?
– Can you remember any accident that happened to you while traveling?
– Do you think railway network is important? Why?
Cue Card
Talk about a photo of yourself that you like the most. Please say:
– When and where was it taken?
– Describe the photo.
– Who made this photograph?
– Why do you like it so much?
– Is it really necessary to have a camera in your mobile phone? Why?
– Is it a better idea to have a camera separately? Why?
– Is it better to watch your photos on screen or in albums in your view?
– Is it really necessary to have professional photographers in the media? Why?
– Don’t you think that some pictures in the media were taken by amateurs?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you like your town? Why?
– How long have you been living there?
– Did you like riding a bicycle as a kid?
– Do you still use a bicycle? Why?
– What are the benefits of riding a bicycle?
– Do you think cycling is becoming popular in your country? Why?
Cue Card
Describe a group activity that you successfully took part in (at school/university/work). Please say
– What was the activity?
– Who was there with you?
– Would you invite others to join this activity?
– How do people communicate nowadays?
– Did technology change the way we communicate? How?
– What is the good and bad sides of this?
– What is the importance of face to face interaction?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Do you work or study?
– Where are you from?
– Where is your home town?
– What do you like or dislike about it?
– Do you play any musical instrument?
– What music do you like or dislike?
Cue Card
Talk about an elderly person that you know. Please say
– How often do you meet with him/her?
– When and where do you meet?
– What topics do you discuss?
– Do you have a lot of free time?
– Do you have more free time now compared to the past?
– What do you like to do in your free time?
– Do you spend more or less time with your family now compared to the past?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Where do you live at the moment?
– What don’t you like about living there?
– How often do you use a dictionary? Why?
– Would you like to write a dictionary? Why?
– How would you react to receiving a dictionary as a gift?
– Do you prefer a normal or electronic dictionary? Why?
– Do you like shopping?
– Where do you go for shopping? Why?
Cue Card
Talk about an event that changed your life. Please say
– Where and when did it happen?
– Why did it change your life?
– How do you feel about it now?
– Do you like changes?
– Why do you think people move to different countries or study abroad?
– What do they like about countries they live in?
– What are the disadvantages of living in a different country?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Where do you live now?
– What do you dislike about the house?
– Does it rain frequently in your area?
– Do people in your country like rain or not?
Cue Card 1
Talk about an ancient piece kept in your home. Please say
– What is it?
– Who bought it?
– Why is it important?
Discussion 1
– Do people come to your home to see it?
– Should every ancient piece be kept at home or not? Why?
– Is there a famous museum in your country?
– Do you think historical buildings should be preserved or not?
Cue Card 2
Talk about your favourite wild animal. Please say:
– What animal is it?
– Describe the animal.
– Why is this animal your favourite?
Discussion 2
– Is it important for kids to see animals?
– Tell me about a positive teenage experience you had.
– Do you think young people should spend more time with older people?
– What do you think will help them to communicate better?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you like your job?
– Do you enjoy visiting your family?
– How often do you visit your family?
– Do you prefer to visit family or friends?
Cue Card
Describe a website that you always visit. Please say
– What website is it?
– How often do you visit it?
– Why do you like it?
– Why are you interested in visiting this web page?
– Would you recommend it to others?
– Do you think that visiting different websites has a benefit?
– Do you think that playing computer games has an advantage for children? Why?
– Do you think it helps them to be less violent? Why?
– Why are such games so popular?
– What is better in your view: virtual or physical communication? Why?
کاربر مهمان
Can I see your ID?What is your full name
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Is there anything you don’t like about your hometown?
– Why are movie actors/actresses popular?
– Do you think they are paid well?
– Are you a punctual person?
– How do people regard time in your culture?
– How do you feel when you are running late?
Cue Card
Describe a popular comedy artist in your country. Please say
– Where did you first see the person?
– Why do you like this person?
– How long have you known him/her?
– Are there any other comedy artists in your country?
– Why do you think children like going to circus?
– What kind of games do children enjoy the most?
– Should children’s games be always educational?
کاربر مهمان
موضوع اسپیکینگ امتحان ۱۲ آوریل آیلتس تهران
پارت ۱
Do you study or work?
Do you like your job?
What languages do you know?
How did you learn this language?
Do you want to learn other language?
What wild animal do you like?
Do you have pets?
پارت ۲
Describe a restaurant that you visited and like to go again.
پارت ۳
why people go to restaurant?
What reasons except the quality of food encourage people go to a restaurant?
Do you think small restaurant are better that large ones like Mcdonald?
یکی دیگشو یادم نیست
پارت ۲ بقیهی بچهها
۱) در مورد موضوعی که مردم بیشتر در موردش ازت سوال میکنن توضیح بده.
۲) باغ یا پارکی که قبلا رفتی و دوست داری دوباره بری.
۳) ورزشی که قبلا میکردی.
۴) در مورد یه چیزی که تو شهرت تولید میشه و پر طرفداره.
۵) در مورد یه جای توریستی که قبلا رفتی.
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Which do you prefer: working in the morning or in the afternoon?
– What kind of clothes do you wear for work?
– What do you think about people’s habit of buying clothes nowadays?
– Can you compare it to the past?
Cue Card 1
Talk about your trip far away from home. Please say
– When and where was it?
– Whom did you go with?
– Did you like this trip? Why?
Discussion 1
– Is it important for young people to travel?
– Is there a difference between how old and young people travel?
– Do you keep pets at home?
– What kind of pets do you have at home?
– Are there wild animals that you like?
Cue Card 2
Talk about a tourist attraction that you have visited recently. Please say
– What was it?
– When and where was it?
– How did you feel after the visit?
Discussion 2
– What are the famous tourist attractions in your country?
– What activities did you and your friends do as kids?
– What activities do children like to do nowadays
کاربر مهمان
– Tell me about yourself.
– Where do you live?
– What don’t you like about living there?
– Do you wish to continue living there?
– How long do teenagers and adults live together in your culture?
– What kind of misunderstandings happen between them?
– How does the society look upon teenagers?
– Are teenagers being given more lenience?
Cue card
Talk about the most positive moment in your teenage life, please say:
– What happened?
– When did it happen?
– Who was there with you?
– How did you feel about that moment?
– Do you like wearing special clothes for special occasions? Why?
– How often do you change your clothes?
– Is it true that your generation spends more money on clothes? Explain.
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you like history?
– Do you like to watch historical movies?
Cue Card 1
Talk about a letter that you received. Please say
– Who was it from?
– Why was it important to you?
– When and where did you receive it?
Discussion 1
– What is an important aspect of business communication?
– What kind of letters are historians interested in?
Cue Card 2
Talk about your favorite sport that you like to watch or play. Please say
– What is your favorite sport?
– Where and when does it take place?
– Who plays it?
Discussion 2
– Do you think that sport is important in school?
– Why do you think it is important?
– Do you like team or individual sports? Why?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do for a job?
– Do you like your job? Why?
– What time of the day are you active the most? Why?
Cue Card
Talk about a person who is very intelligent in your view. Please say
– What does he/she do?
– Why do you think the person is intelligent?
– What do you like the most about him/her?
– Who is considered to be intelligent in your view?
– What assessment method would be the best to assess teachers?
– How do you see a good teacher-student relationship?
– What kind of communication should be there between parents and teachers?
– Do you think parents take part in children’s education these days?
– Does every parent face the same situations with their kids?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– What does the place you live in look like?
– What do you dislike the most about your city?
– What do you like the most about about living there?
– Do you wear a watch?
– Have you ever been late?
– Do you like waiting for people who are coming late?
– How many languages do you know?
– How do you learn English?
– How many years have you been learning it?
– Do you plan to learn another language in the future?
Cue Card
Talk about a film you watched that you did not like, please say:
– What film it was
– When and where you watched it
– Why you disliked it
Follow-up question: Do you like happy films or sad ones?
– What do people in your country do in their leisure time?
– What should the government do to improve entertainment in your country?
– Should the government construct new centres of entertainment in the countryside as well as in the cities?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you like sunny days?
– What activities can’t you do on a sunny day?
– Would you go on a holiday to a place that doesn’t have any sunny days?
– Do you like to take photographs?
– What kind of photographs do you like to keep?
– Do you think being a photographer is an interesting career?
Cue Card
Talk about special clothes that you wore. Please say
– When did you wear the clothes?
– Where did you buy that outfit?
– What did people say about it?
– What do you look for when buying new clothes?
– Why do we need uniform?
– What are the disadvantages of having to wear a uniform?
– What is your opinion about workplaces that don’t have uniform?
– Do you think people nowadays are wearing the same styles of clothing as before?
– Do you think it’s something to do with globalisation?
– Do you think clothing manufacturers are pushing this trend?
– Is it a good thing that people no longer wear their traditional costumes
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you take photographs?
– When do you usually do it? Why?
– Describe a sunset that you saw recently.
Cue Card 1
Talk about something you did not like in school. Please say
– What was it?
– Why didn’t you like it?
– What did you do about it?
Cue Card 2
Talk about your experience of learning a foreign language. Please say
– When and where was it?
– How did you do it?
– What was the outcome?
– Why should one learn a foreign language, in your opinion?
– Do you think children can learn it quickly?
– What methods should be adopted to learn a foreign language quickly?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– How often do you use a dictionary? Why?
– Would you like to write a dictionary? Why?
– How would you react to receiving a dictionary as a gift?
– Do you prefer a normal or electronic dictionary? Why?
Cue Card
Talk about a friend that you haven’t seen for a long time. Please say
– Who is this person?
– Why haven’t you seen each other for so long?
– How did you feel when you met?
– Why could friendships break up?
– Is it important to keep in touch with old friends? Why?
– How can you make international friends?
– Is it difficult? Why?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Where do you live?
– What do you like about your neighbourhood?
– How long do you live there?
– Do you think about moving to a different place?
– Do you read the news?
– Why is reading the news important to you?
– Who is your favourite singer?
– Did you like to sing as a child?
– Do you still sing today?
Cue Card
Talk about moving home to a new place. Please say
– Where and when did you move to?
– Why did you move there?
– Did you like it there? Why?
– What is the main reason for people to move homes?
– What are the advantages and disadvantages of moving to a new place?
– Do you think children will adapt to changes quicker than adults? Why?
کاربر مهمان
today i had an speaking exam in Australia, these are my questions
What do you do?
Why do you choose your major?
how do you encourage younger students?
Cue Card:
describe a method which helps you learn a foreign language
What is the method? when and where did you apply it?
discussion part:
why do you think some languages are dominant?
what are the dominant languages?
Do you think economical power has impact on languages?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What subjects are you studying?
– What is your favorite subject?
– Why do you like it?
– Which subject do you think is the most useful for you? Why?
– What music do you like?
– Is your taste in music different now compared to your childhood?
– Is music important in our life? Why?
Cue Card
Talk about a film that you watched and didn’t like. Please say
– When and where did you watch it?
– With whom did you watch it?
– Why didn’t you like this film?
– What type of entertainment is popular in your country?
– What type of entertainment are young people interested in?
– Is it necessary to have entertainment at all?
– Do you think the government should provide funds for the entertainment sector?
– Is it necessary to have good facilities for entertainment? Why?
کاربر مهمان
– Describe your home town.
– Did you like living there?
– How long did you live there?
– Do you like plants?
– Did you grow any plants in your childhood?
– Would you like it if someone gave you a plant as a gift?
Cue card
Talk about a place near water that you visited, please say:
– When did you go there?
– With whom did you go?
– Why did you go there?
– How did you feel after that?
– What happens when we spoil the water?
– What problem do we face when we don’t have pure water?
– Is swimming important for everyone?
– What age is right for learning how to swim?
– What type of games related to water are famous in your country
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do at work?
– Do you find your work interesting? Why?
– Do you have any plan to resign from your job? Why?
– Let’s talk about plants.
– Do you like plants? Why?
– Do you grow plants at home? Why?
– Do you like to receive plant as a gift? Why?
– Let’s talk about history.
– Did you like history as a subject at school?
– Describe some historical events in your country.
– How does Internet or TV help you learn about history?
Cue Card
Describe a thing you can’t live without (except cellphone and computer). Please say
– What is it?
– Explain why it is important to you.
– How long do you have it with you?
– What do you say about children that bring their favorite toy wherever they go, even to the dining table?
– How would you compare family ties of today with the past?
– What can you say about people falling in line just to buy the latest gadget available on the market like the iPhone?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Do you work or study?
– Where are you from?
– Do you like this place?
– What do you think isn’t good about your place?
– How long do you plan to live there?
– Where will you move to?
– How often do you use a computer for work?
– What other purpose do you usually use a computer for?
– Do you think using the internet is beneficial for you?
– How do you think computers are beneficial for children?
Cue Card
Talk about a situation when you saved some money to buy a special item. Please say
– What was the reason?
– How long did it take to save the money?
– How did you feel later?
– Do you think today’s youth believe in saving money?
– Are women better savers then men?
– Do you save money now? Why?
– How do you think credit cards influence buyers?
– Do you think online marketing succeeds in attracting customers?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– How do you celebrate your birthday?
– How did you celebrate your birthdays as a child?
– Do you like your birthday celebration?
– What do you like the most about it?
– Whom do you spend this special day with?
Cue Card 1
Talk about a famous person in your country. Please say
– Who is he/she?
– Why is he/she so famous?
– What did he/she do for the country?
Cue Card 2
Describe a film that you watched and didn’t like. Please say
– What film was it?
– When and where did you watch it?
– Who was there with you?
– Why didn’t you like it?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Lets talk about sunshine.
– Do you like sunny weather?
– When do you prefer it, morning or afternoon?
– Are there many sunny days in your country?
Cue Card
Talk about a tourist place, that you have visited. Please say
– Where and what is this place?
– When did you visit it?
– What did you do there?
– Do you like to visit such places frequently?
– What kind of tourist places are popular in your country?
– How do international resorts at these tourist places affect the local business and economy?
– Can tourists cause environmental issues?
کاربر مهمان
سلام دوستان
من الان از آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس دانشگاه آزاد اومدم:
پارت ۱:
اسم کاملت را بگو؟
خونه اتون کجاست؟
درباره محل زندگیت چی را دوست نداری؟
اگه بتونی تغییر بدی کجا می ری؟
سر کار ترجیح می دی چه لباسی بپوشی؟
بیای خونه لباست را عوض می کنی؟
بچگی چه لباسی می پوشیدی؟
نسبت به قبل لباس پوشیدن چه تغییر هایی کرده؟
پارت ۲:
جایی که برای تفریح رفتی و از فرهنگ اونجا چیزی یاد گرفتی را بگو؟
کجا بوده؟…
پارت ۳:
چه راههایی برای فهمیدن کالچر هست؟
به نظرت تلویزیون میتونه به شناخت فرهنگ ها کمک کنه؟
قدیم چطور می شد از فرهنگ یه جا مطلع شد؟ چه تفاوتی کرده با الان؟
کاربر مهمان
۲۶ فوریه- تهران آیلتس- شادی عسگری
۱- کار میکنی یا دانشجویی؟
۲- کارت جالبه؟
۳- میخوای در آینده هم همین کارو ادامه بدی؟
۴- ادب یعنی چی؟
۵- الان معیارهای ادب تو کشورت با قبل فرق کرده یا نه؟
۶- چه مواقعی باید مودب باشیم؟
۷- بچه که بودی کی بهت یاد داد مودب باشی؟
۸- بچه که بودی چه کار میکردی؟
۹- الان بچه ها چه کار میکنن؟
۱۰- معایبش چیه؟
۱۱- مزایاش چیه؟
کیو کارت:
یه بیزینس خانوادگی که موفق بوده رو بگو
فکر میکنی در آینده بیشتر پیشرفت خواهد کرد؟
پارت ۳-
۱- چرا بعضیا میرن سراغ کار خانوادگی؟
۲- مزایای کار با فامیل چیه؟
۳- معایبش چیه؟
۴- چرا بعضیا موفق میشن؟
۵- چرا بعضیا همون سال اول شکست میخورن؟
۶- خصوصیات مدیر خوب چیه؟
۷- کار تو شرکت کوچیک بهتره یا بزرگ؟ مزایا و معایبش رو بگو
کاربر مهمان
ازمون ۱۵ فوریه – ایرسافام
بخش اول :
اسمت به صورت کامل
زادگاهت کجاست ایا دوستش داری ، چرا دوستش داری
نظرت درباره نور خورشید چیه و دوست داری چه کاری انجام بدی
بخش دوم
چیزی که در گذشته تاثیر زیادی روی اینده تو داشته است
بخش سوم
نظرت درباره اجبار والدین به فرزندانش برای کار خاص چیه
ایا موافقی و اینکه تو هم با فرزندانت اینجوری هستی
قبل از ازمون از بچه هایی که امتحان داشتن در خصوص بخش دوم سوال پرسیدم موضوعات دوستان در کیو کارت به شرح زیر بود
۱- به چه سایتی بیشتر سر میزنی و چرا فکر می کنی سایت خوبی است
۲-وسیله ای که بیشتر از همه استفاده می کنی به غیر از موبایل و کامپیوتر چیه توصیفش کن و دلایل استفاده ات رو بگو
۳- ورزشی که انجام میدی چی هست و چرا این ورزش رو دوست داری
کاربر مهمان
امتحان ۱۵ فوریه سنتر آزاد
نام و نام خانوادگی؟
از کدوم شهر هستی؟ یکم از شهرت برام بگو؟ چه چیزی رو راجع به شهرت بیشتر دوست داری؟ چند سال اونجا زندگی می کنی؟
روزای آفتابی رو دوست داری؟ چرا؟
دوست داری روزای آفتابی و بیرون از خونه بگذرونی؟ چرا؟
دوست داری که تعطیلاتتو یه جایی بگذرونی که آفتابش خیلی کم؟ چرا آره یا نه؟
قسمت دوم:
راجع به یه مسابقه که تماشا کردی یا توش شرکت داشتی صحبت کن
کی و کجا؟
با کی؟
چه حسی داشتی؟
چرا یادت مونده؟
قسمت سوم:
به نظرت خوبه که بچه ها تو مدرسه یاد بگیرن ورزش کنن؟ چرا؟
خوبه که بچه ها ورزش تیمی و یاد بگیرن؟
به نظرت رقابت تو مدرسه خوبه؟
رقابت چه مزیت ها و ضررهایی داره؟
به نظرت چه میشه کرد که رقابت کردن بین بچه ها یکم سالم تر باشه؟
کاربر مهمان
قسمت اول:
نام و نام خانوادگی
ولی بلافاصله رفت سراغ سوال های دیگه که در مورد شغل و کار و شهر نبود!
به نطرت بچه ها در این دوره بیشتر چه کادوهایی دوست دارن؟
گذشته چطور بوده؟
خودت چه کادویی را خیلی دوست داشتی؟
کار خوبیه که به کسی کادو بدیم؟
بردن بچه ها به باغ وحش فکر خوبیه؟
قسمت دوم:
کادوی خاصی که در بچگی گرفتید چی بوده؟
چه زمانی بهتون داده؟
چه کسی؟
باهاش چی کار کردین؟
دلیل ویژه بودنش را توضیح بدید
قسمت سوم:
به نظرتون چرا مردم مصرف گرا شدن؟
مصرف گرایی باعث چه مشکلاتی میشه؟
کادو دادن بچه ها را مادی گرا می کنه؟
فرق مصرف گرایی و مادی گرایی؟
چکار کنیم در آینده بچه ها مادی گرا نباشند؟نقش والدین؟
کاربر مهمان
– What do you do? Are you a student or do you work?
– Why are you studying this?
-What interests you to choose this?
Talk about bicycles
– Can you ride bicycles
-When you started using bicycles(changed to past tense)
-Why did you use it.
-How often did you use it?
Cue Card
Describe a special meal you have to have. Please say
– What is it?
-what ingredients are involved?
-Who do you want to share with?
-why do you think that meal is special for you?
– In your country, people have the food form home or from outside?
-do you think safety of food relies on the government or the people and why?
-What do you prefer between the price of the foods and the safety of the foods and why?
-let’s talk about adverts.-do adverts affect on people in your country and why?
-how much it affects and on which items?
-what kinds of products people usually buy in your country?
-what do you buy and why?
Do adverts affect on the food products in your country and how many percentages?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Where do you live now?
– Is it a city or a town?
– Do you think it is important to be punctual?
– Do you always manage to be on time for all your arrangements?
– How can you improve and be there on time?
– Do you think it is possible to manage time better?
– What is important for you to remember?
Cue Card
Describe a situation when you forgot about an important meeting. Please say
– What meeting was it?
– When was it?
– What did you do about it?
– How did you feel later?
– Is human memory important nowadays?
– Can electronic devices such as smart phones replace human memory?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What subject do you study?
– Do you enjoy your life?
– How do you do it?
– Do you think money is the most important thing in your life?
– What is more important in life, money or relationships?
– Do poor and rich people enjoy their life in the same way?
– Do you think people like their jobs?
Cue Card
Talk about the happiest moment you had recently. Please say
– What was the situation?
– With whom did you share this moment?
– Where and how did it happen?
– Do you think mobile phones are really useful?
– When did you get your first mobile phone?
– Do you like changing them often?
– Do you think updating mobile technology is important
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What part of your home do you like the most?
– Do you live in a house or an apartment?
– Will you move out in the near future?
– Do you like paintings and drawings?
– Are painting necessary for children’s development?
Cue Card
Talk about the food that you like to eat outside your home. Please say
– What is it?
– Why do you like it?
– On what occasions do you eat out?
– How often do you do it?
– Why do people go out to restaurants?
– What are the benefits of eating out? Why?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Can you describe your city?
– Let’s speak about something different.
– When is your birthday?
– How are birthdays celebrated in your country?
– Do you like photos?
– Do you enjoy taking photos?
– Do you think you are good at photography?
– Do you want to become a professional photographer?
Cue Card
Talk about a meal you usually eat on a special occasion. Please say
– What food is it?
– When and where do you usually eat it?
– Whom do you invite for this meal?
– Are there any different ideas about various kinds of food in your country?
– What is more important to you: the quality or price of food?
– Is there any difference between generations in your country in choosing foods?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What is your hometown?
– Do you live in a flat or a house?
– Which room is your favourite and why?
– Who chose clothes for you when you were a child?
– Do children today follow their parents’ path as they used to in the past?
– Do you lose patience easily?
– What do you do to overcome the impatience?
Cue Card
Describe a rule that was implemented in your school. Please say
– What was the rule?
– What were you suppose to do?
– Why was it implemented?
– Did you like or dislike this rule?
– What was the impact of the rule on your classmates?
– Were they happy or unhappy about it?
– Do you think it’s good to work under rules?
– Do you support the rule of working for a fixed number of hours per week in an organisation?
– What can be the disadvantages of too many rules and regulations
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– what are disadvantages of living in tehran
– which wild animal do you like the most and why
– do you think it is a good idea to teach children about animals?
Cue Card
describe an event you have forgotten. Please say
– What was it about?
– when and where
– what happend
what did you do about it
– In which events in your country most people forget
– do you think it is a good idea to use electronic devices for putting reminders?
– do you use them?
– how a memory can help you to learn a new skill
– how can modern technology help you keep good memories
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What is the meaning of your name?
– Is there any traditions to name babies in a particular way in your culture?
– Did you stress out recently?
– What was the reason?
– What makes you feel stressed usually?
– Where do you live?
– Describe your apartment.
– Which room is your favourite?
– Do you plan to move from this apartment?
Cue Card 1
Describe a place (such as a hospital, school, office) that you know well. Please say
– What place is it?
– Where is it?
– What did you do there?
Cue Card 2
Talk about a successful family business you know. Please say
– What is it?
– Where is it located?
– Why do you think it is successful?
– What are the main facilities you need to work in a hospital?
– Does a big building make you happy at work?
– Does workplace affect your personal life?
– Do you think people work longer hours nowadays? Why?
– Do you think big buildings cause environmental damage?
– How can you compensate for environmental damage?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What is you hometown?
– Why do you like living there?
– Do you like growing or keeping plants at home?
– Is it necessary to keep plants at home?
– Did you grow plants when you were young?
– Do you like birthday celebrations?
– Do you like celebrating your own birthday? Why?
– What was so special about birthdays in your childhood?
– What did you do during these birthday parties?
Cue Card
Describe a letter that you received and the reason it was important to you. Please say:
– Who sent this letter?
– When and where was it?
– How did you feel about it?
– Did you show this letter to anyone?
– Do you think nowadays letters are used often enough?
– What about personal letters?
– What are the disadvantages of letters?
– How should one write a business letter?
– Why do people feel better when receiving a hand-written letter?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you enjoy your work or not? Why?
– What kind of news interest you more: local or international?
– What source do you use (newspapers, radio, the Internet)?
Cue Card
Describe a piece of art that you know about. Please say
– What is it?
– How do know about it?
– Do you like it? Why?
– Do you think younger generation is still interested in art?
– What kind of art forms are popular these days in your opinion?
کاربر مهمان
part 1 :
What is your full name?
Can I see your ID ?
Where do you live ?
What is your favourite room ?
On what occassions do people in your culture give gifts to each other ?
Have you ever received a gift you didn’t like?
How often do you recieve emails?
what type of emails do you receive every day?
Do you like to write emails?
Is it better to communicate via email or a phone call?
Que Card:
Describe a visit to your house
Who was it?
How you felt?
What did you do?
Why do you remember it?
What do people do in your culture when they have guests?
How do they show their hospitality?
Do you think sometimes it is a little bit show -off?
When you go to a new city, is it better to go to a friend house or a hotel?
What are the advantages of going to a friend house and a hotel?
What facilities should a hotel have?
کاربر مهمان
Tehran IELTS – 9th December
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– How often do you visit your relatives?
– Do you prefer to visit a friend or relative?
– Do you walk a lot?
Que Card
Describe a web site that you are interested in
What is the name of the web site?
Why do you like this web site?
What is the impact of the internet on our lives?
Do think people can trust online shopping?
کاربر مهمان
– Where are you from?
– Describe the town you live in.
– Is politeness important in life?
– Where were you taught to be polite?
– Is there a particular language domination in the world?
– Why do you think it is happening?
Cue Card
Talk about a foreign language that you know well. Please say
– What language is it?
– How well do you know it?
– When and where did you learn it?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Describe a place you live in now.
– Do you live in an apartment or a house?
– What room in your home do you like the most?
– Would you prefer to live in an apartment or a house?
– Why would you like that?
– Do you have plans of moving out soon?
Cue Card
Talk about a historic event that you remember well. Please say
– What is the event?
– When and where did it take place?
– Why did you remember it?
– Do you think mobiles are really useful?
– When did you have your first mobile phone?
– Do you like changing mobiles often?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– Do you find working in this field interesting?
– Do you see yourself working in the same field in a few years from now?
– Do you like taking photos?
– When and where do you like to take photos?
– Do you think it is hard to become a professional photographer?
– Do you like to spend time with your relatives?
– How often do you visit them?
– What do you usually do together with your relatives?
Cue Card
Talk about a person who is special or means a lot to you. Please say
– How did you meet him/her?
– Describe this person.
– What do you usually do together?
– How do you think managers should behave with their employees?
– Does people’s behavior change in a group with elderly people?
– Please give an example of such behavior change.
– Does people’s behavior change around someone famous?
– What factors or people can affect someone’s personality?
کاربر مهمان
آزمون ۷ دسامبر ایرسافام
تسک ۱ : چه مواقعی مطالعه میکنی چرا؟
آیا study friend داری؟
فک میکنی چطوری میشه آدمها رو در ملاقات اول شناخت؟
واقعا فکر میکنی مردم در چند دسته خاص دسته بندی میشن؟
و ….
تسک ۲ : آدمی که برای شما جالب بوده و اخیرا دیدی رو شرح بده. چرا برات جالب بوده؟ کی و کجا اونو ملافات کردی ؟
تسک ۳: آیا بچه ها تاثیر زیادی از خانواده میپذیرن برای شخصیت آیندشون؟ و ….
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Are you living in a house or an apartment?
– Can you describe your house?
– Which room do you like the most?
– Do you usually watch TV?
– What is your favourite program?
– Do you watch it often?
– Do you find that it benefits you?
– What toys did you play with as a child?
– Which toy was important to you?
Cue Card 1
Talk about a foreign country that you find interesting. Please say
– What country is it?
– How did you know about it?
– Why do you like it?
Cue Card 2
Describe a famous person in your country. Please say
– Who is this person?
– Why is she/he famous?
– Why is she/he became important to your country?
– Why do people like to travel to other countries?
– What do people like to do when travelling abroad?
– Does tourism bring benefits to the city or the country?
– Does tourism have any disadvantages?
– Do you think Hanoi attracts many people?
– Would you like Hanoi to have more or less tourists
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– When do you prefer to work: mornings or evenings? Why?
– When did you purchase your first mobile phone?
– How frequently do you use it?
– Do you switch the mobile phone off sometimes?
– Would you like to replace your mobile phone with a new one? Why?
– What features are important for you in a mobile phone?
Cue Card
Describe a shopping street that you know well and like visiting. Please say
– Where is it situated?
– How frequently do you go there?
– Why do you like it there?
– What do you think about shopping and consumerism?
– Is there any negative impact to consumerism?
– Are there any positive impacts to consumerism?
– Would you say consumerism has in general a negative impact on the society? Why?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do for a job?
– Do you have a bicycle?
– Did you buy it yourself or received as a gift?
– Do people in your country use bicycles a lot?
– Do you think in the future the usage of bicycles will decrease?
– Do you like parties?
– What kind of parties you do not want to go to?
Cue Card
Talk about a decision in your life, that took you a long time to make. Please say
– What was it?
– Why did it take so long?
– How did you feel about it later?
– Do you think that school teachers should give advice to help students make decisions?
– Do you have any advice for teenagers on how to make the right decisions?
– Do you face any difficulties making decisions?
– What kind of decisions should teenagers make in their life?
– Do you ask your parents for advice before making decisions?
– Do you think it will help you? Why?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you think your name is special?
– Is there any meaning to your name?
– Who has chosen it for you?
– ls there any special method to choose a name for a baby in your country?
– What types of advertisements are common in your country?
– What advertisements do you prefer?
– Did you buy anything following an advertisement?
– Was it a good experience for you?
Cue Card
Describe a country that you have some information about (not your own country) Please say
– How did you know about it?
– What do you think about it?
– Would you enjoy living there?
– What do you think about tourism?
– What are the advantages for the host country?
– Does living in a foreign country have any disadvantages?
– Why do people choose to live or work abroad?
– Compare travelling and living abroad.
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you live in a house or an apartment?
– Do you like it there?
– Do you travel by boat?
– Do people travel by boat in your country?
Cue Card
Talk about a plant, vegetable or a crop that you familiar with. Please say
– Where is it growing?
– Why is it important to us?
– What do you like or dislike about it?
– What can be done to make farming interesting?
– What problems are farmers usually facing?
– Do you go to the park?
– Do you think there will be more parks in the future?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you like sports?
– What sports do you like the most?
– Are sports necessary in schools? Why?
– Are sports competitions necessary in schools?
– Are competitions in cultural activities necessary in schools similar to sports?
– Are trophies necessary in primary school?
– Are sports encouraged in schools in your country?
Cue Card
Talk about a recent sports event that you have participated in or watched and enjoyed very much. Please say
– What was the event?
– When and where did it take place?
– Why is it so memorable to you?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you study?
– What kind of TV shows do you watch?
– Who cooks in your home?
– How much time do you spend watching TV?
– Can you get better at cooking by watching cooking shows?
Cue Card
Talk about something that you bought from a store (an item that you like a lot). Please say
– What was it?
– Where did you buy it?
– How did you install it?
– How do you use it?
– How do TV and electronic devices affect our life?
– What makes people buy new smart phones?
– Is it showing their status or are they just technology fans?
– What were previous generations doing without electronics?
– Why are computers necessary at every workplace these days?
– What will happen if something goes wrong with the computer systems, as every company is dependent on them nowadays ?
کاربر مهمان
آزمون شفاهی دانشگاه آزاد
اسمت چیه؟
کارت چیه؟
خونتون کجاست؟
موبایل واست مهمه؟
چند وقت چندوقت خاموشش میکنی؟
تلویزیون دوس داری؟
چی نگاه میکنی؟
کیو کارت:
یک ادم پیر که میشناسین؟
کی هست؟
چند وقته؟
چه ویژگی داره؟
چه طوری شناختشی؟
بقیه هم بهش احترام میزارن؟
چی کار کنیم پیر نشیم؟
چی کار کنیم پیریه سالمی داشته باشیم؟
آیا کمک مالی از طرف دولت واسه پیرها خوبه؟
کیفیت کمک به پیرها بیاد چه طوری باشه؟
خونه شالمندان خوبه چه طوری میبینیش؟
الان پیرها چرا با خانوادشون نیستن و طرد شدن؟
چرا خوبه با بچه هاشون باشن؟
با کدوم باشن بهتره؟
یک سری چیزاشم یادم نمیاد
نترسین خوبه اسپیکینگ کاملا دوستانه است اولش همه استرس دارن بعد که یکم میگذزه اوکی میشین
کاربر مهمان
آزمون شفاهی دانشگاه آزاد
تا اونجایی که یادم میاد
اسمت چیه؟
کی این اسم رو واست انتخاب کرده؟
چرا این اسم رو برات انتخاب کردن؟
آیا تو کشورت به دلایل خاص اسم انتخاب می کنن؟
درس می خونی یا کار می کنی؟
کارت چیه دقیقا؟
کیو کارت:
در مورد یک ساحل مورد علاقه ت توضیح بده
این ساحل کجا قرار داره؟
چه فعالیت هایی اونجا انجام میشه؟
به بقیه پیشنهاد میدی برن اونجا؟ چرا؟
تفاوت سفرهای دریایی امروز با گذشته چیست؟
تاثیر کشتیرانی و حمل کالا بر محیط زیست چیست؟
آیا محدودیتی بر روی صنعت ماهیگیری باید قرار داده بشه؟
کاربر مهمان
من امروز امتحان دادم
پارت اول: در مورد نقاشی پرسید
تقاشی میکردی وقتی بچه بودی؟
چرا بچه ها باید در مدرسه نقاشی یاد بگیرن؟
چرا مردم نقاشی دارن تو خونشون؟
تاحالا نقاشی خریدی؟
اولین بار کی موبایل داشتی؟
چه کاری با موبایلت انجام میدی؟
چه وقت های موبایلت و خاموش میکنی؟
پارت ۲:
Describe an outdoor activity that you would like to try. Please say- What is it?
– When and where would you do it?
– What preparations and equipment would you need?
– Why is it important for you?
پارت ۳ هم ۶-۸ تا سوال در مورد physical activity پرسید و sport واقعا زیاد سوال پرسید، ایده کم داشتم یکم تکراری شد!
کاربر مهمان
What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Where do you live?
– Is it an apartment or a house?
– Which room do you like the most?
– When did you start using a mobile phone?
– Do you think it is a good thing to have a mobile phone?
– How does it benefit you exactly?
– Do you like paintings?
– Would you buy some paintings for your home?
Cue Card
Talk about something important that you have learnt from someone. Please say
– What was it?
– Whom did you learn it from?
– How do you think it has benefited you?
– Do you think learning something new is good?
– Is there any age limit for learning or should there be?
– Do you think kids learn a lot from their parents?
– What are the ways to teach preschool age kids to be ready for school?
– Is teaching teenagers different from teaching little kids?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What kind of clothes do you wear?
– Who helps you to choose clothes? Why?
– What aspect is important for you when choosing clothes?
– Do you help others to choose clothes?
– Do you cook at home?
– Who usually cooks in your family?
– Are cooking programs popular in your country?
– Do you like to watch these programs?
Cue Card
Describe an historical event that you find interesting. Please say
– When did it take place?
– What has happened?
– Why is it so interesting to you?
– What things do people learn during history lessons?
– Do you prefer to read about international or local history?
– Why do you think some people find history a boring and difficult subject?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What job do you do?
– What do you do at your work?
– Do you like your job? Why?
– Whom do you like to celebrate your birthdays with?
– How did you like to celebrate your birthdays as a child?
– What birthdays do you consider more important?
– Let’s talk about bicycles.
– Are bicycles popular in your country?
– Has the number of bicycle riders changed much in the past few years?
– How old were you when you first learned to ride a bicycle?
– Would you say bicycles are suitable for people of all ages?
Cue Card
Talk about a season or a time of the year that you enjoy the most. Please say
– What do you do during this season?
– Describe what the weather is like.
– Why do you like it more than other seasons?
– What is more important in your view: summer or winter?
– Do people enjoy more summer or winter? Why?
– What are the disadvantages of working in extreme cold or hot weather?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do for a living?
– Do you think your work is interesting? Why?
– Will you stay long at your current job? Why?
– Were you playing games as a child?
– What kind of games did you play?
– What do you think about the games children play today?
– Are these games different from the ones you played as a child?
– Do you like photography? Why?
– Do you like taking photos yourself?
– When and where do you usually do it?
– Do you like taking photos of yourself? Why?
Cue Card
Talk about your favourite program that you always watch on TV. Please say
– What program is it?
– What is it about?
– What do you like or dislike about this program?
– What types of programs are shown in your country on daily basis?
– Why do you think there is an increase of international programs on local channels nowadays?
– What do you think is the effect of 24 hour news like CNN and BBC on the society?
کاربر مهمان
دیروز آزاد امتحان دادم اونایی که یادمه اینا بود اگزمینر هم آقای شهرام جدیری بودن خیلی خوب بر خورد کردن و اصلا استرس وارد نکردن راحت می ذاشتن خرف بزنی و دقیق گوش می کردن
قسمت اول
خودتو معرفی کن
چی کار میکنی؟
شغلتو دوست داری یانه؟ چرا؟
بچه بودی دوچرخه داشتی یا نه؟ الان چی؟
دوچرخه سواری تو ایران محبوب یا نه؟
در آینده محبوبیت دوچرخه تو ایران چطوریه؟
درس تاریخ تو مدرسه برات چطوری بود؟
آیا تاریخ به درد مردم می خوره یا نه؟
آیا اطلاعات تاریخی و میشه تو اینترنت پیدا کرد؟
چه واقعه تاریخی و دوست داری دربارش اطلاعات کسب کنی؟
قسمت دوم
یه چیزی که بدون اون نمی تونی زندگی کنی و توضیخ بده به جز موبایل و کامپیوتر
اون چیه؟
چرا بدون اون نمی تونی زندگی کنی؟
قسمت سوم
رسانه در معرفی محصولات جدید نقش دارد؟
چگونه بر روی مردم تاثیر میزاره؟
تنوع محصولات برای یک کمپانی مهمه ؟ چرا؟
انتخاب یک محصول بر اساس چه ویژگی می باشد؟ مردم چطوری تصمیم گیری می کنند؟
امیدوارم همه موفق باشن
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What kind of job do you have?
– Do you plan to change your job in the future? Why?
Cue Card
Describe a successful family business. Please say
– What is it?
– How did you know it?
– Why do you think it is successful?
– Do you prefer to work in a big or a small company?
– Why is that?
– What is benefit of working in a big company?
– Why do not you like to work in small company?
– What is a benefit of a small company
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What job do you do?
– What do you do at your work?
– Do you like your job? Why?
– Whom do you like to celebrate your birthdays with?
– How did you like to celebrate your birthdays as a child?
– What birthdays do you consider more important?
– Do you think walking in the countryside is better than in the city? Why?
– Do you walk?
– Why do you consider walking important (or why not)?
– What could be done to improve walking in the city?
– Do you think you will keep walking as a part of your routine in the future?
Cue Card
Talk about a season or a time of the year that you enjoy the most. Please say
– What do you do during this season?
– Describe what the weather is like.
– Why do you like it more than other seasons?
– What is more important in your view: summer or winter?
– Do people enjoy more summer or winter? Why?
– What are the disadvantages of working in extreme cold or hot weather?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What kind of work do you do?
– Would you continue doing this job in the future?
– Do you like to walk? And how often?
– Would you prefer walking in the city or in the countryside?
Cue Card
Talk about the type of clothes that you wear for special occasions. Please say
– Do people like it?
– Where did you get your clothes?
– How do you feel while wearing them?
– Do you like taking photographs?
– Do you think people dress more formally these days than before?
– In what circumstances do people wear formal clothes?
– Do you think globalization affects the clothing industry? How?
– Does people’s taste affect the clothing industry?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you think that decision making is a difficult process?
– Does your organization rely on you to make decisions frequently?
– What was the most important decision that you have made in your life?
– Did it take you long to make it?
– What do you think about it now?
– Why is media more important in lives of the younger generation compared to the past?
– Do you read newspapers? Why?
– What kind of news is the most interesting to you? Why?
– When did you start using a mobile phone?
– Did you climb trees as a child?
– Would you like to stay in places with lots of trees? Why?
Cue Card
Talk about a very old person that you know and respect. Please say
– How and when did you meet?
– Who is this person?
– Why do you respect him/her?
– What do you think about sending an old person to an age care facility?
– What can young people learn from old people?
– What can old people learn from the younger generation?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– How do you celebrate your birthday?
– How are birthday parties celebrated in your country?
– What birthdays are very special in your culture?
– Describe your city.
– What are the main landmarks of the city?
Cue Card
Describe an interesting conversation that you had with someone you didn’t know. Please say
– Who was that person?
– When and where did you meet him/her?
– What did you talk about?
– Why was it interesting for you?
– What is the difference between chatting and gossiping?
– What is the difference between personal, telephone or online conversations?
– What are the disadvantages of online conversations?
– How do you listen to news, on the radio or online?
– Why is getting news important?
– What news are the most interesting for you?
– Do you think young people are more interested in news than the elderly?
– Do you think women like to chat more than men? Why
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What toys did you play with as a child?
– Do you still have them?
– What kind of toys do kids play with these days?
Cue Card
Talk about a radio program which you like and listen to regularly. Please say
– What is the program about?
– How does it benefit you?
– How long do you listen to it?
– Do you think the radio can be replaced with some new technology?
– Would you still listen to the radio if you were charged for it?
– How safe is it to share personal views on the radio?
– Can you recommend a radio program to younger generation?
کاربر مهمان
سلام. ۲۶ اکتبر ۲۰۱۳٫ آزاد. ممتن: آرش رفعتی بخش: خوش برخورد. (اگر کسی در مورد نمره دادنشون میدونه پیغام خصوصی بده. نگرانم)
اول کمی در مورد آب و هوای امروز و ترافیک و اینا حرف زد یخم آب شه
۱٫ اسم کاملتو بگو و اینکه در آپارتمان زندگی میکنی یا خانه ویلایی. و اینکه قصد داری در آینده نزدیک عوضش کنی یا نه.
شما بیرون غذا میخورید؟
فکر میکنید چرا مردم بیرون غذا میخورن؟
در ایران مردم بیشتر برای چی میرن بیرون غذا بخورن؟
۲٫کیو کارد: غذایی که اواخر خوردی و خیلی دوست داشتی رو بگو. با کی بودی. چرا دوست داشتی غذا رو
۳٫ آیا مهمه که مردم غذاهای سنتیشون رو حفظ کنن؟ چرا؟
مزایا و معایب بیرون غذا خوردن؟
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you study?
– Do you like this subject? Why?
– Do you like riding a bicycle?
– Is it popular in your country?
– What are your predictions about bicycle culture in Kazakhstan?
– Do you like plants?
– Would you find a plant interesting as a gift?
– Have you ever grown plants?
Cue Card
Describe a person with whom you like to spend time. Please say
– When did you meet him/her?
– What kind of person is he/she?
– What do you do together?
– Why do you like spending time with this person?
– Who else do you like to spend time with?
– Why is it important to you?
– What kind of relationship should be between managers and employees?
کاربر مهمان
امتحان من ۱۰ اکتبر تو دانشگاه آزاد و اگزمینرم یه خانومی به نام نسیم
پارت ۱
اسمت رو بگو
کجا زندگی میکنه
چه کار میکنی
ایا از رشتت تو دانشگاه راضی هستی
ایا دوست داری تو خونتون گل نگهداری کنی یا نه؟چرا؟
ایا دوست داری که تو تولدت گل هدیه بگیری؟چرا؟
اسم یه نفرو بگو که تو تاریخ کشورت به نظر تو نقش مهمی داشته
پارت ۲
در مورد یک درسی تو دوره ی دبیرستان که توش عملکرد ضعیفی داشتی توضیح بده
بگو چه درسی بوده؟
چرا عملکرد ضعیفی داشتی؟
آیا کاری برای بهبود اون انجام دادی یا نه؟
پارت ۳
به نظر تو ایا کار خوبیه که مقامات مدرسه به دانش اموزاشون تو انتخاب دروسشون حق انتخاب بدن؟چرا؟
والدین بچه ها چه نقشی تو این انتخاب دارن؟
اگه این انتخاب آزاد باشه چه دروسی باید تو دروس مدرسه وجود داشته باشه چرا؟
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you live in an apartment or a house?
– Which room do you like the most? Why?
– Do you like writing emails?
– Whom do you often receive emails from?
Cue Card
Talk about a public transport that you have used recently. Please say
– When did you use it?
– What kind of public transport have you used?
– Describe your journey.
– How did you feel after the trip
– Do people in your country use cars to demonstrate a social status? Why?
– What kind of transport do you think will be available in the future?
– What can the government do to reduce the use of cars in your country?
کاربر مهمان
پارت ۱
اسم کاملت رو بگو
کار می کنی یا درس می خونی
وقتی بچه بودی دوست داشتی تو خونه بازی کنی یا بیرون؟ چرا؟
بازی بچه ها نسبت به بچگی تو چقدر تغییر کرده ؟
پارت ۲
با یک نفر که اصلا نمی شناسی یه جایی آشنا می شی
اونجا کجا بوده
اون شخص کی بوده
توضیح راجع به شرایط اونجا و..
پارت ۳
چرا مردم امروزه چت کردن ترجیح می دن؟
زنا چرا بیشتر چت می کنن؟
نظرت راجع به آدمهایی که همش از مشکلاتشون می گن چیه؟
برنامه های تلویزیونی که مردم از مشکلاتشون حرف می زنن چرا اینقدر زیاد شده؟
کاربر مهمان
من شنبه تهران آیلتس امتحان دادم
پارت ۱
نام کاملت بگو
کار میکنی یا درس میخونی
کارت دوست داری یانه؟
میخوای در آینده کارت حفظ کنی؟
آیا بچه بودی تو مدرسه ابتدایی میخوندی؟
خواننده مورد علاقت چیه؟
هرچند وقت یه بار میخونی؟
آیا متن ترانه موسیقی مهمه؟
پارت ۲
یه مکان زیبا (خارج از کشور خودت) که دوست داری بری رو توصیف کن
پارت ۳
چرا مردم دوست دارن جاهای جدید ببینند؟
آیا توریسم به جاهای زیبا صدمه می زنه؟
خوصیایت یک انسان کاوشگر چیه؟
آیا اکتشاف جاهای جدید خوبه؟
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Who usually cooks in your home?
– Have you ever cooked?
– How was it?
– Do people in your country watch cooking shows?
Cue Card
Talk about a country that you find interesting (except your own). Please say
– Why is it interesting to you?
– What would you like to do in this country?
– When do you plan to visit this country?
– Do you think promotion of tourism is good for economy?
– What is the bad side of tourism in your opinion?
– Do you think it is important to maintain peaceful relations with the neighbouring countries?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Did you like to play as a child?
– What was your favourite toy? Why?
– Do you still have it?
– Do you think toys should be passed on to other kids? Why?
Cue Card
Describe a recent event in you life that made you very happy. Please say
– What was the event?
– When did it happen and who was there with you?
– Why did it make you happy?
– Do you think money is important in life? Why?
– Do you think money makes people happy?
– Do you think people with a lot of money are happy?
– What makes people really happy?
– Does having money equate to being happy?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What subject are you studying?
– Why do you think people choose such a subject in your country?
– Do you like reading books?
– What type of books do you read?
– Are you reading a book presently?
– Would you like to write a book in the future?
Cue Card
Talk about a nice place (school, office, or club) that you know well. Please say
– Why is the place so distinct?
– With whom did you go there?
– What did you experience there?
– Do you think that unpaid jobs affect the community?
– What is your opinion about people who work from home?
– Would you do it yourself?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What kind of job do you have?
– Does your name have a meaning?
– What is it?
– What are the most common names in your culture? Why?
Cue Card
Describe a party that you would like to give to someone. Please say
– Who is that person?
– Whom will you invite to the party?
– Why would you give this party?
– When are you planning to do it? Why?
– Tell me about family parties in your country.
– Do you feel under pressure while preparing a party?
– Do you prefer to be busy all the time or not ? Why?
– Do you feel under pressure when you have lots of tasks to do?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Describe your job.
– What is your working day like?
– When is the most productive time during the day for you?
– What do you like/dislike about your job?
– Would you recommend this job to anyone?
Cue Card
Talk about a book that someone recommended that you read. Please say
– Who recommended it?
– Why did he/she recommend it?
– What do you think about this book?
– What kinds of books are famous in your country? Why?
– What are the benefits of reading books, in your opinion?
– Do you think people will continue to read printed books in the future? Why?
– What is your opinion about e-books?
– Aren’t they cheaper and easily portable?
– What are the drawbacks of e-books?
– Are you able to imagine the world without printed books?
– What other possibilities do you see?
– Do you think young people like to read books?
– Some say old people are good at reading. Do you agree or disagree?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What type of people are living in your city?
– What does ‘being polite’ mean to you?
– Who taught you about it?
– When do you need to be polite?
Cue Card
Talk about a special meal that you would like to have. Please say
– What is it?
– Where and with whom would you like to have it?
– What other food would you like to try?
– What type of food do people like in your country?
– What is more important: quality or price of the food?
– Should parents stop their children from eating junk food?
– What should the government do about this?
– Do you like home made food better than restaurant food?
کاربر مهمان
سلام دوستان
من دوشنبه تهران ایلتس امتحان دادم
چه اسباب بازی دوست داشتم
اسباب بازی هاتو هنوز داری
چرا بعضیها دوست دارن اسباب بازیهای دوران کودکیشون رو نگهدارن
قسمت دوم درباره ی وسیله ی برقی که تازه گیا برای خونه ام خریدم
درباره ی تاثیر تکنولوژی روی زندگیمون
کمکی که به پدر و مادر ها میکنه
تکنولوژی چه تغییری در اینده میکنه
کاربر مهمان
منم الان دانشگاه آزاد امتحان دادم
part one
?What is your full name
?Do you live in a house or an apartment
?What is your favorite room
part two
Describe a situation visitors came to your home
part three
?Is it better to go to a hotel or your friend’s house when you are abroad
?What are the disadvantages of going to your friend’s house
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– How do you get to the office?
– What do you think about the transportation system in your country?
Cue Card
Describe a recent change in your life. Please say
– When did it happen?
– What was the change?
– What difference did it make to your daily routine?
– What do you think about the changes in people’s lives?
– What kind of changes did you notice in your town recently?
– Do you think people like changes?
– Why are most older people reluctant to make changes?
کاربر مهمان
سلام، من چند ساعت پیش تهران آیلتس امتحان دادم
بخش اول
– در مورد شهرت بگوِ، از کی اونجا بودی، چرا اونجا رو دوست داری
– دوچرخه سواری رو دوست داری، آیا دوچرخه سواری مرسوم هست تو کشورت، به نظرت میل مردم به دوچرخه سواری چطور تغییر می کنه در آینده
بخش دوم
– در مورد فصلی که دوست داری بگو، چرا این فصل رو دوست داری، چه فعالیت هایی انجام می دی تو این فصل
بخش سوم
-آب و هوا چطور می تونه برای کشورها مشکل آفرین باشه، مثلا تو آلاسکا یخبندان چه تاثیری رو کشاورزی می ذاره، غیر از کشاورزی رو چه صنایع دیگه ای آب و هوا می تونه اثر بذاره
-کشورها چطور می تونن مقابله کنن با این مشکلات
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
Cue Card
Describe an interesting person that you have recently met. Please say
– Where did you meet her/him?
– Why was she/he interesting to you?
– What is she/he like?
– What is the role of parents in the development of children´s character?
– Are they more important than friends and the surrounding environment?
– What is the influence of technology on human relationships today?
– Do you think it has a positive or a negative effect on the society? Why
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Does your name have a meaning?
– Is your name popular in your country?
– When is the most productive part of the day for you?
Cue Card
Talk about something that happened to you recently and made you happy. Please say
– Where was it?
– How did you feel at that moment?
– Whom were you with?
– What is more important for you: happiness or money?
– Can money bring happiness?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you live in a house or an apartment?
– Which room do you like the most in your house?
– Are you going to move in the future?
– Are there any painting or drawing classes in your school?
– Why do people have paintings on their homes?
– Would you buy a painting?
Cue Card
Describe an activity that you do to stay in good health and shape. Please say
– What is it and when do you do it?
– How often do you do it?
– How is it helping you to stay healthy and in good shape?
– What do most people do to stay healthy?
– Do you think the sports equipment in parks is useful?
– Is there any difference between men and women in terms of which exercises they should do to stay healthy?
کاربر مهمان
پارت اول
نام کاملتون رو بگید؟
درس می خونید یا کار می کنید؟
اهل کجا هستی؟
بچه بودی اسباب بازی داشتی؟
اسباب بازی های قدیمیتو هنوز هم داری؟
چرا اسباب بازی ها تو نگه داشتی؟
چرا بچه ها بیشتر و راحتتر از بزرگتر ها میخندند و شاد هستن؟
پارت دوم
یک تبلیغ تلویزیونی که خنده دار بده رو توضیح بده .
تبلیغ درمورد چی بوده؟
چه زمانی دیدی؟
چرا فکرمیکنی خنده دار بوده؟
پارت سوم
چرا توجه به بچه ها تو تبلیغات مهمه؟
چه نوع تبلیغاتی رو بیشتر میپسندی؟
تا حالا تبلیغی باعث شده یه کالایی رو به دیگری ترجیح بدی؟
تا حالا تبلیغی باعث شده چیزی رو بخری؟
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Which part of your country is more populated?
– How easy is it to travel around in your country?
– Did the country change a lot since you were a child?
Cue Card
Describe a festival that is important in your country. Please say
– When does the festival start?
– What do you do during the festival?
– What do you like or dislike about it?
– Why is this festival important?
– Are national and international festivals different in their nature?
– Do you think new festivals will be introduced in the future? Why?
– How does the globalization affect festivals around the world?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you receive gifts frequently?
– Do like to receive them? Why?
– What is the most precious gift you have received so far?
– Why do you like it so much?
Cue Card
Describe a shopping street that you would like to visit. Please say
– Where is it?
– Why would you like to go there?
– Whom would you take there with you?
– Do you use the Internet for shopping?
– What are the pros and cons of Internet shopping?
– Will you continue to shop online in the future?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Where do you work?
– Do you consider yourself a patient person?
– What are the benefits of being patient?
– Are people in your country usually patient?
– Do you like advertisements?
– Do you think there is too much advertisement in your country?
Cue Card
Describe the most important (special) photograph that you like. Please say
– When was it taken?
– Who is on that photograph?
– Who took it?
– Why is it so special to you?
– What is the role of photographs in the newspapers?
– Do you think photographs of family events must be taken by professionals?
– What photographs are good for advertisement?
– What is better, to send a photograph or a post card?
– What is the most efficient way of communication: e-mail, chat or SMS, in your opinion?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you live in a house or in an apartment?
– In which room do you spend most of the time? Why?
– Do you prefer to watch news on TV or to read them in newspapers?
– Do you prefer to write an e-mail or call someone?
– Do you like to write letters or e-mails?
– To whom do you usually write e-mails?
– From whom do you usually receive e-mails?
– What do you prefer – to write a letter by hand or type it on a computer? Why?
– Do you often use your mobile phone?
– Are you a patient person? Why?
– What do you do while waiting for somebody?
– Why are people in some countries more patient than in other countries?
Cue Card
Talk about an interesting person that you have met recently. Please say
– Who is that person?
– When and where did you meet him/her?
– Why does he/she seem interesting to you?
– What do you think is the most important for the development of a child’s personality?
– Are parents responsible for their child’s personality?
– What about school? Does it have a role in child’s personality?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
Cue Card
Describe a tourist attraction that you have enjoyed visiting. Please say
– Where is this place?
– What was so interesting about this place?
– What did you enjoy the most?
کاربر مهمان
آزمون اسپیکینگ ٢١ سپتامبر آزاد آیلتس:
اسمت چیه؟
کار میکنی یا درس میخونی؟
چیکار میکنی؟
محیط کاریتو توضیح بده ، چجور جاییه؟ همکار داری یا نه و …
چه موقعی از روز میتونی خوب کار کنی؟ چرا؟
آیا اسمت معنی خاصی داره؟ معنیش چیه؟
چرا این اسمو واست انتخاب کردن؟
آیا تو کشورت اسم های محبوب وجود داره؟ کدوما هستن؟
چرا بعضی اسم ها مشهور و محبوبن؟
آیا تو کشورت مراسم اسم گذاشتن مرسومه؟ چیکار میکنن؟
درختهارو دوس داری؟ به نظرت چرا مفیدن؟
جایی که زندگی میکنی جنگلی، بیشه زاری وجود داره؟ توضیح بده.
برای محافظت از درختها و جنگل ها باید چیکار کرد؟
پارت ٢ (Cue Card)
موقیتی رو توصیف کن که ویزیتور ( مهمون) اومده بود خونتون!
پارت ٣
آیا تو کشورت مردم مهمون نوازند ؟ چه کارهایی میکنن( غذا و نوشیدنی های خاصی واسه مهمونشون تهیه میکنن)؟
بعضی ها معتقدند که الان مهمونی ها فرمال تر از گذشته شدن؟ نظرت چیه؟
اگه بری یه کشور دیگه، ترجیح میدی پیش دوستت بمونی یا بری هتل؟ چرا؟
به نظرت هتل ها باید چه خدماتی به توریست ها ارایه کنن؟
کاربر مهمان
امتحان ۲۱ سپتامبر تهران آیلتس
پارت ۱
دانشجویی یا کار میکنی؟
در مورد شهر محل زندگیت بگو؟
چه ویژگی هایی از شهر محل زندگیتو دوست داری؟
بچه که بودی چقدر آواز میخوندی؟
الان چقدر آواز میخونی؟
خواننده مورد علاقت کیه؟
به نظرت lyric هم مهمه؟
یه برنامه تلویزیونی که دیدی و دوست داری دوباره ببینی
کی دیدی؟
چرا میخوای دوباره ببینی؟
پارت ۳
بعضیا میگن علایق پیرها و جوونها در مورد برنامه های تلویزیون متفاوته. نظر تو چیه؟
چرا بعضی مردم تبلیغات تلویزیونی رو دوست دارن؟
به نظرت چرا انقد تبلیغات زیاده؟
توی کشورت چه برنامه های بیشتر مورد علاقه مردم هست؟
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Who is choosing your clothes?
– Do you help people to select clothes?
– What type of fashion do you prefer, western or eastern?
Cue Card
Talk about a meal or a picnic that you had recently. Please say
– What was the occasion?
– What did you drink and eat?
– Have you enjoyed it? Why?
– Do you think we should preserve our traditional foods?
– Do you cook by yourself?
– Does media help to spread the culinary culture among us?
– What needs to be done for certain foods and culture to spread in the world?
کاربر مهمان
پارت اول
در مورد شهری که زندگی می کنی بگو…چه جور جاییه؟
چند وقته در این شهر زندگی می کنی؟
زندگی در این شهر رو دوست داری؟ چرا؟
در مورد عکاسی : آیا اهل عکس گرفتن هستی؟ چه جاهایی معمولا عکس می گیری؟
چه جور عکسهایی رو نگه می داری؟
دوست داری ازت عکس بگیرن؟
آیا عکاس حرفه ای بودن جالبه؟
پارت دوم:
در مورد یکی از برنامه های آینده ات :
کی این برنامه رو ریختی؟
چی باعث شد این برنامه ریزی رو بکنی؟
چه کارهایی لازمه انجام بدی؟
توضیح بده چطور میتونی در این برنامه ریزی موفق بشی؟
پارت سوم:
در مورد اهمیت برنامه ریزی
افراد چطور یاد می گیرن برنامه ریزی کنند؟
معمولا برای همه کارهات برنامه ریزی می کنی؟
هر چی سنمون بالاتر بره بهتر برنامه ریزی می کنیم؟
افراد برای سنین سالمندی شون چه برنامه ریزی هایی باید بکنند؟
آیا دولت موفق بوده در انجام چنین برنامه ریزی هایی؟
کاربر مهمان
پارت اول
نام کاملتون رو بگید؟
درس می خونید یا کار می کنید؟
رشته دانشگاهیتون رو دوست دارین؟ چرا؟
آیا با دوستانتون هنوز در ارتباط هستین؟
بچه بودی تا حال دوچرخه سوار شدی؟
الان دوچرخه داری؟ چرا به دوچرخه علاقه داری؟
کجاها میری برای دوچرخه سواری؟
به نظرت در آینده استفاده از دوچرخه ها باید بیشتر بشه یا کمتر؟ چرا؟
پارت دوم
موقعیتی رو توصیح بدین که خونه یا مدرسه خودتون رو عوض کردین
چرا این تغییر رو انجام دادیم؟
چه ویژگی هایی داره جای جدید؟
احساس شما از این تغییر صورت گرفته چیه؟؟
پارت سوم
دلیل اصلی که مردم خونشون رو در شهرهایی مثل تهران عوض می کنن چیه؟؟
فواید و مضرات زندگی در خونه ای مشابه با خونه قبلی که دارن چیه؟!! ( کن این سوال رو نفهمیدم دقیقا باید چه جواب بدم!! )
در پارت اول و سوم یک تا دو سوال هست که الان به یاد نمیارم… اگزمینر بنده یک خانم تقریبا مسن استرالیایی بود، برخورد خوبی داشت. امیدوارم که موفق باشین …
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you live in an apartment or a house?
– Which is your favorite room there?
– Are you planning to change your home?
– Did you have a lot of toys in your childhood?
– What kind of toys did you like to play with?
– Which was your favorite toy? Why?
– Do you still have that toy?
Cue Card
Talk about a story that you were told in your childhood. Please say
– Who told you this story?
– What was the story about?
– Who were the main characters in the story?
– Why do you still remember the story?
– Do children in your country like story-telling?
– What stories are told to the children today by their parents?
– What are the benefits of story-telling?
– How has story-telling changed in the last 30 years?
– Do children like to hear fairy-tales?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What type of home do you live in?
Cue Card
Talk about a website that you have visited recently. Please say
– How did you find it?
– How often do you visit this website?
– What do you like about this website?
کاربر مهمان
– Do you study or work?
– What kind of job do you do?
– Describe a normal day in your life.
– What time of the day do you prefer? Why?
Cue Card
Describe a knowledge quiz show on TV; please say
– Why do you like this kind of show?
– Is it easy to prepare for this show?
– Would you like to participate in it?Follow up question: Why would you like to participate in this kind of show?
– Let’s talk about competition in your life. Do you think you are a competitive person?
– Is it important to be competitive? Why?
– In business, do companies need to be competitive?
– Should companies promote competition? Why?
– What are the advantages and disadvantages of competition?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Where are you originally from?
– What do you think about the importance of sustaining a healthy life?
– What activities do you do to keep yourself healthy?
– What activities would you like to do in the near future?
Cue Card
Describe a sports event that you saw on TV or live. Please say- When and where did you see it?
– What was the event?
– Why did you like watching the event?
– What sport events are shown on television in your home country? Why?
– Is there a famous sports-person in your country that you can think of?
– What are the traits or specific skills that are involved in playing badminton?
– What qualities are required to be a good sports-person?
– Where do you normally watch soccer in your country?
– What do you do while watching soccer?
– Do you think sports stars nowadays deserve the amount of money they are paid?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Do you work or study?
– Why have you chosen your area of studies?
– Do you buy clothes over the internet?
– What is your favorite style?
– Is fashion becoming more important nowadays?
Cue Card
Describe your favorite TV show that you enjoy watching regularly. Please say- What is it about ?
– When is it shown?
– Why do you like it?
– Is TV losing its popularity to online broadcasting? Why?
– Are there any advantages of TV for lonely people?
– Are there any dangers of TV for lonely people?
– Do you think people will watch less TV in the future?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What kind of job do you do?
– Are you a patient person?
– What do you do to stay patient in certain situations?
– Do you think people in your country are usually patient?
Cue Card
Talk about a seaside place that you would like to visit. Please say
– Where is it?
– What can you do there?
– Why would you like to go there?
– Do you think people like the seaside for holidays?
– Do you think the seaside will always be a preferred holiday place?
– Is it more fun for children than adults do you think?
– Do you have some good memories from seaside trips as a child?
– In what circumstances the seaside might stop being an attractive destination for holidays in your view?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Were you taught painting or drawing in school?
– Do you think children should be taught painting in school?
– Why do people like to keep paintings in their homes?
– Would you like to buy a painting?
Cue Card
Describe an older person whom you respect, please say
– Who the person is
– What your relationship with this person is
– Why you respect the person
– What are the advantages of having an elderly person at home?
– Is there anything that older people should learn from younger generation?
– What qualities does a person need to take care of old people?
– Do you think elderly people should be allowed to work?
– Do you think that elderly people should be taken care of at home?
کاربر مهمان
امتحان اسپیکینگ من امروز بود. با آقای رفیعی. خیلی خیلی آقای خوش برخورد و مودبی بودند و اولش سعی کردند استرسم رو با سوال های ساده کم کنند. بعد از اون شروع به ضبط کردند.
اسم و فامیل کاملت رو بگو.
کجا زندگی میکنی- شهرت رو توضیح بده.
دوست داری تو چه شهری زندگی کنی؟ چرا؟
آیا دوچرخه سواری کردی؟
کجا؟ کی؟ هنوز هم دوچرخه داری؟ چرا؟ آیا فکر میکنید در آینده مردم بیشتر دوچرخه سواری می کنند یا الان؟
بقیشو یادم نمیاد
اما در مورد کارت:
– یک نامه ای که قبلا دریافت کردی و برات مهم بوده رو شرح بده… کی فرستاده بود؟ چی توش نوشته بود و چه حسی بهت داد و توضیح بده چرا برات مهم بوده؟
پارت ۳: فکر میکنید چرا بعضی ها دوست دارن نامه رو بصورت کاغذی دریافت کنند تا در بقیه فرم ها.
بقیه اش یادم نیست :دی حافظه ماهی… همین دو ۳ ساعت پیش امتحان دادما….. :دی
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What kind of work do you do?
– Would you recommend your job to others? Why?
– Do you like weekends?
– What do you do on weekends?
– Do you think people should work on weekends or not?
– Should those who work on weekends be paid more?
Cue Card
Describe a person that you like talking with. Please say
– Who is this person?
– Why do you like talking with him/her?
– What topics do you usually talk about?
– Do you think good communication is necessary?
– What kind of work requires good communication?
– How can you develop good communication skills?
– Do you believe that robots will be able to speak in the future like humans?
– Do you like taking pictures?
– Which picture do you cherish? Why?
– Do you think people take too many pictures nowadays?
کاربر مهمان
منم امروزاسپیکینگ داشتم، آزاد-با آقای رفیعی، آدم مثبتی بودن و خیلی خوب برخورد میکردن
اما سوالام به نظرم خوب نبودن، پارت ۱: دوست داری شهرت کجا و چطوری باشه،شهری که الان هستی چطوره؟
یه آدمی که به نظرت مودب بوده دردوران بچگیت کی بوده؟ آیا اخبار مطالعه میکنی ؟چه اخباری؟جوانها با قدیمیا توی این زمینه چه فرقی دارن؟
پارت ۲ که خیلی برام سخت بود: دوست داری توی چه رقابتی سرکت کنی(کوئیز،شو تلوزیونی،..)؟چه طوریه این رقابت؟چه کاری باید بکنی؟چه سختیایی داره ( من توی فارسیشم واسم سخته اینارو جواب بدم )
پارت۳ سوالای مختلف درمورد رقابت در زمینه و سن های مختلف
منکه زیادراضی نبودم اما امیدوارم آقای رفیعی خوب نمره بدن، اگه دوستانی باشن که درمورد نمره دادن ایشون بهم بگن ممنون میشم
کاربر مهمان
امتحان ۱۲ سپتامبر. دانشگاه آزاد. تهران: یه خانوم که اسمش یادم نمیاد. شاید رحمانی بود. کلا خیلی خوش برخورد بود و اعتماد بنفس می داد با اینکه من دستم می لرزیدgood afternoon
this is IELTS TEST date ….. time…. the student is … her passport
number is:….shall we start? ok…
What is your full name?
where are you from?
where do you live?
tell me about your hometown.
do people in your city celebrate birthdays?
when do they celebrate it? when the person is a child or older?
what do you do in your birthday?
when you were a child, was your birthday as you expected?
cue card:
which season in the year you like best?
why do you like it more?
how is the weather like in the season?
what do you do in the season?
explain what is the reason you like it
now I want to speak (section 3) about weather condition
is working in bad weather conditions hard?
do you think who work in bad weather conditions need to be paid more
than others?
what can be the influences of bad weather condition on somebody’s
quality of work?
This is the end of your speaking test
کاربر مهمان
آزمون ۲۴ آگوست کانادا
بخش اول در باره کارهای خونه پرسید. اینکه چه کاری رو دوست دارم و چه کمکی میکردم وقتی بچه بودم و چرا کارخونه برای بچه ها مفیده و چه کمکی بهشون میکنه. از زمان بچگی تا حالا وقت آزاد ما چه تغییری کرده. چه تغییری دوست داری در وقت آزادت بدی الان و چه کارایی دوست داری انجام بدی. تو خونه زندگی میکنی یا آپارتمان. فک میکنی در آینده تو خونه باشی یا آپارتمان. چرا.
بخش دوم درباره زبانی غیر از انگلیش که دوست داری یاد بگیری حرف بزن. اینکه چرا دوست داری یادبگیری. برای یادگیری چیکار باید بکنی. چی در مورد این زبون سخته.
بخش سوم تاثیرات یادگیری زبان روی فرد چیه. بهترین راه برای یادگیری زبان چیه. آیا مهمه که زبان کشور مقصد رو بدونی. آیا ویزیت از یه کشور میتونه کمک کنه یه زبونو کامل یادبگیری. و از این دست سوالات.
کاربر مهمان
من چهارشنبه امتحان دادم
توو بخش یک مثل همیشه اول اسممو پرسید
پرسید اهل کجام
بعد شغلم
اینکه توو چه زمانی از روز بهتر کار میکنم و چرا
بعد پرسید سرکار با مریضام دوست میشم یا نه
اینکه کی توو خونمون آشپزی میکنه…خودم اولین بار کی آشپزی کردم..نتیجه اش چطور بود
اسباب بازی مورد علاقه ام توو بچگی چی بود؟چرا؟
چرا بعضی از مردم دوست دارن اسباب بازی هاشونو نگه دارن؟
کلا چه اسباب بازی هایی داشتم چطوری بودن
پارت ۲
راجه به یه seaside که دوست داری بری
مردم تووش چیکارا میکنن
چرا دوست داری بری اونجا
بعد پرسید خودت تا حالا همچین ساحلی رفتی یا نه و تاپیکو تموم کرد
پارت ۳
کلی سوال سخت راجع به سفرای دریایی کرد که من چون زیاد اجکتیو و کالوکیشن بلد نبودم حرفه ای نبود جوابام و الان فک میکنم شاید حتی آف تاپیک هم شده باشم بعضی جاها
تا جایی که یادمه اینا بودن
چرا مردم سفر دریایی میرن؟
سفرای دریایی الان با گذشته چه فرقایی کرده
بچه ها بیشتر از دریا لذت میبرن یا بزرگا
فک میکنی سفرای دریایی توو آینده چه تغییراتی بکنه
فکر میکنی مردم توو آینده بیشتر سفر دریایی برن؟
فواید سفرای دریایی طولانی چیه؟
و البته یه تعداد دیگه مشابه اینا
از یکی از دوستامم که همزمان با من اما توو یه اتاق دیگه امتحان داشت کلی سوال راجع به فعالیت های آبی پرسیده بودن!!
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name
– Can I see your ID
– Where are you from
– Do you work or study
– Do you work late hours? Why
– What is the optimum sleep time a person requires
– How many hours a day do you usually sleep? Why
Cue Card
Describe your favorite piece of clothing. Please say
– What is it
– Where did you buy it
– Where do you usually wear it to
– What is the type of formal wear for people in your country
– What is your opinion about internet shopping
– Do you go out shopping with your friends or your wife? Why
– Do women in your country wear fashion accessories
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name
– Can I see your ID
– Where are you from
– Do you work or study
– What do you do at work
– Does your name have a meaning
– Is your name popular in your country
– What are the common names in your country
Cue Card
Talk about your experiences with public transport. Please say
– Where did you use it
– Why did you take the public transport
– Describe your experience
– Do you think people should use public transport more often
– What should the government do to encourage people to use public transport
– What environmentally-friendly public transport solutions should the government invest in
– What should the government do to discourage people from buying private cars
کاربر مهمان
آزاد ۲۹ آگوست آقای مطهری
خیلی یادم نیست ولی چیزایی که یادمه ایناس:
کجایی هستی؟
کجا زندگی میکنی؟ خونه یا آپارتمان؟
کدوم اتاقو دوست داری؟ چرا؟
معنی اسمت چیه؟
چطوری اسمت انتخاب شده؟
اسمای معمول تو کشورت چیه؟
از ایمیل استفاده میکنی؟
چند وقت به چند وقت از ایمیل استفاده میکنی؟
از نوشتن ایمیل لذت میبری؟
کارت :
کسی رو که تازگی ها ملاقات کردین توضیح بدید
کجا دیدینش؟
چه موقعیتی بود؟
چه خصوصیاتی داشت؟
مکان های عمومی جای خوبی برای پیدا کردن دوست هستند یا نه؟
روابط بزرگسالان در گذشته و حال چه تفاوت هایی دارند؟
چطور میشه به خصوصیات افراد پی برد؟
فکر میکنید کسایی هستند که بتونن شخصیت افراد رو پیش بینی کنن؟
تو مصاحبه کاری باید شخصیت افراد مد نظر قرار بگیره؟
موفق باشید
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name
– Can I see your ID
– Where are you from
– Do you work or study
– What do you do after work
– Do you use public transport
– What type of transport do use most often
– How can the city transport system be improved
Cue Card
Talk about online shopping. Please say:
– What did you buy online recently
– Why did you buy online
– Were you happy with the product
– Do you see a difference between restaurants here and in your home country
– Would you like to be a news reporter
– What qualities should you have to become a news reporter
– Do you watch local or world news mostly
– Do you prefer to read news in a newspaper or online? Why
– Do you share news with your co-workers or friends
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name
– Can I see your ID
– Where are you from
– Do you work or study
– Do you prefer international or local news
– Would you like to become a news reporter
– Do you discuss news with your friends
Cue Card
Talk about an old person whom you know. Please say
– How did you meet him/her
– Why is he/she important to you
– What personality does this person have
– Why are elderly people important for us
– Is it better to care for the elderly at home or in a nursing home
– What qualities should one have to take care of the elderly
– What can the elderly teach young people
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What was your favorite toy as a child?
– Why did you like it so much?
– Do you still have it?
– Would you buy the same toy for your children?
Cue Card
Describe your favorite street in the city/town where you live. Please say:
– Where is it?
– What do you like about it?
– How often do you go there?
What do you know about internet shopping?
– Do you shop online?
– Do you find it useful?
– What are the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping?
– How often do you shop online?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– When is your most productive part of the day?
– Why can’t you maintain the same level of energy during other parts of the day?
– Why don’t you like mornings?
– Do you like to walk in the forest or bush?
– Do you like hanging out with your friends a lot
Cue Card
Describe a country that you would like to visit (other then your own country). Please say
– Where is it?
– What do you know about it?
– How did you become interested in this country?
– What is the most interesting thing about this country
– Should countries spend money on international tourism?
– What are the benefits of international tourism?
– Why do people travel to foreign countries for holidays?
– What damages can be done to a country by international tourism?
– Why do you think so
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What kind of buildings do you have in your country?
– Are there more ancient or modern buildings?
– Describe one of the buildings’ designs in your country.
– Describe the building you live in.
– Is it important for you to relax?
– What do you do to relax?
– Why do we need to relax?
Cue Card
Describe an old friend that you have met recently. Please say
– Who is he/she?
– Where did you meet him/her?
– How did you meet in the first place?
– Is there a difference in friendship with people you meet occasionally and friends you made in school or university?
– Are you still in contact with your friends from school/university?
– On what occasions do we usually meet new friends?
– In your country, where do usually children meet new friends
کاربر مهمان
Cue Card
Talk about cooking at your home. Please say- Who usually cooks in your home?
– What did you cook in your first time?
– Do people watch cooking programs in your country? Why
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Do you work or do you study?
– What do you do at work?
– Does your name have a meaning?
– Is your name popular in your country?
– What are the common names in your country?
Cue card
Talk about one of the occasions when you used public transport. Please say:
– Where did you go?
– Why did you use public transport?
– Describe your experience.
– Do you think people should use public transport more often than driving their own car?
– What do you think the government should do to encourage people to take public transport more often?
– What environmentally-friendly public transport solutions do you think the government should invest in?
– What do you think the government should do to discourage people from buying private cars
کاربر مهمان
What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Where do you live?
– Is it your own house or rented?
– What is your favorite place in your house? Why?
– What form of advertisement do you prefer: newspaper, radio or TV?
– What do you think about such a rapid development of mobile phones?
– Would you buy the latest mobile phone available? Why?
Cue Card
Talk about a comedy movie that you have watched recently and that made you laugh. Please say- What movie was it?
– Why was it so funny?
– Would you recommend it to others?
– What is your opinion about humor?
– How important is it in life?
– Do you think it is important to use humor when teaching children in school?
– Do you think it is important to learn other people’s culture to be able to understand foreign comedy/humor?
– Do you think it is important to introduce humor in international business?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you find your job hard sometimes? Why?
– Do you write in your office?
– What do you have to write?
– Do you prefer hand-writing or typing? Why?
– What did you write in school?
– Do you have any plan to write in the future?
– What do you usually do after work?
Cue Card
Talk about a job that has changed your life. Please say
– What is it?
– What are its effects on your life?
– How did it change your life?
– Describe your daily tasks.
– Do you think changes are happening very fast nowadays?
– Do you think changes are a good or a bad thing?
– Do you think children should have changes in their lives?
کاربر مهمان
سلام به همه من هم امروز در استرالیا امتحان اسپیکینگ داشتم و مو ضوعاتم این بودکه
۱- what do you do
۲- Do you study very hard?
۳- What kind of household works do you do at home?
۴- Which of them do you dislike most?
۱- Describe a person who has an important job
۲- why do you think it is important
۳- Where does she work
۴- What does he/she do?
۱- what are the important factors for leaving a job
۲- Do you think Colleagues are important in job satisfaction
۳- What are the other important factors in addition to money and salary
چند تا سوال هم در مورد اینکه از چه نوع موزیکی خوشم میاد و چرا؟ اینکه آیا کودکان هم باید موسیقی یاد بگیرند یا نه؟ هم ازم پرسیدند
کاربر مهمان
من دیروز امتحان داشتم؛ آقای مطهری
part 1
at what time of day do you work best
cue card
Talk about a time when someone taught you how to do something
what was it
who taught you
how easy did you find it
and explain how it influenced you…….
part 3
distant education
Do children learn from their father or mother
what should preschoolers learn at home
what difficulties do parents have when teaching something to their kids
why old people learn less at a lower rate than young people
کاربر مهمان
What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you think your work is demanding?
– How many hours do you like to sleep at night?
– Do you think older people need less sleep than young people?
Cue Card
Describe a game (not a sport) that you used to play as a child. Please say- What was it?
– Where did you play it?
– Whom did you play with?
– Did you enjoy it? Why?
Do you think games children play today have changed over the years?
– Should adults play games?
– Do you think it’s beneficial for employers to organize games for their staff?
– Do adults play games in your country?
– Should every large residential area have recreational facilities?
– Who should fund these facilities?
– Are recreational facilities in your home country different compared to Australia
کاربر مهمان
سلام من هم پنج شنبه شیراز امتحان دادم، اسپیکینگ نسبتا سخت بود. برای من درباره تکنولوژی بود و تفاوت کاربرد تکنولوژی برای مردان و زنان!!!و از این جور سوالات که به فارسی هم میخواستم حرف بزنم نیم ساعتی باید فکر می کردم!!!برای یکی از دوستانم هم یک مرد سالخورده معروف که به تازگی مرده است را توصیف کن (فقط مانده بود اسم کشور، شهرش و شماره شناسنامش هم می گفت).
خلاصه به نظر من صرفنظر از نمره هایی که می دهند (چون از هر کی پرسیدم میگه نمره اسپیکینگش از همه اسکیلاش بهتر شده!) امتحان اسپیکینگ داره رو به سختی می گراید!دیگه از سولات تکراری خبری نیست و اون روش هم که با خودت حرف بزنی و تمرین کنی جواب نمیده، باید تو جمع باشی و حرف بزنی باید کلاس بری و یا سه چهار نفر بشید با هم حرف بزنید موضوع هم هر چی که به ذهن برسه از جنگ جهانی گرفته تا شیوه تدریس در مدارس و یا نقش تکنولوژی در زندگی امروزه.
در یک کلام باید ذهنت از منظر انگلیسی آماده آماده باشه چون اونجا فقط این به کمکت می آید نه جملاتی که حفظ کردی و نه مونولوگ های تمرین شده در خانه
کاربر مهمان
سوالی که از یکی از دوستام پرسیدن :
راجع به یه وسیله ای که اخیرا خریدی و برات کاربردهای زیادی داشته:
-اون وسیله چی بود؟
-کی خریدیدیش؟
-برای چی خریدیش؟
-چه کمکی بهت کرد و چه کارایی باهاش انجام دادی؟
کاربر مهمان
What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you live in a house or an apartment?
– Which room is your favorite? Why?
– Tell me about your favorite toy as a child.
– Did your parents give it to you?
– What kind of toys do children like today?
– Do you still have any of your toys? Why?
– What is the meaning of your name?
– Do people of your country follow a traditional ritual to name their children?
– How is it done?
Cue Card
Describe a recent event that made you feel happy. Please say
– When did it happen?
– Who were there with you?
– How did you feel after that event?
– Is it necessary to have good relationship with your colleagues at work?
– Does it contribute to the overall feeling of happiness?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you live in a house or an apartment?
– Do you like your house? Why?
– What house would like to have in the future?
– What do you do to relax?
– Do you think relaxation is important?
– Do you prefer to read a real newspaper or read the news online?
– Do you read world news or national news?
Cue Card
Describe an important plant in your country. Please say
– What is the plant?
– How do you know about this plant?
– How important is it for your country?
– Do you like this plant?
– Have you ever grown any plants?
– How important is the nature?
– Some people think that protecting the nature is not the job of individuals. Do you agree with that?
– What can you do to protect the nature?
– Is it more important to protect the nature now than it was in the past?
– What should the government do to protect the nature?
کاربر مهمان
دانشگاه آزاد-تهران
Part 1
Are you a student or do you work
what is your job
Do you like your job
Have you ever been doubtful about your job:whether you should work or not
what do you do in your spare time
do you like music
in your opinion,should children learn to play an instrument
Part 2
“who is the politest person you know
how do you know her/him
Why do you consider him/her as the politest”
part 3
What do people do in your country to be polite
Do you think children should be taught to be polite in schools
Some people do not respect others , why is that
Some people say that being polite can solve many of our world’s problems,do you agree
کاربر مهمان
من یکی از دوستام پریروز دانشگاه آزاد امتحان داشت :
Part1- about his job and historical places in Iran
part2-about a recent event in his life
part3-more questions about historical places and events and their importance reasons
کاربر مهمان
What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– What should I call you?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you live in a house or an apartment?
– What is your favorite room?
– Do you plan to move in the future?
– Do you prefer to be busy or to have nothing to do?
– Was there a time when you were stressed out because of a busy schedule?
Cue Card
Talk about a photograph that you like. Please say
– What is on that picture?
– When was it taken and by whom?
– Why do you like it?
– Do you think there is a benefit to including images in an advertisement?
– Do you think sometimes particular images should not be shown?
– Do you think it is important that images are included in the news?
– Do you remember a particular photo that impressed you
کاربر مهمان
قسمت اول:
what kind of home do you live in? house or apartment?
Do you like your home? why?
what kind of home do you like to have in the future?
how much sleep do you need?
what do you do to have a better sleep?
قسمت ۲ و ۳
Describe a game that you used to play as a child (can not be sport)
how children’s games today is different than the past?
do adults play games? why?
how is adult games different from children game?
is invention of new games helpful to children?
کاربر مهمان
about your job تکراری
making friends in your workplace
about patience تکراری
about clothes now and your childhood تکراری
an occasion that you had visitors in your home اگه اشتباه نکرده باشم چون استرس داشتم!
about visiting in your country
in the past
staying in home of friends vs hotel
what facilities should hotels provide
کاربر مهمان
قسمت اول:
۱- نام و شغل و کارهایی که انجام میدهم.
۲- آدم صبوری هستی؟ چرا؟ اگه توایستگاه اتوبوس منتظر باشی عصبانی میشی؟
۳- اسمت را دوست داری؟ چه اسمهایی تو کشورت متداول هستند و چرا؟
قسمت دوم:
describe a TV program or movie which makes you laugh a lot
قسمت سوم:
۱- چه چیزی باعث میشه بچه ها بخندند؟
۲-آیا humor برای تدریس بچه ها خوبه؟
۳- آیا humor و خنده به بیماران کمک میکنه؟
کاربر مهمان
your full name?
do you live in an apartment or a house
where do you want to live in future?
it was about my favorite cloths
where have I bought it
why do I like it
when do I wear it
۳rd part
does your wife like it too
can we judge people by their cloths
describe a formal clothes people wear in your country
differences between men and women on what they wear
do people enjoy shopping
why some of them bring their friends for shopping
is it important what other people think about what you wear
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Do you work or study?
– What is your major?
– Describe your favorite style of clothes.
– Who picked your clothes in your childhood?
– What kind of toys did you have in your childhood?
– Do you keep any of your old toys now?
– Why do you keep it?
Cue Card
Describe an activity that you do to stay healthy. You should say:
– What do you do exactly?
– When have you started doing this activity?
– How much time do you spend on this activity weekly?
– Explain what benefits you get from this activity.
– In your country how do people try to keep fit?
– Do you think women and men in your country have equal conditions to do sport activities ?
کاربر مهمان
من امروز تهران ایلتس اسپیکینگ داشتم ببخشید اگر غلط گرامری یا املایی داشتم
Part 1:
talk about your job
do you like painting ?
why some people like painting?
do you like choose your cloths?
what kinds of cloths do you like ?
part 2:
talk about the party that you want to give for your family or friends
who will be invited
when would be the party
what will happened during the party
in what way parties are different with the past
talk about the traditional celebration in local area like city or villages
why parties are important for families
کاربر مهمان
نقش کتابخونه (کتابخونه ای که اخیرا رفتی، مزایا و معایبش) در زندگی امروز و کم اهمیت شدنش نسبت به گذشه بود.
(چجوری کتابخونه دارا میتونن مردم رو جذب کنن، مردم باید بلد باشن از کتابخونه استفاده کنن ؟ اونایی که توی کتابخونه کار میکنن چقدر باید با سیستم کتابخونه اشنا باشن، برای بچه ها لازمه که برن کتابخونه ؟ با پررنگ شدن IT چه تغییراتی توی سیستم کتابخونه ایجاد شده و …)
توی پارت ۱ هم بحث “قایق” طرح شد؛ که تاحالا سوار شدی ؟ دوست داری یه روز یه قایق بخری؟ مردم توی کشورت با قایق و کشتی سفر میکنن ؟!!! که جالب بود!! خونه ی مورد علاقه هم پرسید.
کاربر مهمان
بچه ها من امروز اسپیکینگ دادم
پارت اول: تو آپارتمان زندگی می کنی یا …… دوس داری خونه آینده ات چجوری باشه ؟ تو پارک وقت می گذرونی ؟ وقتی بچه بوودی پارک می رفتی؟ پارک رفتن خوبه بنطرت ؟ قایق سواری کردی؟ دوس داری قایق سواری کنی ؟ موضوع من اسباب بازی که دوره کودکی بازی می کردی بود. چی بود؟ چن سالت بود ؟ با کسی همبازی میشدی یا تنها بازی می کردی. احساست رو بگو درمورد بازی با اون اسباب بازی.
پارت ۳: بنظرت چه فاکتورهایی رو باید در خرید اسباب بازی برا بچه ها باید در نظر گرفت؟ اسباب بازی ها چه فرقی کردن در مقایسه با گذشته.
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Where did you live in your country of origin?
– What do you like about this place?
– Would you like to go back there in the future?
– What are the main attractions in your city?
– Do you work or study?
– Does anybody in your family have the same name as yours?
– Are there particular names that are more popular than others in your country?
Cue Card
Speak about a person that you like talking to. Please say
– Who is this person? Describe him/her.
– What do you usually talk about?
– Why do you like talking to this person?
– How do children learn to speak?
– Do you think adults speak to children differently then between themselves?
– Do you think human communication is different from that of animals?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Can you describe the weather in your country?
– What seasons are there in your country?
Cue Card
Describe a sport event that you have recently seen. Please say
– Where and when was it?
– What did you do there?
– Did you like/dislike it? Why?
– What is the most popular sport in your country?
– What sport are you interested in? Why
کاربر مهمان
امروز سه شنبه امتحان دادم خانم ناتاشا اگزمینرم بود.. چطوریه نمره دادنش؟؟؟؟
Tell me about your home.
Do you want to move to a new one?
which room do you like?
tell me about giving gift in your culture.
have you loved any gift?
do you like giving present?
do you care to the type of gift?
cue card:
talk about an outdoor activity that you want to do for the first time.
Part 3.
do outdoor activities have any effect on being healthy?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you live in a house or an apartment?
– Do you like your home?
– What will your future house look like?
– What public transport do you usually use?
– Do you think public transportation is expensive in your city?
– How often do you spend your time in the countryside?
– How will the countryside look in the future?
– Do you have any memories of nature from your childhood?
Cue Card
Describe a room in your house that you like the most. Please say
– What room is it?
– Why do you like it that much?
– What do you usually do there?
– How a room can be made a pleasant place?
– Do most people like big rooms or smaller ones? Why?
– Do you think everyone must have a private room?
– Does the appearance of an office have influence on customers? Why?
– Do you prefer to work in an open office or in a separate room?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What work do you do?
– Do you like boats?
– Have you been on a boat?
– Do you want to own a boat in the future? Why?
Cue Card
Talk about your favorite clothing. Please say
– Describe the clothing.
– Why is it your favorite?
– Where did you get it?
– What is the difference between the formal clothing in your country and in Australia?
– Which one do you like more?
– Is the formal clothing for men and women different in your country?
– Do you think old-fashioned clothing will be popular again? Why?
– Is this going to benefit tailors or fashion designers?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– What can I call you?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you work hard on weekdays?
– What do you do to relax on weekends?
– Do you share household chores?
– What type of household chores do you dislike?
– Should children be taught to help around the house? Why?
– What do you do to concentrate?
– In what activities do you need to concentration?
– What are the things that disturb you the most?
Cue Card
Describe somebody who is doing a great job. Please say
– Who is he/she?
– What job is it?
– Why do you think this job is important?
– Is everyone else thinking that his/her job is great?
– How do people select their career in you country?
– Where do they get advice about career?
– Do you think all jobs have value?
– How can we rank jobs?
– Do you think people that are offered unpleasant jobs should be paid more?
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you find difficult to concentrate sometimes?
– What do you do to overcome it?
– Do you think multitasking is necessary?
– Do you live in an apartment or a house?
– Do you like your home?
– What kind of house would you like to have in the future?
Cue Card
Describe a situation when you helped someone. Please say
– Who was that person?
– Why did he/she need your help?
– How did you help him/her?
– How did you feel about it?
– Will you help others in the future?
– How do you encourage children to help others?
– How do world social organizations such as Red Cross collect their funds worldwide?
– Do small non-government organizations always need big organizations’ help or can they collect funds themselves
کاربر مهمان
Tehran IELTS April 27
Part 1
where is the location of your home town in Iran
is it an interesting city ?
have you ever sent any post cards? to who?
have you ever received a post card ? for what occasion ?
Part 2
describe a team project you were a part of – in a job or education or etc
when was it ? what was it about ? what dd you learn from it ?
Part 3
do you think working in group is better than alone? why ?
what certain qualities should people who want to work in a group have ?
what do you think of the role of a leader in a group ?
do you think creative people should work alone or within a group ? why
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Describe your job.
– What is the most challenging part of your job?
– Describe your workplace.
– Do you like the people you work with?
– Do you have to work overtime?
– How many hours of sleep do you need a day? Why?
– Do you think sleep is important? Why?
– Do you think we need to sleep in the afternoon? Why?
– What music do you prefer?
– When do you usually listen to music?
– How does it affect you?
– What music do people in your country listen to?
Cue Card
Talk about a situation where you were late. Please say
– What were you late for?
– What caused you to be late?
– How did you feel about it?
– What is the importance of being on time?
– Do people in your country accept excuses for being late?
– Is it important to be on time at your work
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– How can I call you?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you like this job? Why?
– Would you encourage others to do this job?
– What kinds of entertainment do people in your area like the most?
– What entertainment did you like as a child?
– Do you use the Internet a lot?
– Would you rather send an email or a card?
– Do you keep cards that you receive?
Cue Card
Talk about a garden that you have visited and liked. Please say
– What and where is it?
– What kind of people are visiting there?
– What kind of activities are there?
– Do you think gardens have to be built within city boundaries?
– Do you think the government has to allocate more money to gardens?
– Among the elderly and the young, which group do you think enjoys gardens more
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you have a big family?
– Please describe your family.
Cue Card
Describe a person whom you admire the most in the family. Please say
– Who is he/she?
– What are his/her qualities?
– Why do you admire him/her so much?
– Who is important in your family: the father or the mother?
– How should parents look after their children?
– How should working parents look after their children?
– Do children get sufficient love and affection from their parents these days?
– What do you think about relationships between teenagers and their parents nowadays
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Tell me about your job.
– What is the most challenging part of your job?
– Would you recommend it to others?
– Do you think that you are overloaded?
– What do you usually do after work?
– What time do you usually get up? Why?
– What is the ideal time for sleep?
– Is excessive sleep dangerous?
– What transportation do you often use?
– How would you improve the public transportation?
– Who do you think uses the internet the most in your country?
– What is the difference in internet use between different age groups?
– Do you know anyone who doesn’t use the internet?
– What is the life like for those people who don’t use the internet?
Cue Card
Talk about your favorite website for online purchasing. Please say
– What website is it?
– How did learn about it?
– What do you buy there?
– What are the benefits of the internet?
– Should internet use be compulsory for all students? Why?
– Can elderly people benefit from using the internet, as well
کاربر مهمان
What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What is the most used kind of transport in your country? Why?
– What needs to be done to encourage people to use public transport?
– Does your job require concentration and attention to detail?
– How do you concentrate, when you need to?
Cue Card
Describe an event where it was very crowded. Please say
– What event was it?
– Why did you attend it?
– How did you feel at the event?
– What do you think about traveling in groups?
– What are the advantages or disadvantages of such a trip?
– Who do you think travels in groups more: younger or older people
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Where do you stay?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do for a living (what job)?
– What is the most interesting place in the city that you would recommend to visit?
– Do you think gardens are important for people in the city area?
– What kind of building design is popular now?
– Would you like to be an architect, if you had a chance?
Cue Card
Describe a seminar or a speech that you have attended. Please say
– What kind of seminar/speech was it?
– Where was the seminar/speech held and who was the speaker?
– Was it helpful for you in some way?
– Why do people get nervous when they speak in public?
– How can they improve their public speaking skills
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you live in a house or an apartment?
– Do you like your home?
– What would your dream home look like?
– What old building do tourists usually visit in your country?
Cue Card 1
Describe your favorite room at home. Please say
– What are the main features of this room?
– Why do you like to spend your time there?
– What do you usually do there?
Discussion 1
– Do you use a boat?
– What do people in your country use boats for?
– Would you like to have your own boat? Why?
Cue Card 2
Talk about your favorite subject at school/university. Please say
– What was the subject?
– What did you learn about?
– Why was it your favorite subject?
Discussion 2
– What do you think about new methods of teaching children?
– What are those methods?
– Do you think our current education system will change in the future
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Do you work or study?
– Where are you from?
– Can you describe the seasons in your country?
– Do you like when it’s raining?
– Do you like cold or hot weather?
– Do you think there was a major change in climatic conditions recently?
Cue Card
Talk about traditional events in your hometown. Please say
– Why do you celebrate them?
– When do they take place?
– What is the importance of these events?
– What traditional clothing do people wear during these celebrations?
– Why don’t young people wear traditional clothing most of the time?
– Do you think people would continue to wear traditional clothing?
– What do you think about modern clothing?
– Do you like it or not?
– Why traditions are important to the society?
– Do you think traditions are transferable?
– Are there any changes in the event duration compared with old days
کاربر مهمان
من ۱۳ آپریل امتحان داشتم. روز اسپیکینگ از من راجع به خودم و شهرم پرسید. بعدش کارتم راجع به یه تیم ورک بود و اینکه من توش چیکاره بودم و چی وکجا بوده و اینا. آخرشم پرسید چیکار کنیم بچه ها تیم ورکشون قوی بشه و یه سری سوال راجع به سیستم آموزشی کشور پرسید.
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Do you work or study?
– Where are you from?
Cue Card
Describe a dish that you’re frequently having. Please say
– What is this dish?
– How is it prepared?
– Why do you particularly like it?
– Have eating habits changed over time in your country?
– What are the disadvantages of today’s diet?
– Should children be taught in schools how to eat properly
کاربر مهمان
– What is your name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where do you live?
– What entertainment facilities are available in your hometown?
– What kind of entertainment did you like as a child?
– Do you prefer living in a big or a small city? Why?
– How is the weather in your country?
– What is the difference between climates in other countries and your country?
– What is your favorite season?
Cue Card
Describe a training session that you have enjoyed a lot. Please say:
– What was it for?
– What is the reason you liked it so much?
– Are you still in touch with your tutor?
– Do you believe that educational activities for children should involve fun?
– What skills are necessary to become a good teacher?
– Do you believe that physical education should be given free to everyone?
– Do you believe that people can learn new things at any age?
– Do you agree that every person should learn new skills regularly? Why
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you do any household chores?
– Are there chores that you don’t like doing?
– Do you feel that you have to work too hard at times?
– What do you do to relax?
– Do you think people have more time to relax now than in the past?
Cue Card
Describe a situation when you were late. Please say
– What was the event you were late for?
– What was the reason that you were late?
– How did you feel about it?
– All questions that followed were about time and our concept of time
کاربر مهمان
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What is the most difficult task in your job?
– Would you recommend this job to someone? Why?
– Do you use bags?
– What are the qualities in a bag that you look for when choosing one?
Cue Card
Describe a team project you have been involved in recently. Please say
– What project was it?
– When did it happen?
– Were you happy with the results or not? Why?
– Are you still in touch with the team members?
– What features of a team are important to its success?
– Do you think working alone is good in certain cases? Why?
– Do you think some people cannot work in a team? Why
کاربر مهمان